Error: Attempt to Use Zero-Length Variable Name

rmarkdown error attempt to use zero-length variable name

Putting this as an answer for visibility: this happens if you try to run by selecting all in the Rmd and pressing enter like you would with a normal R script. RStudio tries to run this all as R code, including the markdown parts, leading to the errors you saw.

You can avoid this by running an individual chunk by clicking the green play button or by selecting one of the run options in the dropdown at the top of the Rmd editor.

R: attempt to use zero-length variable name in

The error is because of column names with NA values. You can either remove them.

qb_stats_all <- qb_stats_all %>%
select(-num, -(28:32)) %>%
filter(player != 'Player')

Or rename them to give them any appropriate column name.

names(qb_stats_all)[28:32] <- paste0('col', 1:5)
qb_stats_all <- qb_stats_all %>% filter(player != 'Player')

R Markdown won't knit; Error in parse attempt to use zero-length variable name

Found the answer. It's has to be saved as a .Rmd file, not an .R file. This is the case even if you selected your script as a Rmarkdown file within RStudio.

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