Find All Unique Values in Column Separated by Comma

Split the distinct values in a list separated by a comma

You can use Pandas .str.split() to split on comma and semicolon, put the result in a numpy array. Then, use np.unique to get the unique words after flatten from 2D array to 1D array, as follows:

import numpy as np

list_all = df_new['DevType'].str.split(r'(?:,|;)\s*').dropna().to_numpy()

list_unique = np.unique(sum(list_all, []))



['Devel...' 'Developer' 'back-end' 'desktop or ente...'
'embedded applications or devices' 'front-end' 'full-stack']

Get unique values in column separated by comma

You can achieve it by this simple way, live demo here

SELECT ', ' + CAST(C1.Menu_id AS VARCHAR(20))
FROM TempTable C1
WHERE C1.Refnumber = C2.Refnumber AND C1.Status = 'True'
), 2, 1000) AS "MenuIdList"
FROM TempTable C2


Refnumber   MenuIdList
12121313 1, 4
28273882 1, 2, 3

Find all unique values in column separated by comma

You're almost there, you just need to unlist before you do the unique:

all_observers <- unique(unlist(strsplit(as.character(data$observer), ",")))

How to find the number of unique values in comma separated strings stored in an pandas data frame column?

You can use a list comprehension with a set

df['Unique_in_x'] = [len(set(x.split(','))) for x in df['x']]

Or using a split and nunique:

df['Unique_in_x'] = df['x'].str.split(',', expand=True).nunique(1)


               x  Unique_in_x
0 5,5,6,7,8,6,8 4
1 5,9,8,0 4
2 5,9,8,0 4
3 3,2 2
4 5,5,6,7,8,6,8 4

Unique Values in a Comma Separated List / Unique Values in Multiple Columns

FILTER(Data!A:A, Data!A:A<>""), "(,)( )([A-Z])", "♦$2$3")&"♦",,999^99), "♦")))))



FILTER(Data!A:A, Data!A:A<>""), "(,)( )([A-Z])", "♦$2$3")&"♦",,999^99), "♦"))),
"select Col1,count(Col1) group by Col1 order by count(Col1) desc label count(Col1)''"))


How can I select a list of distinct values from a field of comma separated values?

Here is a method that uses a an implicit conversion "trick" in MySQL:

select distinct substring_index(t.category, ',', -n) + 0
from (select 1 as n union all select 2 union all select 3
) n cross join

This gets the nth element from the end. And then uses + 0 to convert to a number. The conversion stops at the comma, so this gets the nth value from the end.

You can extend the n derived table up to the maximum number of elements in a list.

Create a comma separated string in cell based on unique values in 2 columns

Put the following code in a regular module:

Function TEXTJOINIFS(rng As Range, delim As String, ParamArray arr() As Variant)
Dim rngarr As Variant
rngarr = Intersect(rng, rng.Parent.UsedRange).Value

Dim condArr() As Boolean
ReDim condArr(1 To Intersect(rng, rng.Parent.UsedRange).Rows.Count) As Boolean

Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) Step 2
Dim colArr() As Variant
colArr = Intersect(arr(i), arr(i).Parent.UsedRange).Value
Dim j As Long
For j = LBound(colArr, 1) To UBound(colArr, 1)

If Not condArr(j) Then
Dim charind As Long
charind = Application.Max(InStr(arr(i + 1), ">"), InStr(arr(i + 1), "<"), InStr(arr(i + 1), "="))
Dim opprnd As String
If charind = 0 Then
opprnd = "="
opprnd = Left(arr(i + 1), charind)
End If
Dim t As String
t = """" & colArr(j, 1) & """" & opprnd & """" & Mid(arr(i + 1), charind + 1) & """"
If Not Application.Evaluate(t) Then condArr(j) = True
End If
Next j
Next i

For i = LBound(rngarr, 1) To UBound(rngarr, 1)
If Not condArr(i) Then
TEXTJOINIFS = TEXTJOINIFS & rngarr(i, 1) & delim
End If
Next i


End Function

Then in D2 put:

=IF(OR(A2<>A3,B2<>B3),TEXTJOINIFS(C:C,", ",A:A,A2,B:B,B2),"")

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