Exporting R Regression Summary for Publishable Paper

Regression Tables in R Markdown / rmarkdown (html/pdf)

Here is a proposition: make a function that checks the output format and then uses either stargazer or texreg depending on this. We use opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to") to check the output format.

output: html_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
rmd_format <- opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to")
## returns "html" or "latex"



report_regression <- function(model, format, ...){
if(format == "html"){
htmlreg(model, custom.note="%stars. htmlreg", ...)
} else if(format == "latex"){
stargazer(model, notes="stargazer html", ...)
} else {
print("This only works with latex and html output")

```{r table, results = "asis"}
lm1 <- lm(prestige ~ income + education, data=Duncan)

report_regression(lm1, format = rmd_format)

Creating a table that it is publishable in R

If you want your data look better in Rmarkdown, check kableExtra package. Try this example:

data <- data.frame(Letters=LETTERS[1:10],Numbers=1:10)
data %>%
kbl() %>%
kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)

Sample Image

There is others styles.

Export Cox regression results to excel or word using publish package

Here's a way to get a csv file using capture.output and gsub. I'm displaying the intermediate steps as well:

cox_out <- capture.output( publish(cox_lung,org=TRUE) )

# Demonstration of intermediates (don't need to do these

gsub("[|]", ",",cox_out) # Change "|" to commas
[1] ", Variable , Units , HazardRatio , CI.95 , p-value ,"
[2] ",-----------+-------+-------------+-------------+-----------,"
[3] ", tgrade , I , Ref , , ,"
[4] ", , II , 1.86 , [1.14;3.03] , 0.01276 ,"
[5] ", , III , 2.24 , [1.32;3.78] , 0.00263 ,"
[6] ", age , , 0.99 , [0.97;1.01] , 0.27167 ,"
[7] ", tsize , , 1.01 , [1.00;1.01] , 0.06029 ,"
[8] ", pnodes , , 1.05 , [1.04;1.07] , < 0.001 ,"
[9] ", progrec , , 1.00 , [1.00;1.00] , < 0.001 ,"
[10] ", estrec , , 1.00 , [1.00;1.00] , 0.70522 ,"
[11] ""
gsub("[|]", ",",cox_out)[-2] # Remove second line
[1] ", Variable , Units , HazardRatio , CI.95 , p-value ,"
[2] ", tgrade , I , Ref , , ,"
[3] ", , II , 1.86 , [1.14;3.03] , 0.01276 ,"
[4] ", , III , 2.24 , [1.32;3.78] , 0.00263 ,"
[5] ", age , , 0.99 , [0.97;1.01] , 0.27167 ,"
[6] ", tsize , , 1.01 , [1.00;1.01] , 0.06029 ,"
[7] ", pnodes , , 1.05 , [1.04;1.07] , < 0.001 ,"
[8] ", progrec , , 1.00 , [1.00;1.00] , < 0.001 ,"
[9] ", estrec , , 1.00 , [1.00;1.00] , 0.70522 ,"
[10] ""
gsub( "^,|,$", "", gsub("[|]", ",",cox_out)[-2] ) # wrap second gsub to take out leading and trailing commas
[1] " Variable , Units , HazardRatio , CI.95 , p-value "
[2] " tgrade , I , Ref , , "
[3] " , II , 1.86 , [1.14;3.03] , 0.01276 "
[4] " , III , 2.24 , [1.32;3.78] , 0.00263 "
[5] " age , , 0.99 , [0.97;1.01] , 0.27167 "
[6] " tsize , , 1.01 , [1.00;1.01] , 0.06029 "
[7] " pnodes , , 1.05 , [1.04;1.07] , < 0.001 "
[8] " progrec , , 1.00 , [1.00;1.00] , < 0.001 "
[9] " estrec , , 1.00 , [1.00;1.00] , 0.70522 "
[10] ""
cat( paste( gsub( "^,|,$", "", gsub("[|]", ",",cox_out)[-2] ), collapse="\n"),
# need paste( ... , colapse="\n") to append linefeeds at each line.
file="cox_out.csv" )

Rather than using cat perhaps would have been cleaner to use write.table (since it avoids needing to add the linefeeds "by hand"):

cox_out <- capture.output( publish(cox_lung,org=TRUE) )
write.table( gsub( "^,|,$", "", gsub("[|]", ",",cox_out)[-2] ), file="cox_out.csv" )

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