Dygraph in R Multiple Plots at Once

dygraph in R multiple plots at once

To plot multiple dygraphs in the same RStudio window you must first create a list of dygraphs objects, and then render the dygraphs list using package htmltools. Yihui Xie from RStudio provided the answer here:
Yihui Xie answer (but without grouping).

I answered a similar question here: my answer.

Here is working R code that produces grouped (synchronized) dygraphs plots:

# create the time series
temperature <- ts(frequency = 12, start = c(1980, 1),
data = c(7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5,
25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6))
rainfall <- ts(frequency = 12, start = c(1980, 1),
data = c(49.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0,
135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4))

# create a list of dygraphs objects
plotobj <- list(
dygraphs::dygraph(temperature, group="temp_rain", main="temperature"),
dygraphs::dygraph(rainfall, group="temp_rain", main="rainfall")
) # end list

# render the dygraphs objects using htmltools

The above R code produces the following grouped (synchronized) dygraphs plots:

Sample Image

Dygraph with multiple series at different time intervals

You can use zoo::na.locf function to fill the missing rows.

In your example:

stage <- zoo(sample(1:100, 154, replace=TRUE), seq(as.POSIXct("2018-08-23"), as.POSIXct("2018-08-31"), by = 4500))
rain <- zoo(sample(1:100, 154, replace=TRUE), seq(as.POSIXct("2018-08-23"), as.POSIXct("2018-08-31"), by = 54000))

eventData <- cbind(stage, rain)

stage rain
2018-08-23 00:00:00 85 61
2018-08-23 01:15:00 71 NA
2018-08-23 02:30:00 10 NA
2018-08-23 03:45:00 16 NA
2018-08-23 05:00:00 31 NA
2018-08-23 06:15:00 92 NA

# fill NAs with na.locf

eventData <- na.locf(eventData)

stage rain
2018-08-23 00:00:00 85 61
2018-08-23 01:15:00 71 61
2018-08-23 02:30:00 10 61
2018-08-23 03:45:00 16 61
2018-08-23 05:00:00 31 61
2018-08-23 06:15:00 92 61

This can be plotted the way you want it:

dygraph(eventData, main = "Sitename") %>%
dyOptions(drawGrid = F) %>%
dyAxis("y", label = "Stage", independentTicks = TRUE) %>%
dyAxis("y2", label = "Rainfall ", independentTicks = TRUE) %>%
dySeries("stage", axis=('y')) %>%
dySeries("rain", axis=('y2'), stepPlot = T, fillGraph = T)

Sample Image

See also here for a deeper discussion about filling NAs.

Displaying multiple dygraphs on a grid in R-Markdown

I think I figured it out, not sure its the best solution, but adding a wrapper div with a display:inline-block; property seems to work quite well.

I just added this line to the function that generates each dygraph:

htmltools::tags$div(theGraph, style = "padding:10px; width: 250px; border: solid; background-color:#e9e9e9; display:inline-block;")

so the updated code looks like this:

```{r graphs}

makeGraphs = function(i){
theGraph <- dygraph(lungDeaths[, i], width = 400, height = 300, group = "lung-deaths")%>%
dyOptions(strokeWidth = 3) %>%
dyRangeSelector(height = 20)

htmltools::tags$div(theGraph, style = "padding:10px; width: 450px; border: solid; background-color:#e9e9e9; display:inline-block;")


lungDeaths <- cbind(mdeaths, fdeaths, ldeaths, mdeaths)
res <- lapply(1:4, makeGraphs )


Output Screenshot:
Sample Image

r - how to plot dygraphs in same panel

How about something like this...

serie <- list(serie1, serie2, serie3)

full_serie <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, serie)
names(full_serie) <- c("serie1", "serie2", "serie3")

dy_graph <- dygraph(full_serie) %>%
dySeries("serie1") %>%
dySeries("serie2") %>%


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