Figure Position in Markdown When Converting to Pdf With Knitr and Pandoc

Figure position in markdown when converting to PDF with knitr and pandoc

I'm not aware of such an option for pandoc to set the floating option of figures when converting a Markdown document to LaTeX. If you choose Markdown for its simplicity, you should not expect too much power from it, even with powerful tools like pandoc. Bottom line: Markdown is not LaTeX. It was designed for HTML instead of LaTeX.

Two ways to go:

  1. use the Rnw syntax (R + LaTeX) instead of Rmd (R Markdown) (examples); then you will be able to use the chunk option fig.pos='H' after you \usepackage{float} in the preamble; in this case, you have full power of LaTeX, and pandoc will not be involved

  2. hack at the LaTeX document generated by pandoc, e.g. something like

    knit('foo.Rmd') # gives
    pandoc('', format='latex') # gives foo.tex
    x = readLines('foo.tex')
    # insert the float package
    x = sub('(\\\\begin\\{document\\})', '\\\\usepackage{float}\n\\1', x)
    # add the H option for all figures
    x = gsub('(\\\\begin\\{figure\\})', '\\1[H]', x)
    # write the processed tex file back
    writeLines(x, 'foo.tex')
    # compile to pdf
    tools::texi2pdf('foo.tex') # gives foo.pdf

If you do not like these solutions, consider requesting a new feature to pandoc on Github, then sit back and wait.

How to hold figure position with figure caption in pdf output of knitr?

As Yihui mentioned in his answer (Figure position in markdown when converting to PDF with knitr and pandoc), we cannot expect too much about formatting from mardown. To workaround this problem, just write some R scripts to replace htbp to H.

Compared with knit from knitr package, I found render from rmarkdown is better to export a tex file. Just remember to add keep_tex: yes in the yaml header of your rmarkdown file.

x <- readLines('filepath.tex')
pos <- grep('begin\\{figure\\}\\[htbp\\]', x)
x[pos] <- gsub('htbp', 'H', x[pos])
writeLines(x, 'filepath.tex')
tools::texi2pdf('filepath.tex', clean = TRUE) # gives foo.pdf


Pandoc Markdown to PDF image position

Did you try to deactivate the implicit_figures as in

pandoc -f markdown-implicit_figures -t pdf

To solve the size problem you could also try to fix the size within the markdown file with an attribute. Something like that can do the trick:

![Caption text](/path/to/image){ width=50% }

Pandoc: how to keep order of images and subtitles when rendering md to pdf

Found my answer here:

Pandoc Markdown to PDF image position

I needed to render using this command, which deactivates the implicit_figures:

pandoc -f markdown-implicit_figures -o example.pdf

How to force image to text when converting markdown to pdf using pandoc

Pandoc uses LaTeX for PDF creation by default.

Using an external file

Put the following in e.g. header.tex:


Or alternatively, the following:

\renewenvironment{figure}[1][2] {
} {

Then use:

pandoc --include-in-header header.tex -o output.pdf

Using only a markdown file

Or instead of using a header.tex, you can also embed it in your markdown file's YAML metadata block:

header-includes: |

# my markdown header

Using table caption on R markdown file using knitr to use in pandoc to convert to pdf

If you do not insist on using a LaTeX/HTML-only solution with the otherwise awesome xtable package, you might achieve the same with Pandoc's markdown. One option is to add the caption manually below the table, or use my R Pandoc writer package:

> library(pander)                         # load pkg
> panderOptions('table.split.table', Inf) # not to split table
> set.caption('Hello Fisher!') # add caption
> pander(head(iris)) # show (almost) any R object in markdown
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
-------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ---------
5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa

4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa

4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa

4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa

5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa

5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa

Table: Hello Fisher!

Then use Pandoc to convert this markdown file to HTML, LaTeX, docx, odt or any other popular document formats.

Set margin size when converting from Markdown to PDF with pandoc

Recent versions of rmarkdown and pandoc

In more recent versions of rmarkdown, the settings of margins can be done in the YAML header via the top-level element geometry. What you specify in the geometry tag will be piped into the LaTeX template that ships with Pandoc via the following LaTeX snippet


For example, to specify margins that are 2cm in width one would include

title: "Habits"
author: John Doe
date: March 22, 2005
geometry: margin=2cm
output: pdf_document

For more complex specifications to be passed to the geometry LaTeX package, string options together as you would with LaTeX:

title: "Habits"
author: John Doe
date: March 22, 2005
geometry: "left=3cm,right=3cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm"
output: pdf_document

Original answer

This is a LaTeX question as Pandoc is rendering to PDF via LaTeX - what you linked to represents the default margins on a LaTeX document.

The geometry LaTeX package for example can be used to alter the margins of the page. However you'll need a way to tell Pandoc to use this by including it ins the LaTeX header applied to the converted md file.

How you do this is documented in the Pandoc User Guide. See in particular the --template=FILE command line argument and the Templates section. Essentially, either find and modify the default template to include the LaTeX instructions you want to use or start your own template from scratch and place it in the appropriate location; see the --data-dir command line argument.

Another alternative if you are using a recent version of Pandoc is to use the variable argument (set either with -V KEY[=VAL] or --variable=KEY[:VAL]). The geometry package was added to the default LaTeX template in May 2012 (see this discussion). As such, if you wanted to change the page margins, you can use:

pandoc -V geometry:margin=1in -o output.pdf

You can specify multiple variable values too. For instance, if you wanted to create a 4 by 6 inch pdf with half-inch margins, you can use:

pandoc -V geometry:paperwidth=4in -V geometry:paperheight=6in -V geometry:margin=.5in -o output.pdf

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