How to Write an Xts Object Using Write.CSV in R

can I write an xts object using write.csv in R

Yes you can, and the easiest way may be via write.zoo:

R> write.zoo
function (x, file = "", = "Index", row.names = FALSE,
col.names = NULL, ...)
if (is.null(col.names))
col.names <- !is.null(colnames(x))
dx <-
stopifnot(all(names(dx) !=
dx[[]] <- index(x)
dx <- dx[, c(ncol(dx), 1:(ncol(dx) - 1))]
write.table(dx, file = file, row.names = row.names, col.names = col.names,
<environment: namespace:zoo>

and here is a complete example:

R> mat <- matrix(rnorm(20),5,4, dimnames=list(NULL, LETTERS[1:4]))
R> mat
[1,] -2.5304768 0.5454043 0.754670 0.330617
[2,] -0.5199045 0.3943289 -1.271524 -2.243113
[3,] -0.0996277 -0.0513063 -0.846310 -0.140727
[4,] 0.3819981 0.5230709 1.131108 2.398311
[5,] 1.4366976 -1.7750772 0.193936 1.047754
R> xmat <- xts(mat, + seq(-4,0))
R> xmat
2012-01-19 -2.5304768 0.5454043 0.754670 0.330617
2012-01-20 -0.5199045 0.3943289 -1.271524 -2.243113
2012-01-21 -0.0996277 -0.0513063 -0.846310 -0.140727
2012-01-22 0.3819981 0.5230709 1.131108 2.398311
2012-01-23 1.4366976 -1.7750772 0.193936 1.047754

So now that we have our data, it is just a matter of writing it:

R> write.zoo(xmat, file="/tmp/demo.csv", sep=",")
R> system("cat /tmp/demo.csv")

Edit on 25 Jan 2012 Use row.names=FALSE, not TRUE to suppress double row names. And as row.names=FALSE is the default, remove it from the call.

export XTS to CSV, with separate columns

You need sep=",".

Directly from the help for write.zoo:

read.zoo and write.zoo are convenience functions for reading and writing "zoo"
series from/to text files. They are convenience interfaces to read.table and
write.table, respectively.

... further arguments passed to read.table, write.table, or read.zoo, respectively.

Hence, this should work:


Write xts/zoo object to csv with index

The date does show up. Here is a reproducible example:

dfA = read.table(textConnection(' HAM1    HAM2    HAM3    HAM4    HAM5    HAM6 "EDHEC LS EQ"  SP500 "TR US 10Y" "TR US 3m TR"
1996-01-31 0.0074 NA 0.0349 0.0222 NA NA NA 0.034000 0.00380 0.00456
1996-02-29 0.0193 NA 0.0351 0.0195 NA NA NA 0.009300 -0.03532 0.00398
1996-03-31 0.0155 NA 0.0258 -0.0098 NA NA NA 0.009600 -0.01057 0.00371
1996-04-30 -0.0091 NA 0.0449 0.0236 NA NA NA 0.014700 -0.01739 0.00428
1996-05-31 0.0076 NA 0.0353 0.0028 NA NA NA 0.025800 -0.00543 0.00443
1996-06-30 -0.0039 NA -0.0303 -0.0019 NA NA NA 0.003800 0.01507 0.00412
1996-07-31 -0.0231 NA -0.0337 -0.0446 NA NA NA -0.044200 -0.00100 0.00454
1996-08-31 0.0395 -0.0001 0.0461 0.0351 NA NA NA 0.021100 -0.00448 0.00451
1996-09-30 0.0147 0.1002 0.0653 0.0757 NA NA NA 0.056300 0.02229 0.00470
1996-10-31 0.0288 0.0338 0.0395 -0.0180 NA NA NA 0.027600 0.02869 0.00428'), header = TRUE)

row.names(dfA) = as.Date(dfA$, format = '%Y-%m-%d')
dfA$ = NULL
write.csv(dfA, file = 'delete.txt', row.names = TRUE)


zoo will lead to similar handling:

zooA = as.zoo(dfA, = row.names(dfA))
write.csv(zooA, file = 'delete.txt', row.names = TRUE)


Update 2

Turns out that OP has an xts object that has anindex attribute rather than a rownames attribute, which can be written out using a call to write.zoo rather than write.csv (which looks for rownames).

write list of xts objects to excel

If you're going to read your list of xts objects into Excel, you probably need to convert it to a flat file. The code below transforms each xts object into a data frame with each row containing the xts object name, and its dates and values. The map_dfr function from the purrr package in tidyverse is used to loop over the xts objects in the list and combine the results into a single data frame.

# combine list of xts objects into a single data frame with equity names and dates

df_out <- map_dfr(blowup.instances, function(y) data_frame(Name = names(y), Date = index(y), value=as.vector(coredata(y))) )
# write as csv flat file
write.csv(df_out, file="blowupInstances.csv", row.names = FALSE)

The data frame written to the file is

# A tibble: 4 x 3
Name Date value
<chr> <date> <dbl>
1 AERI.US.Equity 2018-06-27 -0.5
2 SRPT.US.Equity 2018-06-26 -0.64
3 SRPT.US.Equity 2018-06-27 -0.55
4 PTCT.US.Equity 2018-06-20 -0.7

where the data a simple example set I made.

Write ZOO (XTS) object into CSV file by separating index column into two columns

y <- data.frame(
date=format(index(x), '%Y-%m-%d'),
time=format(index(x), '%H:%M:%S'),
write.csv(y, ...)

Can I write xts objects to excel including the row names

Consider changing the zoo object to a data.frame with first column as row names and then writeData

tempX <- fortify.zoo(tempX)
writeData(wb, sheet = outputName, tempX, rowNames = FALSE, keepNA = TRUE)
saveWorkbook(wb, outputFileName, overwrite = TRUE)


Sample Image

R: Export specific value class from xts objects

Found a solution. Didn't recognize that value classes in xts objects can be called like columns in a data frame.

Used the following loop to export the specific content from xts to csv.

for (n in c("vol1", "vol2", "vol3", "vol4", "vol5", "vol6", "vol7", "vol8")) {
v = get(n)
extr <- v[j = 'spot']
vola <-
myfile <- paste("Vola_Est_1Min_",n,".csv", sep="")
write.csv(vola, myfile)

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