Do Not Open Rstudio Internal Browser After Knitting

Do not open RStudio internal browser after knitting

RStudio keeps moving this feature around. Johnathan's answer was good for the prior version of RStudio that I was using. You could find it starting with Tools > Global Options and then if you are on 0.99.x, here:

Sample Image

I'm currently on 1.0.44 and now it's here:

Sample Image

In all fairness to RStudio, I think creating a new R Markdown option section and putting it here makes good sense.

Rmd file opens instead of HTML in browser

This is the correct behaviour when you use shiny in your rmarkdown document. RStudio starts a temporary Shiny Server which serves your Rmd file so that users can interact with it. As the shiny elements need to run with a Shiny Server, it cannot be contained in a pure HTML file.

Can't open connection when shortcut-knitting in RStudio

If you only care about a solution under Windows, I believe you need to setInternet2(TRUE) in te Rmd file before you read the file, since it is essentially an HTTPS link, which you cannot read into R by default.

A more portable solution is to use the downloader package to download the file (you can download it to a tempfile()) before reading it.

Code works interactively but not while knitting

When you compile a document (using the "knit" button in RStudio), knitting takes place in a separate R session. Therefore, your document must be self-contained:

  1. Objects from the Global Environment of your interactive sessions are not available when knitting. You must create/load all objects from within your document.
  2. You must load all packages used from within your document.

Also note that while knitting, your working directory is changed to the directory containing your document (by default). Therefore, relative paths (for example, paths to data sets you want to read) might not point to the expected files.

Rstudio - How do I open help files in browser?

I have found out that this section of the code in Options.R needs to be commented out. This code is slightly different from the code that was used before which is mentioned in a previous answer.

# custom browseURL implementation.
# .rs.setOption("browser", function(url)
# {
# .Call("rs_browseURL", url, PACKAGE = "(embedding)")
# })

Also make sure you have set options(help_type="html") in your which contains all the preferences set at startup

Is it possible to view my HTML files in Rstudio's Viewer instead of a new generated Rstudio preview window?

In RStudio v 1.0.44

Under Tools:Global Options:R Markdown there is an option 'Show output preview in'. Choices are 'Window', 'Viewer Pane' or '(none)'

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