How to Always Display 3 Decimal Places in Datatables in R Shiny

Displaying datatable column values in dollars in Shiny r

Imagine your datatable (myData) is 2 columns by 10 rows.

You want the second row to be in dollars:

myData[,2]<-sapply(myData[,2],function(x) paste0("$",x))

Or, you want rows 6 to 10 in the first column to be percentages:

myData[6:10,1]<-sapply(myData[6:10,1],function(x) paste0(x,"%"))

Or, you want rows 1 to 5 in the second column to be in dollars, you can do:

myData[1:5,2]<-sapply(myData[1:5,2],function(x) paste0("$",x))

Change number format in renderDataTable

just use round command:

  output$woeTable <- renderDataTable({
# The following returns data frame with numeric columns
A = get(input$dfDescr)[['variables']][[input$columns]][['woe']]
A[,2] = round(x = A[,2],digits = 2)
A[,3] = round(x = A[,3],digits = 2)
paging = FALSE,
searching = FALSE)

you can also use fnRowCallback option in renderDataTable function if you insist to keep data with more digit and just change representation in output:

 output$woeTable <- renderDataTable({
# The following returns data frame with numeric columns
paging = FALSE,
searching = FALSE,
fnRowCallback = I("function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull ) {ind = 2; $('td:eq('+ind+')', nRow).html( (aData[ind]).toFixed(2) );}"))

update for DT 1.1:

you should change

fnRowCallback = I("function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull ) {ind = 2; $('td:eq('+ind+')', nRow).html( (aData[ind]).toFixed(2) );}"))


rowCallback = I("function( nRow, aData) {ind = 2; $('td:eq('+ind+')', nRow).html( parseFloat(aData[ind]).toFixed(2) );}"))

R Tidyverse spread() function multiple decimal places truncation issue

I recreated the dummy variables in my R envir.

Indeed when print(spead_data), i get:

    day_of_week    Bob   Jack  Simon
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Friday NA NA 0.169
2 Monday NA 0.235 NA
3 Thursday NA NA 0.736
4 Tuesday 0.764 NA NA
5 Wednesday 0.725 NA NA

However, if you access values directly, for example spead_data$Bob yields :

[1]     NA     NA     NA 0.7635 0.7253

Here are your 4 digits ! They never left, just the print function of tibbles that is a bit different.

I don't recommend turning your values to factors as @saisaran suggests, you won't be able to use them properly afterwards.

Edit :
if you use instead of print(spead_data), you will get the output you need :

  day_of_week    Bob   Jack  Simon
1 Friday NA NA 0.1693
2 Monday NA 0.2346 NA
3 Thursday NA NA 0.7356
4 Tuesday 0.7635 NA NA
5 Wednesday 0.7253 NA NA

Source :

Plugging edited Datatable values in a shiny app

A clean solution (rather than assigning values in other environments) would be to use a reactiveVal in your module which is in sync with the datatable. You can return this reactive from your module to make use of it also in the main application:


#### Module 1 renders the first table
tableMod <- function(input, output, session, modelRun, modelData, budget){

df <- reactiveVal(modelData) ## this variable will be in sync with your datatable

output$x1 <- DT::renderDataTable({
df() %>% ## always use the synced version here
mutate(New_Membership = as.numeric(Modified * 0.01)*(budget())),
selection = 'none', editable = TRUE

observeEvent(input$x1_cell_edit, {
new_df <- df()
row <- input$x1_cell_edit$row
col <- input$x1_cell_edit$col
value <- as.numeric(input$x1_cell_edit$value)
new_df[row, col] <- value
df(new_df) ## ...and you make sure that 'df' stays in sync

list(updated_df = df) ## ...finally you return it to make use of it in the main app too
tableUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)

ui <- function(request) {
numericInput("budget_input", "Total Forecast", value = 2),
actionButton("opt_run", "Run")
server <- function(input, output, session) {

df <- data.frame(Channel = c("A", "B","C"),
Current = c(2000, 3000, 4000),
Modified = c(2500, 3500,3000),
New_Membership = c(450, 650,700),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

result <- callModule( tableMod,"opfun",
modelRun = reactive(input$opt_run),
modelData = df,
budget = reactive(input$budget_input))

observeEvent(input$opt_run, {

shinyApp(ui, server, enableBookmarking = "url")

R Shiny DataTables: Format numbers not by column but by row

You can use the rowCallback functions:


data <- matrix(c(0,0.64,-0.76234,0.43,1,19),nrow=3,byrow=T)

rowCallback=JS("function( row, data, index ) {
$('td:eq(0)', row).html(data[0] % 1 != 0 | data[0]==0 ? (data[0]*100).toFixed(1) +'%':data[0]);
$('td:eq(1)', row).html(data[1] % 1 != 0 | data[1]==0 ? (data[1]*100).toFixed(1) +'%':data[1]);

This example will multiply the number by 100, round to 1 decimal and add a percent sign if the number has a decimal part or if it is 0. If not, it leaves the number as is.

It is only doing this on the first and second column of the datatable.

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