How to Add \Newpage in Rmarkdown in a Smart Way

How to add \newpage in Rmarkdown in a smart way?

Simply \newpage or \pagebreak will work, e.g.

hello world
```{r, echo=FALSE}
```{r, echo=FALSE}

This solution assumes you are knitting PDF. For HTML, you can achieve a similar effect by adding a tag <P style="page-break-before: always">. Note that you likely won't see a page break in your browser (HTMLs don't have pages per se), but the printing layout will have it.

Inserting a blank page after a title page in RMarkdown

Try adding an invisible character and \pagebreak before the TOC:



This did the trick for me. Good luck with the thesis!

How t o enter properly instructions to widen margins a page for RMarkdown pdf.doc

If you want to make a special margin in your file (knitting to pdf), then try this LaTeX-solution:

Add this package to the header:


Make a special margin for some pages (you also can use mm, cm):


And after return to your previous style:


An example to you:

title: "R"
- \usepackage{geometry}
pdf_document: default


options(width = 100)
matrix(runif(100), ncol = 20)


options(width = 100)
matrix(runif(100), ncol = 20)


options(width = 100)
matrix(runif(100), ncol = 20)

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