Make R Studio Plots Only Show Up in New Window

Make R Studio plots only show up in new window

The function will open a new plot window, which then becomes the target for all plots.

If you wish to open another window you can run the command a second time to open a second window. will shut down the window (in the order they were opened by default).

You can see how to control multiple graphics devices in the documentation here.

How to plot in RStudio and not have a new window pop up (R Graphics: Device (ACTIVE)?

For others who like me may still encounter this issue:

This is probably caused by an R update to 3.3.2 and is fixed by installing a newer version of RStudio. In my case 1.0.136 did the trick.

Is it possible to plot in new window by default in R?

I think this should do what you want.


Rstudio - How to show plot output in bottom right pane?

I have version 1.0.44 of RStudio on a mac - you are using RMarkdown, which, by default in recent versions, causes output to be shown inline within the markdown page.

To undo this behavior, open RStudio->Preferences, and select the R Markdown group on the left. Uncheck the box that says "Show output inline for all R Markdown documents".


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