Normalizing Y-Axis in Histograms in R Ggplot to Proportion by Group

Normalizing y-axis in histograms in R ggplot to proportion by group

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Using y=..density.. scales the histograms so the area under each is 1, or sum(binwidth*y)=1. As a result, you would use y = binwidth*..density.. to have y represent the fraction of the total in each bin. In your case, binwidth=0.5.

IMO this is a little easier to interpret:

Sample Image


Normalizing y-axis in histograms in R ggplot to proportion

Note that ..ncount.. rescales to a maximum of 1.0, while ..count.. is the non scaled bin count.

ggplot(mydataframe, aes(x=value)) +

Which gives:

Sample Image

Normalizing y-axis in density plots in R ggplot to proportion by group

For those still interested. The answer is rather simple. First create a separate column with the relative group sizes and use that column in ggplot.

unique_episodes = bp_combi %>% group_by(dataset) %>% count(dataset)
data2 = merge(x = bp_combi, y = unique_episodes, by = "dataset", all.x = TRUE)

combi_dens = ggplot(bp_combi,
y=(..count..)/n*1000, fill=dataset)) +
geom_density(bw = 1, alpha=0.4, size = 1.5 )

how can I plot a histogramme with y axis representing proportion of observations in a bin with geom_histogram?

I think this is what you're looking for:

ggplot(data=diamonds, aes(x=carat)) +  
geom_histogram(aes(y = stat(count/sum(count))),
binwidth = 0.1, position="identity",
fill = "white", colour = "black")

Sample Image

Plotting the proportion of a categorial variable on the y-axis in R using ggplot with a numerical x-axis

You can summarize the data with dplyr and then plot the summarized data frame rather than the original data frame


df %>%
group_by(age) %>%
summarise(p = mean(result == 'y')) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = age, y = p)) +
geom_point() +

Sample Image

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