Long and Wide Data - When to Use What

Long and wide data – when to use what?

Hadley Wickham's Tidy Data paper, and the tidyr package that is his (latest) implementation of its principles, is a great place to start.

The rough answer to the question is that data, during processing, should always be long, and should only be widened for display purposes. Be cautious with this, though, as here "long" refers more to "tidy", rather than the pure long form.


Take, for example, the mtcars dataset. This is already in tidy form, in that each row represents a single observation. So "lengthening" it, to get something like this

        model type   value
1 AMC Javelin mpg 15.200
2 AMC Javelin cyl 8.000
3 AMC Javelin disp 304.000
4 AMC Javelin hp 150.000
5 AMC Javelin drat 3.150
6 AMC Javelin wt 3.435

is counterproductive; mpg and cyl are not comparable in any meaningful way.

Taking the ChickWeight dataset (which is in long form) and transforming it to wide by time

ChickWeight %>% spread(Time, weight)
Chick Diet 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 21
1 18 1 39 35 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2 16 1 41 45 49 51 57 51 54 NA NA NA NA NA
3 15 1 41 49 56 64 68 68 67 68 NA NA NA NA
4 13 1 41 48 53 60 65 67 71 70 71 81 91 96
5 9 1 42 51 59 68 85 96 90 92 93 100 100 98
6 20 1 41 47 54 58 65 73 77 89 98 107 115 117
7 10 1 41 44 52 63 74 81 89 96 101 112 120 124
8 8 1 42 50 61 71 84 93 110 116 126 134 125 NA
9 17 1 42 51 61 72 83 89 98 103 113 123 133 142
10 19 1 43 48 55 62 65 71 82 88 106 120 144 157
11 4 1 42 49 56 67 74 87 102 108 136 154 160 157
12 6 1 41 49 59 74 97 124 141 148 155 160 160 157
13 11 1 43 51 63 84 112 139 168 177 182 184 181 175

gives a visualization that may be useful, but for data analysis purposes, is very inconvenient, as computing things like growth rate become cumbersome.

linear model: long or wide data frame?

Long format is almost definitely better. If you fit the model in long format R will convert the factor variable into a set of binary (dummy) variables using a contrast matrix; this is a little bit confusing but will allow you to make various comparisons among groups.

Using equatiomatic::extract_eq(), we get

latex equation

You may also want to try the interaction model Total_Orders ~ Spend*Source_Group, which will allow you to compare the differences in the effect of spending on total orders across source groups, i.e. how does the expected change in total orders per unit of increase in spending (the beta_1 parameter above) differ between source groups?

more complex latex equation

I pasted the extract_eq() results into https://quicklatex.com/ to get the LaTeX renderings

How to reshape data from long to wide format

Using reshape function:

reshape(dat1, idvar = "name", timevar = "numbers", direction = "wide")

How to summarise long data into new wide format variables and keep improtant group information in R

Perhaps something like this?

I bind one version of the data that counts each id-sample_type with another version of the data that just counts each id (this version called "test"). Then we can pivot the combined data set to provide the summary columns of your example.

example_data %>% count(id, sample_type),
example_data %>% count(id) %>%
mutate(sample_type = "test")) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = sample_type, values_from = n,
names_glue = "{sample_type}_freq")


# A tibble: 7 x 5
id blood_freq sputum_freq csf_freq test_freq
<dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 1 2 1 NA 3
2 2 1 NA NA 1
3 3 NA NA 1 1
4 4 1 NA 1 2
5 5 NA 3 NA 3
6 6 1 1 NA 2
7 7 NA NA 2 2

To the latter part of your question, you write "Ultimately I would like to say that x many subjects had y many sputum tests sent, and x many had y many blood and z many sputums etc."

You could do something like:

example_data %>% 
count(id, sample_type) %>%
count(sample_type, n)


Storing counts in `nn`, as `n` already present in input
ℹ Use `name = "new_name"` to pick a new name.
sample_type n nn
1 blood 1 3
2 blood 2 1
3 csf 1 2
4 csf 2 1
5 sputum 1 2
6 sputum 3 1

This tells us that 3 id's had one blood test, 1 id had 2 blood tests, 2 id's had 1 csf test, etc.

