Knitr - Figure Captions Above

Caption above figure in html Rmarkdown

For HTML output, you may set the chunk option fig.topcaption = TRUE to place captions above figures. Below is a minimal example (it works for both html_document and bookdown's HTML output formats):

title: "Reprex"
html_document: null
bookdown::html_document2: null

```{r, fig.cap='A caption.', fig.topcaption=TRUE}

Caption above the figure

Caption above figure using knitr (LaTeX/PDF)

Try using hook:

f <- function(x, options) {
"\\caption{", options$capT, "}\n",
hook_plot_tex(x, options),
"\n\\begin{kframe}", sep = "")
knit_hooks$set(plot = f)

<<a-plot, echo=TRUE, capT="cap, cap, and cap">>=

Sample Image

Figures captions and labels in knitr

You can achieve this by including fig_caption: yes in the header:

title: "Plotting"
fig_caption: yes

```{r figs, echo=FALSE, fig.width=7,fig.height=6,fig.cap="\\label{fig:figs}plotting example"}
plot(1:10, col=2)
plot(density(runif(100, 0.0, 1.0)))
plot(runif(100, 0.0, 1.0),type="l")

in Figure \ref{fig:figs} we see examples of plotting in R.

click here to see a screenshot

Note that the figure caption label should be included in the caption with a double backslash, as shown above.

How to make a figure caption in Rmarkdown?

Please see the documentation of R Markdown for PDF output, and in particular, look for fig_caption. Figure captions are turned off by default in R Markdown, and you have to turn them on (fig_caption: true). You can also find this setting from the gear button on the toolbar of RStudio IDE.

How to hold figure position with figure caption in pdf output of knitr?

As Yihui mentioned in his answer (Figure position in markdown when converting to PDF with knitr and pandoc), we cannot expect too much about formatting from mardown. To workaround this problem, just write some R scripts to replace htbp to H.

Compared with knit from knitr package, I found render from rmarkdown is better to export a tex file. Just remember to add keep_tex: yes in the yaml header of your rmarkdown file.

x <- readLines('filepath.tex')
pos <- grep('begin\\{figure\\}\\[htbp\\]', x)
x[pos] <- gsub('htbp', 'H', x[pos])
writeLines(x, 'filepath.tex')
tools::texi2pdf('filepath.tex', clean = TRUE) # gives foo.pdf


Rmarkdown figure caption not printing correctly

It seems like a code chunk problem. Try this:

```{r top_3pt_scorers, echo = FALSE}

top_3pt_shooters <- NBAdf %>%
filter(PTS_TYPE == 3) %>%
group_by(PLAYER_NAME) %>%
dplyr::summarize(Threes_attempted = n(), Threes_made = sum(as.numeric(FGM)),
Three_point_total = sum(PTS, na.rm = TRUE))

knitr::kable(head(top_3pt_shooters[order(top_3pt_shooters$Threes_made, decreasing = TRUE), ]),
caption = "The top 3 point scorers in the NBA")

You may use fig_caption = TRUE in your YAML header.

This may help you:

title: "Caption"
author: "bttomio"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
fig_caption: true

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

## Caption with kable

```{r dt}
dt <- mtcars[1:5, 1:6]
kbl(dt, caption = "Demo table", booktabs = T) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options =c("striped", "hold_position"))

```{r dt2}
dt <- mtcars[1:5, 1:6]
kbl(dt, caption = "Same demo table", booktabs = T) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options =c("striped", "hold_position"))


Sample Image

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