Fill in Gaps (E.G. Not Single Cells) of Na Values in Raster Using a Neighborhood Analysis

Fill in gaps (e.g. not single cells) of NA values in raster using a neighborhood analysis

one way would be to enlarge your focus window. You can do so by modifying the "fill.NA" function to take a width argument and computing the position of the center pixel on the fly: <- function(x) {
center = 0.5 + (width*width/2)
if([center] ) {
return( round(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),0) )
} else {
return( round(x[center],0) )


width = 9
r2 <- focal(r, w = matrix(1,width,width), fun =,
pad = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)

Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
300.0 339.0 408.0 488.7 574.5 1806.0 4661

You can see that the number of NAs is going down.

However, be aware that since your "holes" share the same NA value of the area outside the raster, this will also expand your raster on the outer side, giving you bogus values. see for example:

width = 15
r2 <- focal(r, w = matrix(1,width,width), fun =,
pad = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)

Sample Image

Therefore, you'd have to find a way to distinguish between "true" NA values, and values outside the extent of the dataset.


R: Bilinear interpolation to fill gaps in R

Let's use equal distance cells to avoid differences because of cell size variation with lon/lat data

r <- raster(nrow=10, ncol=10, crs='+proj=utm +zone=1 +datum=WGS84', xmn=0, xmx=1, ymn=0, ymx=1)

For this example, you might use focal

values(r) <- 1:ncell(r)
r[25] <- NA
f <- focal(r, w=matrix(1,nrow=3, ncol=3), fun=mean, NAonly=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)

I see that you dismiss "neighborhood-based solutions rather than bilinear interpoloation". But the question is why. In this case, you may want a neighborhood-based solution.

Update. Then again, in case of cells that are not approximately square, bilinear would be preferable.

values(r) <- c(rep(1:5, 4), rep(4:8, 4), rep(1:5, 4), rep(4:8, 4), rep(1:5, 4))
r[25] <- NA

The problem with bilinear interpolation normally uses 4 contiguous cells, but in this case, where you want the value for the center of a cell, the appropriate cell would be the value of the cell itself, because the distance to that cell is zero, and thus that is where the interpolation ends up. For example, for cell 23

extract(r, xyFromCell(r, 23))
extract(r, xyFromCell(r, 23), method='bilinear')
#[1] 6

In this case the focal cell is NA, so you get the average of the focal cell and 3 more cells. The question is which three? It is arbitrary, but to make it work, the NA cell must get a value. The raster algorithm assigns the value below the NA cell to that cell (also 8 here). This works well, I think, to deal with NA values at edges (e.g. land/ocean), but perhaps not in this case.
extract(r, xyFromCell(r, 25))
extract(r, xyFromCell(r, 25), method='bilinear')
#[1] 8

That is also what resample gives

resample(r, r)[25]
# 8

Is this what the on-line calculator suggests too?

This is very sensitive to small changes

extract(r, xyFromCell(r, 25)+0.0001, method='bilinear')
#[1] 4.998997

What I would really want in this case is the mean of the rook-neighbors

mean(r[adjacent(r, 25, pairs=FALSE)])
[1] 6

Or, more generally, the local inverse distance weighted average. You can compute
that by setting up a weights matrix with focal

# compute weights matrix
a <- sort(adjacent(r, 25, 8, pairs=F, include=TRUE))
axy <- xyFromCell(r, a)
d <- pointDistance(axy, xyFromCell(r, 25), lonlat=F)
w <- matrix(d, 3, 3)
w[2,2] <- 0
w <- w / sum(w)

# A simpler approach could be:
# w <- matrix(c(0,.25,0,.25,0,.25,0,.25,0), 3, 3)

foc <- focal(r, w, na.rm=TRUE, NAonly=TRUE)

In this example this is fine; but it would not be correct if there were multiple NA values in the focal area (as the sum of weights would no longer be 1). We can correct for that by computing the sum of weights

x <- as.integer(r/r)
sum_weights <- focal(x, w, na.rm=TRUE, NAonly=TRUE)

fw <- foc/sum_weights
done <- cover(r, fw)

How to do nearest neighbour interpolation in R for a raster?

I think you can use the focal function for that. If you have NAs at the border and other places, I think the below is the simplest approach

I use a bit more complex example data. The first two rows are NA, and there are also NAs in the middle


r <- raster(nrow=10, ncol=10, crs='+proj=utm +zone=1 +datum=WGS84', xmn=0, xmx=1, ymn=0, ymx=1)
values(r) <- 1:ncell(r)
r[c(1:2, nrow(r)), ] <- NA
r[, 1] <- NA
r[3:5, 3:5] <- NA

w <- matrix(1, 3, 3) #c(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0), nrow=3)
x <- focal(r, w, mean, na.rm=TRUE, NAonly=TRUE, pad=TRUE)

Because the first row did not have any neighbors that are not NA we need to run the last line again

xx <- focal(x, w, mean, na.rm=TRUE, NAonly=TRUE, pad=TRUE)

text(r, cex=.8)
text(mask(xx, r, inverse=TRUE), col="red", cex=.8)

Sample Image

Note that on a raster with square cells, there are four (rook case) nearest neighbors and 4 others that are nearby on the diagonal. For the border row you could use this value for w to get the rook is not defined

w <- matrix(c(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0), nrow=3)

# [,1] [,2] [,3]
#[1,] 0 1 0
#[2,] 1 0 1
#[3,] 0 1 0

But that would not work for the other cells (nor for the 4 corner cells).

raster in R: Create pixels in a target surronding neighborhood

This is best done with focal

Example data (note the simpler code)

geo.form <- cbind(x=ants$x, y=ants$y)
ants.w <- as.owin(ants)
ext <- extent(c(ants.w$xrange, ants.w$yrange))
r <- raster(ext, resolution=10)
antscount<- rasterize(geo.form, r, field=1, background=0)


# direct neighbors
x <- focal(antscount, w=matrix(1, ncol=3, nrow=3), fun=max, pad=TRUE, padValue=0)
# 2 cell neighborhood
y <- focal(antscount, w=matrix(1, ncol=5, nrow=5), fun=max, pad=TRUE, padValue=0)

How can I perform neighborhood analysis in terra or raster and keep the same NA cells of the input?

With terra the focal method has an argument na.policy that can be set to one of "all", "only" or "omit".

#terra 1.5.6
v <- vect(system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra"))
r <- rast(system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra"))
r[45:50, 45:50] <- NA

f1 <- focal(r, 7, "mean", na.policy="omit", na.rm=TRUE)
plot(f1, fun=lines(v))

Sample Image

This is equivalent, but possibly more efficient, to using focal and mask:

f2 <- focal(r, 7, "mean", na.rm=TRUE) |> mask(r)

How can I turn R code from an old package's function into a working function in the current version of R

the xyValyes method extracted values from a raster using points (xy coordinates). This function has been replaced with extract. So instead of

xyValues(x, xy, ...)

You should be able to do

extract(x, xy, ...)

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