Or if we are interested in combinations of blood and sputum tests:

example_data %>% 
count(id, sample_type) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = sample_type, values_from = n) %>%
count(blood, sputum)


# A tibble: 5 x 3
blood sputum n
<int> <int> <int>
1 1 1 1
2 1 NA 2
3 2 1 1
4 NA 3 1
5 NA NA 2

This tells us only one id had 2 blood and 1 sputum test, but 2 had 1 test and no sputum. (btw you could add values_fill = 0 to the pivot_wider if you want to replace NAs with 0s.)

R: How to recode a wide data frame with repeating variables (time) into to long data?

We can use pivot_longer with names_pattern to capture the substring ((...)) from the column names to create the .value column and the 'time' column

pivot_longer(df, cols = -c(ID, group), names_to = c(".value", "time") ,
names_pattern = "(\\w+)_\\D+(\\d+)")


# A tibble: 10 × 5
ID group time Item1 Item2
<dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 0 1 4 3
2 1 0 2 5 3
3 2 1 1 4 4
4 2 1 2 4 3
5 3 0 1 5 3
6 3 0 2 4 4
7 4 1 1 4 5
8 4 1 2 5 3
9 5 0 1 3 3
10 5 0 2 4 5

The (\\w+) - captures one or more characters followed by the _ in the column name, and then any non-digits (\\D+) followed by the second capture group of one or more digits ((\\d+)), which corresponds to the .value (column values) and 'time' gets the digits suffix from the column name

Reshape wide data to long when variables have different naming pattern in R

reshape, pivot_longer, and pivot_wider are variations of the same idea. For any of them, you need a column that's unique for the data. So let's say you wanted to change all of the data into a longer format, then add a column with the row numbers and made that your independent column. In pivots in this answer, I just left the first column as the static field and pivoted everything else.

For the data you provided:


df1 <- pivot_longer(df, cols = r1weight:bmi2010, # inclusively all columns between
names_to = "fields", values_to = "values")
# # A tibble: 6 × 3
# id fields values
# <fct> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 00000001 r1weight 56
# 2 00000001 r2weight 57
# 3 00000001 r3weight 56
# 4 00000001 r4weight 56
# 5 00000001 r5weight 55
# 6 00000001 r1height 151

# frame is now 60 observations with three columns

I also created a data structure with all of the column names you provided. (df4 is a vector of the column names you provided in your question.)

df5 <- matrix(ncol = length(df4), nrow = 100, dimnames = list(1:100, df4))
colnames(df5)[c(1, 2, 319)]
# [1] "hhid" "rahhidpn.x" "hhidpn"

df5 <- as.data.frame(df5)

df6 <- pivot_longer(df5, cols = rahhidpn.x:hhidpn, # inclusively all columns between
names_to = "fields", values_to = "values")

# [1] 31800

# [1] 3

Reshaping from long to wide with multiple columns

pivot_wider may be easier

df %>%
mutate(time = str_c('t', time)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = time, values_from = c(age, height))


# A tibble: 2 × 5
PIN age_t1 age_t2 height_t1 height_t2
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1001 84 86 58 58
2 1002 22 24 60 62

With reshape from base R, it may need a sequence column

out <- reshape(transform(df, rn = ave(seq_along(PIN), PIN,
FUN = seq_along)), idvar = "PIN",
direction = "wide", timevar = "time", sep = "_")
out[!startsWith(names(out), 'rn_')]
PIN age_1 height_1 age_2 height_2
1 1001 84 58 86 58
3 1002 22 60 24 62

Combine long-format data frames with different length and convert to wide format

Using data.table

dcast(setDT(fd), id ~ paste0('x.time', time), value.var = 'x')


   id x.time1 x.time2 x.time3 x.time4 x.time5
1: 1 0 0 0 0 0
2: 2 NA NA NA NA 1
3: 3 NA NA 0 NA NA
4: 4 NA 0 0 NA NA
5: 5 0 NA NA NA NA

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