Customise The Infowindow/Tooltip in R -> Plotly

Adding custom tooltip to plotly using R and ggplot2 syntax

I've been looking at the same problem and I think what you need to do is something like this (via and h/t to @plotlygraphs on Twitter)

# first use your Plotly connection and retrieve data for the ggiris plot you uploaded
irisplot <- py$get_figure('username', n) # where n = the number of this plot on your account

# inspect the irisplot object
str(irisplot) # a list of 2

# inspect irisplot$data
str(irisplot$data) # a list of 3, one list for each Species

# overwrite 'text' for each Species list
irisplot$data[[1]]$text <- labels[1:50]
irisplot$data[[2]]$text <- labels[51:100]
irisplot$data[[3]]$text <- labels[101:150]

# re-upload to Plotly
resp <- py$plotly(irisplot$data, kwargs = list(layout = irisplot$layout))

# check out your new plot

So the plot should now have a value from 'labels' for each data point, displayed as a tooltip with mouseover.

You will presumably want to do something smarter in how you assign the labels to the points, but hopefully this gets you started.

And thanks, I think working through this question will help me solve my own task too :-)

ggplotly - R, labeling trace names

You can also edit any of the plotly figure properties after the ggplot2 conversion but before you send it to plotly. Here is an example that changes the legend entry names manually. I'll repeat it here:

df <- data.frame(x=c(1, 2, 3, 4), y=c(1, 5, 3, 5), group=c('A', 'A', 'B', 'B'))
g <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=x, y=y, colour=group)) + geom_point()

# an intermediate step that `ggplotly` calls
p <- plotly_build(g)

# manually change the legend entry names, which are "trace0", "trace1" in your case
p$data[[1]]$name <- 'Group A'
p$data[[2]]$name <- 'Group B'

# send this up to your plotly account
p$filename <- 'ggplot2-user-guide/custom-ggplot2'

The extended example here explains in more detail how and why this works.

Note that in general the legend item names, e.g. "trace0", are going to be the labels that you grouped by in the dataframe (as in ggplot2).

ggplot2 to plotly- Only shows traces and not data on the tooltip

So below is the regular scatter plot example.

lol <- ggplot(diamonds,aes(x=carat,y = price)) + geom_point()

This is how you can customize the tooltip.Remember also to add ,tooltip=c("text") like below.

lol2 <- ggplot(diamonds,aes(x=carat,y = price)) + geom_point(aes(text=paste('<br>cut:',cut)))

ggplotly(lol2,tooltip = c("text"))

Label every nth datapoint in ggplot

You can pass the data to geom_label and filter for row numbers that match your condition.

Assuming that by "every seventh" you mean 7, 14, 21... use %% 7 == 0. Otherwise use %% 7 == 1 for 8, 15, 22...


mydata <- data.frame(x = 2 * (1:49),
y = 3 * (1:49))

mydata %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
geom_point() +
geom_label(aes(label = x),
data = . %>%
filter(row_number() %% 7 == 0 | row_number() == 1))


Sample Image

Using 2+ legends from R to plotly /

You ran into a bug, which we now fixed it.

Please reinstall and reload the "plotly" package, re-instantiate your py object and it should work now:

Plotly edit name tag on hover bar chart

Via empet from community plotly -> Update each trace with hoverlabel

font=dict(family='Balto', #or other font family
size=11, #or other size

See also: .

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