Best Practice: Should I Try to Change to Utf-8 as Locale or Is It Safe to Leave It as Is

Best practice: Should I try to change to UTF-8 as locale or is it safe to leave it as is?

This is not a perfect answer but a good workaround: As Roland pointed out, it might be dangerous to change the locale. So leave it as is. If you have a file and you run into trouble, just search for non-UTF8 encoding as discribed here for RStudio. What I saw, most Editors have such a feature.

Furthermore, this answer gives more insight in what you can do in case you source() a file.

For a way to deal with locales when collations play a crucial part see here

Why did R's sorting change data imported with load() after an upgrade from 3.5.2 to 4.0.0?

In summary, it was a bug which has been removed in R version 4.0.1. As @Roland figured out.

From CRAN:

In R 4.0.0, sort.list(x) when is.object(x) was true, e.g., for x <-I(letters), was accidentally usingmethod = "radix". Consequently,
e.g., merge(<data.frame>) was much slower than previously; reported in

How to change Sys.setlocale, when you get Error request to set locale … cannot be honored

From above comments, this is not possible

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