How to Convert a String in a Function into an Object

How to convert a string in a function into an object?

The trick is to use parse. For instance:

> x <- "A"
> eval(parse(text=paste("df$", x, sep = "")))
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

See also this Q/A: Evaluate expression given as a string

How to convert a string into an object with javascript and return some keys in snake_case?

You can use map and reduce:

function myOrder(str) {
return str.length === 0 ?
{} :
.map(s => s.match(/(?<qty>\d+)\s*(?<name>.+)/).groups)
.reduce((res, {name, qty}) => ({
...res, [name.replace(/\s/g, '_')]: +qty
}), {});

console.log( myOrder('') );
console.log( myOrder('2 coca cola, 4 beer') );
console.log( myOrder(' 46 foos & bars, 0fizz') );

Converting string to object with Javascript

"JwtBody { user_id: 1, auth_id: 1}" is obviously not a standard json string,So you can try this.

function strToObj(str){
var obj = {};
if(str&&typeof str ==='string'){
var objStr = str.match(/\{(.)+\}/g);
eval("obj ="+objStr);
return obj

Convert string object to object

So I tried to help

if (inlineScriptsTexts.includes('zvkDL '+'=')) {
const str = inlineScriptsTexts.trim()
.replace('zvkDL '+'=',"")

But the function is a BIG problem

// the reason it won't work:// this is as good as a representation of the object as can be made
const obj = { "language": "cs", "currency": "czk", "event": "akurva", "ecommerce": { "purchase": { "actionField": { "id": 555, "revenue": 535535, "shipping": 3535, } } }, "eventCallback": function() { setGTMcookie(555); }, // this will NOT be seen by JSON
"eventTimeout": 2000, "eventCookie": { "name": "dasd", "expires": "asdsadd", "value": "funguje to", } } console.log(JSON.stringify(obj))

window.onload = function() { let objExist = false; let inlineScripts = document.body; let inlineScriptsBlocks = Array.from(inlineScripts.getElementsByTagName('script')); inlineScriptsBlocks.forEach(scriptBlock => { let inlineScriptsTexts = scriptBlock.innerText; if (inlineScriptsTexts.includes('zvkDL '+'=')) { const str = inlineScriptsTexts.trim().replace('zvkDL '+'=',"").replace(/'/g,'"').replace(/\/\/.*?\n/g,"").replace(/\};/g,"}") console.log(str) console.log(JSON.parse(str)); } });}*/
<script>  zvkDL = {    'language': 'cs',    'currency': 'czk',    'event': 'akurva',    'ecommerce': {      'purchase': {        'actionField': {          'id': 555,          'revenue': 535535,          'shipping': 3535,        }      }    },    'eventCallback': function() {      setGTMcookie(555); // Jak se bude callback jmenovat nechám na vás. Jen to musí být srozumitelné. Pozor na scope JS callbacku.    },    'eventTimeout': 2000,    'eventCookie': {      'name': 'dasd',      'expires': 'asdsadd',      'value': 'funguje to',    }  };</script>

Convert function parameter in string into parameter in object

You could convert the string to an object that the function accepts.

function toObj(str) {
const a = str.split(/,.?/g);
return a.reduce((p, c) => {
const kv = c.replace(/'/g, '').split(':');
p[kv[0]] = kv[1];
return p;
}, {});

toObj(str); // { location: "L1", row_name: "r1", value: "18.4" }


Given a string describing a Javascript function, convert it to a Javascript function

There's also the Function object.

var adder = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b");

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