How to Take a Rolling Product Using Data.Table

How do I take a rolling product using data.table

you can try

rollapply(dt, 3, FUN = prod)
[1,] 0.7200
[2,] 0.5400
[3,] 0.3000
[4,] 0.0375

To match the expected output

dt[, Prod.3 :=rollapply(x, 3, FUN=prod, fill=NA, align='left')]

Reducing rolling product data.table

You could use Reduce, with accumulate=TRUE option:


grp orderVal val prod
1: A 1 1.4 3.8416
2: A 2 1.4 2.7440
3: A 3 1.4 1.9600
4: A 4 1.4 1.4000
5: B 1 1.5 5.0625
6: B 2 1.5 3.3750
7: B 3 1.5 2.2500
8: B 4 1.5 1.5000

Apply a rolling function to a data.table in R with a custom window size

dt[, z := shift(frollapply(x, n = 5, FUN = min, fill = 0), n = 5, fill = 0)]
dt[, all.equal(y, z)] # TRUE

Rolling a function on two columns in data.table

For such recursive calculation you may use Reduce here :


dt[, v2 := Reduce(qma, v1[-1], init = first(v2), accumulate = TRUE)]

# date v1 v2
# 1: 2015-12-01 1 5.00000
# 2: 2015-12-02 2 7.00000
# 3: 2015-12-03 3 8.50000
# 4: 2015-12-04 4 9.75000
# 5: 2015-12-05 5 10.87500
# 6: 2015-12-06 6 11.93750
# 7: 2015-12-07 7 12.96875
# 8: 2015-12-08 8 13.98438
# 9: 2015-12-09 9 14.99219
#10: 2015-12-10 10 15.99609

Reduce when used with accumulate = TRUE performs recursive calculation output of which is dependent on previous output.

Take a simple example of calculating cumulative sum.

x <- 1:10
res <- Reduce(`+`, x, accumulate = TRUE)
#[1] 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55

res[1] is x[1], res[2] is res[1] + x[2], res[3] is res[2] + x[3] and so on.

Rolling by group in data.table R

When you use dt$return the whole data.table is picked internally within the groups. Just use the column you need in the function definition and it will work fine:

#use the column instead of the data.table
zoo_fun <- function(column, N) {
(rollapply(column + 1, N, FUN=prod, fill=NA, align='right') - 1)

#now it works fine
test[, momentum := zoo_fun(return, 3), by = sec]

As a separate note, you should probably not use return as a column or variable name.


> test
return sec momentum
1: 0.1 A NA
2: 0.1 A NA
3: 0.1 A 0.331
4: 0.1 A 0.331
5: 0.1 A 0.331
6: 0.2 B NA
7: 0.2 B NA
8: 0.2 B 0.728
9: 0.2 B 0.728
10: 0.2 B 0.728

Utilizing roll functions with data.table

As @Frank describes, the problem is that the result of roll_scale (and thus each element of lapply output) is a matrix. You can either use sapply instead of lapply, or put as.vector in your function definition.

DT[, RollingZScore := sapply(.SD, 
function(x) roll::roll_scale(as.matrix(x), width = 10, min_obs = 5)),
by = "group", .SDcols = "obs"]


DT[, RollingZScore := lapply(.SD, 
function(x) as.vector(roll::roll_scale(as.matrix(x), width = 10, min_obs = 5))),
by = "group", .SDcols = "obs"]

rolling weighted mean with data.table

"frollapply with a two column function": instead of rolling on the values, roll on the indices, and the internal function can use as many columns as desired.

 DT[, weighted_mean := frollapply(seq_len(.N),
FUN = function(ind) weighted.mean(value[ind], weight[ind]),
n = 3),
by = .(group)]
# group value weight weighted_mean
# <num> <int> <int> <num>
# 1: 1 1 11 NA
# 2: 1 2 12 NA
# 3: 1 3 13 2.055556
# 4: 1 4 14 3.051282
# 5: 1 5 15 4.047619
# 6: 2 6 16 NA
# 7: 2 7 17 NA
# 8: 2 8 18 7.039216
# 9: 2 9 19 8.037037
# 10: 2 10 20 9.035088

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