How to Calculate a Table of Pairwise Counts from Long-Form Data Frame

How to calculate a table of pairwise counts from long-form data frame

Here is a data.table approach similar to @mrdwab

It will work best if featureCode is a character


DT <- data.table(dat)
# convert to character
DT[, featureCode := as.character(featureCode)]
# subset those with >1 per id
DT2 <- DT[, N := .N, by = id][N>1]
# create all combinations of 2
# return as a data.table with these as columns `V1` and `V2`
# then count the numbers in each group
DT2[, rbindlist(combn(featureCode,2,
FUN = function(x), simplify = F)),
by = id][, .N, by = list(V1,V2)]

V1 V2 N

Pairwise count data from long format

If the ordering in your data set is as in your example you can try this:


df %>% group_by(id) %>%
transmute(pos1 = pos, pos2 = lead(pos),
group1 = group, group2 = lead(group)) %>%
na.omit() %>% ungroup()%>%
count(pos1, pos2, group1, group2, name = "id.count")
# A tibble: 4 x 5
# pos1 pos2 group1 group2 id.count
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
# 1 2 100 200 2
# 2 3 200 100 2
# 3 4 100 200 1
# 3 4 100 300 1

Counting pairwise occurences of characters in dataframe R

Here is a data.table approach. You can lag the V4 vector, sort and paste the lagged and original V4 to ensure that order between each pair does not matter (e.g. CD and DC are the same), then tabulate the count for each paired occurrence.

dat[, .(Pairs=mapply(function(x,y) paste(sort(c(x,y)), collapse=""), 
shift(V4), V4)[-1]), by=V1][,
.N, by=.(V1, Pairs)]

# V1 Pairs N
# 1: X BE1 1
# 2: X DE1 1
# 3: X DE2 1
# 4: X BE2 1
# 5: 1 E1E2 1
# 6: 1 CE1 1
# 7: 1 CE2 1
# 8: 2 CE2 1
# 9: 2 CE3 1
# 10: 2 AE3 2
# 11: 3 E2E2 2
# 12: 3 CE2 1
# 13: 3 CC 2
# 14: 3 CD 2


dat <- fread("
X 73600000 73680000 B 43.6938
X 77160000 77290000 E1 38.7108
X 80450000 80630000 D 37.2528
X 8720000 8790000 E2 39.9114
X 99940000 100025000 B 41.2118
1 10000000 10100000 E2 46.975
1 100030000 100130000 E1 37.717
1 101080000 101330000 C 38.064
1 101390000 101755000 E2 37.9268
2 100430000 100870000 E2 41.8766
2 100870000 101000000 C 42.1769
2 101220000 101620000 E3 45.216
2 101345000 101440000 A 44.5705
2 101620000 101830000 E3 44.3948
3 100180000 100315000 E2 40.5067
3 100610000 100920000 E2 37.9716
3 101525000 101945000 E2 38.7479
3 101710000 101950000 C 38.2996
3 101945000 102260000 C 36.2844
3 10380000 10790000 D 49.1885
3 104320000 105090000 C 35.4865
3 106990000 107160000 C 38.3465")

How to find common element pairwise by rows from the same data frame in R

The trick is to convert to a long table that contains all name and element pairs:

Convert to long table containing columns name, variable, and element:


# Note that you also use the native pipe |> on R >= 4.1
data = data %>%
# Add index to data
mutate(name = row_number()) %>%
# Convert from wide to long
pivot_longer(!name, names_to = 'variable', values_to = 'element') %>%
# Remove any NAs

This give an output that looks like:

  name variable element
1 1 col1 a1
2 2 col1 c2
3 3 col1 a3
4 4 col1 d4
5 1 col2 c2
6 2 col2 v5
7 3 col2 d4
8 4 col2 x6

We can then find all duplicates by grouping by element and filtering for duplicates:

dups = longdata %>% 
select(-variable) %>%
group_by(element) %>%
mutate(numdups = n()) %>%
filter(numdups > 1) %>%

All pairs can then be found with an inner join by element. This matches all entries, so we have to filter out joins to the same name (e.g. (name1, name2) = (1,1):

dups %>% inner_join(dups, by = 'element') %>% 
filter(name.x < name.y) %>%
select (name1 = name.x, name2 = name.y, element)

How to create a new data table based on pairwise combinations of a subset of column names?

If you can use a data frame, the below will give you the currently most speed and memory efficient approach (see benchmark wiki).

I think the approach using combn() seems reasonable to me. And I don't really think it's iterating over the combinations 18 times, as has been purported. Moreover, I personally find this easier to read than the data table melt version, but this is probably because I'm not used to data.table syntax.

Note: using this on a data table is apparently not efficient. If you really need a data.table, r2evans solution is better.

fun2 <- function(data, ID.cols){
ids <- which(colnames(data) %in% ID.cols)
## you can loop over the combinations directly
new_dat <- combn(data[-ids], 2, function(x) {
new_x <- setNames(x, paste("value", c("left", "right"), sep = "."))
## use paste with collapse for the
new_x$ <- paste(names(x), collapse = " - ")
}, simplify = FALSE)

## bind it with the old ID columns, outside the loop (bit faster)
cbind(, new_dat), data[ids])

fun2(DT,ID.cols = c("ID1", "ID2"))
#> value.left value.right ID1 ID2
#> 1 10 7 NAME1 - NAME2 A 1
#> 2 11 9 NAME1 - NAME2 A 2
#> 3 9 8 NAME1 - NAME2 A 3
#> 4 22 20 NAME1 - NAME2 B 1
#> 5 25 22 NAME1 - NAME2 B 2
#> 6 22 21 NAME1 - NAME2 B 3
#> 7 10 10 NAME1 - NAME3 A 1
#> 8 11 12 NAME1 - NAME3 A 2
#> 9 9 11 NAME1 - NAME3 A 3
#> 10 22 15 NAME1 - NAME3 B 1
#> 11 25 19 NAME1 - NAME3 B 2
#> 12 22 30 NAME1 - NAME3 B 3
#> 13 7 10 NAME2 - NAME3 A 1
#> 14 9 12 NAME2 - NAME3 A 2
#> 15 8 11 NAME2 - NAME3 A 3
#> 16 20 15 NAME2 - NAME3 B 1
#> 17 22 19 NAME2 - NAME3 B 2
#> 18 21 30 NAME2 - NAME3 B 3

For a benchmark, please see the community wiki.

Python Pandas Pairwise Frequency Table with many columns

Clip positive values to 1 with clip_upper, and then compute the dot product:

i = df.clip_upper(1)
j =


C1 C2 C3 C4
C1 3 1 1 2
C2 1 2 0 2
C3 1 0 2 1
C4 2 2 1 4

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