How to Create a R Timeseries for Hourly Data

How to Create a R TimeSeries for Hourly data

I think you should consider using ets from the package forecast to perform exponential smoothing. Read this post to have a comparison between HoltWinters and ets .


time_index <- seq(from = as.POSIXct("2012-05-15 07:00"),
to = as.POSIXct("2012-05-17 18:00"), by = "hour")
value <- rnorm(n = length(time_index))

eventdata <- xts(value, = time_index)

Now if you want to know more about the syntax of ets check the help of this function and the online book of Rob Hyndman (Chap 7 section 6)

How to get hourly average for a timeseries in R for a specified date range?

You can try this -


df %>%
mutate(month = month(time),
hour = hour(time)) %>%
filter(format(time, '%u') %in% 1:5, month %in% 1:3) %>%
group_by(hour) %>%
summarise(across(A:C, mean, na.rm =TRUE))

format(time, '%u') %in% 1:5 would keep only the weekdays (Mon-Fri), month %in% 1:3 would keep only the months Jan-Mar.

R - time series hourly

1) Assuming that the series starts at 3pm, that days are consecutive and all hours from 3pm to 10pm are present:

tser <- ts(DF[-1], freq = 8)


> tser
Time Series:
Start = c(1, 1)
End = c(1, 8)
Frequency = 8
hour Count Year Month Day
1.000 15 69 2001 1 1
1.125 16 12 2001 1 1
1.250 17 56 2001 1 1
1.375 18 34 2001 1 1
1.500 19 44 2001 1 1
1.625 20 91 2001 1 1
1.750 21 82 2001 1 1
1.875 22 49 2001 1 1

This will represent the index for day 1 3pm as 1.0, day 1 4pm as 1+1/8, day 1 5pm as 1+2/8, ..., day1 10pm as 1+7/8, day 2 3pm as 2, day 2 4pm as 2+1/8, etc.

2) This is the same but the days start at the number of days since 1970-01-01 instead of starting at 1:

tser <- ts(DF[-1], start = as.Date("2001-01-01"), freq = 8)


> tser
Time Series:
Start = c(11323, 1)
End = c(11323, 8)
Frequency = 8
hour Count Year Month Day
11323.00 15 69 2001 1 1
11323.12 16 12 2001 1 1
11323.25 17 56 2001 1 1
11323.38 18 34 2001 1 1
11323.50 19 44 2001 1 1
11323.62 20 91 2001 1 1
11323.75 21 82 2001 1 1
11323.88 22 49 2001 1 1

That is, this would represent each day as the number of days since 1970-01-01 plus, as before, 0, 1/8, ..., 7/8 for the hours.

If you later need to regenerate the date/time then:

tt <- as.numeric(time(tser))
as.chron(tt %/% 1) + (8 * tt%%1 + 15)/24


[1] (01/01/01 15:00:00) (01/01/01 16:00:00) (01/01/01 17:00:00)
[4] (01/01/01 18:00:00) (01/01/01 19:00:00) (01/01/01 20:00:00)
[7] (01/01/01 21:00:00) (01/01/01 22:00:00)

3) zoo If its not important to keep them equally spaced then you could try this:

z <- zoo(DF[-1], as.chron(format(DF$Date), "%d.%m.%Y") + DF$hour/24)


> z
hour Count Year Month Day
(01/01/01 15:00:00) 15 69 2001 1 1
(01/01/01 16:00:00) 16 12 2001 1 1
(01/01/01 17:00:00) 17 56 2001 1 1
(01/01/01 18:00:00) 18 34 2001 1 1
(01/01/01 19:00:00) 19 44 2001 1 1
(01/01/01 20:00:00) 20 91 2001 1 1
(01/01/01 21:00:00) 21 82 2001 1 1
(01/01/01 22:00:00) 22 49 2001 1 1

The zoo approach does not require that all hours be present nor is it required that the days be consecutive.

Note: I am not sure that you really need all the date and hour fields broken out separately since they can easily be generated on the fly so this might be enough.

Count <- z$Count

Year can be recovered via as.numeric(format(time(Count), "%Y")) and month, day and hour can be recovered by using %m, %d or %H in place of %Y.

A list of the month, day and year columns can also be generated using

years(time(Count)), months(time(Count)), days(time(Count)) and hours(time(Count)) will produce factors of the indicated quantities.

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