How to Spread Repeated Measures of Multiple Variables into Wide Format

How can I spread repeated measures of multiple variables into wide format?

Edit: I'm updating this answer since pivot_wider has been around for a while now and addresses the issue in this question and comments. You can now do

id_cols = 'Person',
names_from = 'Time',
values_from = c('Score1', 'Score2', 'Score3'),
names_glue = '{Time}.{.value}'

to get the desired result.

The original answer was

dat %>% 
gather(temp, score, starts_with("Score")) %>%
unite(temp1, Time, temp, sep = ".") %>%
spread(temp1, score)

Converting many variables from long to wide in R

You can create a unique identifier row for every family, id and time variable and then use pivot_wider.


D %>%
group_by(family, id, time) %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = time, values_from = c(x, y))

Convert wide data to long format for repeated measures/mixed models


tidyr::pivot_longer(wide, -Participant, names_to = "Item", values_to = "Accuracy")
# # A tibble: 9 x 3
# Participant Item Accuracy
# <chr> <chr> <int>
# 1 P1 Banana 0
# 2 P1 Apple 0
# 3 P1 Orange 0
# 4 P2 Banana 1
# 5 P2 Apple 1
# 6 P2 Orange 1
# 7 P3 Banana 0
# 8 P3 Apple 0
# 9 P3 Orange 0

NA values and extra rows when spreading repeated measures of multiple variables into wide format?

You are almost there. The lat and long go into different rows because their IndYear is different. As you only keep the first value of IndYear for each IndiDII in the final data.frame, add IndYear = first(IndYear) will give you the desired result.

Dat %>%  
group_by(IndIDII) %>%
mutate(YearNum = row_number(), IndYear = first(IndYear)) %>%
gather(Group, LatLong, c(WintLat, WintLong)) %>%
unite(GroupNew, YearNum, Group, sep = "-") %>%
spread(GroupNew, LatLong) %>%

# IndIDII IndYear 1-WintLat 1-WintLong 2-WintLat 2-WintLong 3-WintLat 3-WintLong 4-WintLat 4-WintLong
# 1 BHS_265 BHS_265-2015 47.61025 -112.7210 47.59884 -112.7089 NA NA NA NA
# 2 BHS_377 BHS_377-2015 43.34744 -109.4821 43.35559 -109.4445 43.35195 -109.4566 43.34765 -109.4892
# 3 BHS_770 BHS_770-2016 42.97379 -109.0400 42.97129 -109.0367 42.97244 -109.0509 NA NA

wide to long multiple measures each time

This is pretty close and changing the names of columns should be within your skillset:

varying=c(work= c(3, 7), play= c(4,8), talk= c(5,9), total= c(6,10) ),

EDIT: Adding a version that is almost an exact solution:

reshape(DF, varying=list(work= c(3, 7), play= c(4,8), talk= c(5,9), total= c(6,10) ), 
v.names=c("Work", "Play", "Talk", "Total"),
# that was needed after changed 'varying' arg to a list to allow 'times'
times=1:2, # substitutes number for T1 and T2
timevar="times") # to name the time col

Reshaping by ID number into wide format

Not so hard with tidyverse...

YEAR=c(1980,1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004),

df1 <- df %>% select(-3) %>% group_by(ID) %>% mutate(i=row_number()) %>% %>%
df1[] <- ""

df2 <- df %>% select(-2) %>% group_by(ID) %>% mutate(i=row_number()) %>% %>%
df2[] <- ""

#1 100 BA 1980
#2 101 BA MS PHD 1990 1992 1996
#3 102 BA 2000
#4 103 BA 2004

wide to long, multiple variables R

You can use pivot_longer :

cols = large_firm:large_hi,
names_to = c('firm_size', '.value'),
names_sep = '_')

# id sex age group firm_size firm hi
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 2 25 non_unique large 1 1
#2 1 2 25 non_unique small 3 6
#3 2 1 33 unique large 6 2
#4 2 1 33 unique small 1 4

To get your exact output shown you can use :


cols = large_firm:large_hi,
names_to = c('firm_size', '.value'),
names_sep = '_') %>%
mutate(hi_group = firm_size,
firm_size = paste(firm_size, 'firm', sep = '_')) %>%
rename(firm_preference_score = firm, hi_score = hi)

grouping table by multiple factors and spreading it from long format to wide - the data.table way in R

In data.table, we can group by multiple columns and to reshape we can use dcast.

dcast(mtcars[, .N, .(carb, cyl, gear)], carb+cyl~gear, value.var = "N")

# carb cyl 3 4 5
#1: 1 4 1 4 NA
#2: 1 6 2 NA NA
#3: 2 4 NA 4 2
#4: 2 8 4 NA NA
#5: 3 8 3 NA NA
#6: 4 6 NA 4 NA
#7: 4 8 5 NA 1
#8: 6 6 NA NA 1
#9: 8 8 NA NA 1

You may use fill argument in dcast to replace NAs with 0 or any other number.

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