How to Merge and Sum Two Data Frames

Pandas DataFrame merge summing column

In [41]: pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['id', 'name']).set_index(['id', 'name']).sum(axis=1)
id name
2 B 25
3 C 20
dtype: int64

how to merge two dataframes and sum the values of columns

I think need set_index for both DataFrames, add and last reset_index:

df = df1.set_index('Name').add(df2.set_index('Name'), fill_value=0).reset_index()
print (df)
Name class value
0 Ram 2.0 8.0
1 Sri 2.0 10.0
2 viv 7.0 8.0

If values in Name are not unique use groupby and aggregate sum:

df = df1.groupby('Name').sum().add(df2.groupby('Name').sum(), fill_value=0).reset_index()

Merge data frames and sum columns with the same name

One way would be:


bind_rows(df1, df2) %>%
#mutate_if(is.numeric, tidyr::replace_na, 0) %>% #in case of having NAs
group_by(country) %>%
summarise_all(., sum, na.rm = TRUE)

# # A tibble: 4 x 3
# country year1 year2
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 a 2 2
# 2 b 4 4
# 3 c 3 3
# 4 d 3 3

or a base r solution

aggregate(. ~ country, rbind(df1, df2), sum, na.rm = TRUE, na.action = NULL)

which would generate the same output.

How to merge and sum two data frames

With dplyr,


# add rownames as a column in each data.frame and bind rows
bind_rows(df1 %>% add_rownames(),
df2 %>% add_rownames()) %>%
# evaluate following calls for each value in the rowname column
group_by(rowname) %>%
# add all non-grouping variables

## # A tibble: 7 x 4
## rowname x y z
## <chr> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 A 1 2 3
## 2 B 2 3 4
## 3 C 4 6 8
## 4 D 6 8 10
## 5 E 8 10 12
## 6 F 4 5 6
## 7 G 5 6 7

Pandas- merging two dataframe by sum the values of columns and index

You can use :df1.add(df2, fill_value=0). It will add df2 into df1 also it will replace NAN value with 0.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df2 = pd.DataFrame([(10,9),(8,4),(7,np.nan)], columns=['a','b'])
>>> df1 = pd.DataFrame([(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)], columns=['a','b'])
>>> df1.add(df2, fill_value=0)

a b
0 11 11.0
1 11 8.0
2 12 6.0

Pandas Merge and Sum Data Frames

To join dataframes in pandas use pd.merge. In the given case join is applied on columns with similar names, thus it's enough to pass the list of those column names as on parameter:

merged = pd.merge(df_1, df_2, on=["ID1", "ID2"], how="left").fillna(0)

Next, calculate necessary columns using, for example, df.assign:

merged = merged.assign(
VAL1 = lambda x: x.VAL1_x + x.VAL1_y,
VAL2 = lambda x: x.VAL2_x + x.VAL2_y)


columns = df_1.columns 

>>> ID1 ID2 VAL1 VAL2
0 CAR RED 6.0 6.0
1 TRUCK RED 6.0 6.0
2 CAR BLUE 1.0 1.0

how to sum two dataframes python

Try this:

df = pd.concat([df1, df2]).groupby(['dt']).sum().reset_index()


PS: This is ensure all datetimes to exist.

multiply and sum two columns in two dataframes in Python

You will can just use pandas abstractions for it.

result = df['col1'] * df['col3']

If then you want to get the sum of those result values you can just do:


Python Pandas Summing columns in different data frames which have same column names, same index values but not same same length of index

No need to merge, let's use pandas intrinsic data aligment with indexes:

.add(df2.set_index("Buckets"), fill_value=0)\


  Buckets    EUR
0 20Y 200.0
1 25Y 200.0
2 30Y 200.0
3 35Y 200.0

Note: You can leave out the set_index if Buckets is already in the index.
Do, df1.add(df2, fill_value=0)

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