Data.Frames in R: Name Autocompletion

Data.frames in R: name autocompletion?

The $ operator needs only the first unique part of a data frame name to index it. So for example:

> d <- data.frame(score=1, scotch=2)
> d$sco
> d$scor
[1] 1

A way of avoiding this behavior is to use the [[]] operator, which will behave like so:

> d <- data.frame(score=1, scotch=2)
> d[['scor']]
> d[['score']]
[1] 1

I hope that was helpful.


Auto complete for dataframes not working in Rstudio

Since the same version software was used under the previous system, it is likely that some incompatibilities arose under the new one.

It is particularly likely since the most recent RStudio version available at the time of posting the linked question also was 0.99. Moreover, a number of autocompletion-related bug fixes have been released since then. Hence, updating your software, especially RStudio, should help.

How can I autocomplete column names in dplyr?

There's nothing wrong with using names(*) <- new_value. dplyr isn't the be-all and end-all of data manipulation in R.

That said, if you want to include this in a dplyr pipeline, here's how to do it:

df %>% `names<-`(c("a_new", "b_new", "c_new"))

This works because (almost) everything in R is a function, and in particular assigning new names is really a call to the names<- function.

Using $ notation for multiple column names: RStudio Autocompletion

which version of Rstudio are you using? In Version 0.99.896, you can write mtcars[,c()] and autocomplete column names inside c()

Why does R not auto-complete data frame variables when subsetting

it will if you add a space:

mtcars[ mtcars$

otherwise your expecting r to look in something called mtcars[mtcars not mtcars...

How can I disable partial column name matching in an R data.frame?

Searching the ?options page for "partial" finds this option:


logical. If true, warns if partial matching is used for extraction by $.

So setting that option (options(warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE)) will turn it into a warning.

I don't think there's an easy to to turn only that warning into an error, but looking up a few rows in the ?options help if you set options(warn = 2), all warnings will be treated as errors.

Alternately, you could use tibbles, which don't use partial matching with $ (though it returns NULL will a warning, not an error):

# Warning message:
# Unknown or uninitialised column: `t`.

Rstudio autocomplete variables

I think iris$P tab is preferable, but if you must, you can attach the dataset to the search path


Then, P tab will auto complete

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