Force No Default Selection in Selectinput()

R Shiny Set SelectizeInput default value as NULL

Try this one:


fileNames = c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')

ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("request","Select Existing Request",
choice = c('Choose a File Name' = '', unique(fileNames)), multiple = FALSE,
selected = NULL)

server <- function(input, output) {


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

How to have default NULL value in Input & filter data only when non null value?

It worked when I made couple of changes .. not sure which one was the factor

  1. Instead of null used other text i.e "No State selected" & applied condition on it:
  2. changed dataframe name filtered_vaccine_center to filtered_vaccine


selectInput(inputId = "vaccine_center_state_select",
label = "Select State to narrow your search",
choices = c("No State selected",unique(vacc_centers$state))
,selected = "No State selected"
,multiple = FALSE


filtered_vaccine_centers <- reactive({


if(input$vaccine_center_state_select != "No State selected")

filtered_vaccine <- vacc_centers %>%
filter(state == input$vaccine_center_state_select)

else filtered_vaccine <- vacc_centers

}) %>%

points of Vaccination Centers on lat, long axis without using country map coordinates


Sample Image

Insert warning message from selectInput option

If you are open to using another package here is a shinyWidgets solution with a 'sendSweetAlert':


ui <- fluidPage(

titlePanel("Old Faithful Geyser Data"),


h3("Select properties"),
choiceValues = c(1, 2),
choiceNames = list(
tags$span("All properties"),
tags$span(icon("info-circle"), id = "icon1", style = "color: blue;")
tags$span("Exclude properties"),
tags$span(icon("info-circle"), id = "icon2", style = "color: blue;")
selected = 1

selectInput("filter2", h3("Select farms"),
choices = list("All farms" = 1,
"Exclude farms" = 2),
selected = 1),



server <- function(input, output, session) {
if(input$filter2 == 2){
session = session,
title = "Warning!",
text = "Change filter options selected above",
type = "warning"

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

All is needed is to observe the selectInput value and when the input is on "Exclude farms" which has a value of 2 a warning message is sent.

Sample Image

Datatable displays empy selectInput while values are selected by default

The words list is named:

> name <- c("Jack","Bob","Jack","Bob")
> item <- c("apple","olive","banana","tomato")
> d <- data.frame(name, item)
> ( words <- tapply(d$item, d$name, I) )
[1] olive tomato
Levels: apple banana olive tomato

[1] apple banana
Levels: apple banana olive tomato

Therefore its JSON representation is:

> toJSON(words)

This is not an array. Remove the names and you get the wanted array of arrays:

> toJSON(unname(words))

Or instead of using 'jsonlite', use a basic JSON stringifier:

sprintf("[%s]", toString(vapply(words, function(x){
sprintf("[%s]", toString(shQuote(x)))
}, character(1))))
# "[['olive', 'tomato'], ['apple', 'banana']]"

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