How to Draw Gridlines Using Abline() That Are Behind the Data

How do I draw gridlines using abline() that are behind the data?

The panel.first argument of plot() can take a list or vector of functions so you can put your abline() calls in there.

plot(1:4, panel.first = 
c(abline(h = 1:4, lty = 2, col = 'grey')
,abline(v = 1:4, lty = 2, col = 'grey')))

How to push an abline grid to the background in a plot?

This should work:

plot(NA, xlab="Tiempo", #Título de los ejes
ylab="Miles de millones de €",
main="PIB pm Demanda España (datos no ajustados de estacionalidad y calendario)",
xlim = c(1995, 2020),
ylim = c(0, 350),
xaxp = c(1995, 2019, 8))

abline(h = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350), col = "grey")
abline(v = c(1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019), col = "grey")

lines(Serie_PIB_NO_ajustados_hasta_2018, col="blue", lwd = 3)
lines(Serie_PIB_NO_ajustados_2019, col="green", lwd=3)

Plotting a grid behind data, not in front in R

This is relatively easy.

Generate the histogram but don't plot it.

h <- hist(y, plot = FALSE)

Now generate your base plot... I've added some features to make it look more like a standard historgram

plot(h$mids, h$counts, ylim = c(0, max(h$counts)), xlim = range(h$mids)*1.1, 
type = 'n', bty = 'n', xlab = 'y', ylab = 'Counts', main = 'Histogram of y')

add your grid


add your histogram

hist(y, add = TRUE)

Or, as I discovered through this process... you can do it even easier

hist(y, add = TRUE, col = 'white')

This last method is just redrawing the histogram over the grid.

How do I send my abline gridlines to appear behind my barplot data?

I would recommend using ggplot. With barplot in base R, you'd first create an empty plot, add abline, and then actual barplot.

d = table(mtcars$cyl)
#Empty plot
b = barplot(d, col = NA, border = NA)
#Horizontal Lines
abline(h = 0:16, col = "grey")
#Actual barplot
barplot(d, add = TRUE)

How to add background grid to plot with custom intervals in R?

The way to do this is as follows:

x = 1:10
y = 21:30
plot(x, y, yaxt="n", panel.first = c(abline(h = 21:30, col="grey")), pch=19)
axis(2, at=20:30, las=2)

Custom intervals can be specified by changing what gets filled into c in the panel.first argument. Meanwhile, the call to axis adds the labels. Finally, this ensures that the grid lines are indeed in the background of the image.

This is the image produced by this code:
Sample Image

R: plot line segment behind points in R

You can just add a second call to beeswarm at the end with the parameter add = TRUE.

I've made the dots bigger in this example so you can clearly see them plotted over the abline

beeswarm(b ~ a,data=testdf,col="red",bg="red",pch=21, cex = 5)
beeswarm(b ~ a,data=testdf,col="red",bg="red",pch=21, cex = 5, add = TRUE)

Sample Image

How to put gridlines behind boxplot in a pdf

Add a fill color to the second boxplot call:

boxplot(, par(cex.axis=0.5),ylim=c(-0.2,1),yaxt = "n")
axis(2, yaxp=c(-2, 1, 30),cex.axis=0.5)
abline(h=seq(-0.2,1,0.05),col="grey80", lty="dotted",lwd = 0.4)
abline(v=seq(1,9),col="grey80", lty="dotted",lwd = 0.4)
boxplot(,par(cex.axis=0.5),ylim=c(-0.2,1),add = TRUE,col="white")

draw a grid behind a plot with basic R

barplot(sleep$extra, col='red', panel.first=grid())

R draw (abline + lm) line-of-best-fit through arbitrary point

A rough solution would be to shift the origin for your model to that point and create a model with no intercept

nmod <- (lm(I(y-50)~I(x-10) +0, test))

abline(predict(nmod, newdata = list(x=0))+50, coef(nmod), col='red')

Sample Image

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