How to Calculate Cumulative Sum

How to calculate cumulative sum?

# replace the second column for the cumsum of the initial second column
data[, 2] <- cumsum(data[, 2])

How to calculate cumulative sum (reversed) of a Python DataFrame within given groups?

You can try with series groupby

df['new'] = df.loc[::-1, 'Chi'].groupby(df['Basin']).cumsum()
Basin (n=17 columns) Chi new
0 13.0 ... 4 14
1 13.0 ... 8 10
2 13.0 ... 2 2
3 21.0 ... 4 10
4 21.0 ... 6 6
5 38.0 ... 1 14
6 38.0 ... 7 13
7 38.0 ... 2 6
8 38.0 ... 4 4

How to get cumulative sum

select, t1.SomeNumt, SUM(t2.SomeNumt) as sum
from @t t1
inner join @t t2 on >=
group by, t1.SomeNumt
order by

SQL Fiddle example


| 1 | 10 | 10 |
| 2 | 12 | 22 |
| 3 | 3 | 25 |
| 4 | 15 | 40 |
| 5 | 23 | 63 |

Edit: this is a generalized solution that will work across most db platforms. When there is a better solution available for your specific platform (e.g., gareth's), use it!

How to calculate cumulative sums in MySQL

use this

select day,product_count,
sum(product_count) over (order by ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) as cumulative_sum from (
date(purchase_date) as day,
count(product_id) as product_count
FROM products
where day > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)
AND customer_city = 'Seattle'
ORDER BY product_count desc

Cumulative values in Power BI

Try this.

cumulative = 

VAR d = test[Date]

RETURN CALCULATE(SUM(test[Number]),ALL('test'),test[Date] <=d)

Cumulative sum by column in pandas dataframe

You can perform the cumsum per group using groupby + cumsum:

df['z'] = df.groupby('x')['y'].cumsum()


   x    y    z
0 0 67 67
1 0 -5 62
2 1 78 78
3 1 47 125
4 1 88 213
5 1 12 225
6 1 -4 221
7 2 14 14
8 2 232 246
9 2 28 274

Calculate cumulative sum and average based on column values in spark dataframe

You need to chain when() clauses as you want to populate one single column:

.rangeBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, 0))

df = df.withColumn('TotalSumValue',
F.when(F.col('Brand').isin('brand1', 'brand2'), F.sum('TrueValue').over(windowval)) \
.when(F.col('Brand').isin('brand3'), F.avg('TrueValue').over(windowval)))

How to calculate cumulative sum of a column based on Month column values

Convert your String date to timestamp using to_timestamp function of pyspark SQL function. Then sorting based on this timestamp column will give correct order.

from pyspark.sql.functions import to_timestamp

df.withColumn("month_in_timestamp", to_timestamp(df.Month, 'dd-MM-yyyy'))

windowval = (Window.partitionBy('Brand','Sector').orderBy('month_in_timestamp')
.rangeBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, 0))
df1 = df1.withColumn('TotalSumValue', F.sum('TrueValue').over(windowval))

Anylogic: how to calculate the cumulative sum?

Create a parameter with an initial value of 0. Call it sum. In the event action field use:

name_parameter = round(max(normal(10,200),0));
sum += name_parameter;

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