Align Text Inside a Plot

Align text inside a plot

While legend() is of course appropriate for legends, there is a general solution for all text. The trick is that the pos option not only sets the position of the text relative to the current location but it also sets justification. Above and Below are center justified. Setting pos to 2 makes the text right justified. When it is set to the right of the position (pos = 4) then it is left justified.

For left justified replace your text code with...

text(1.5, 150, paste("Mean =", round(MyMean, 1), "\nMedian =", 
round(MyMedian, 1), "\nStd.Dev =", round(MySd, 1)), pos = 4)

and for right justified...

text(5.0, 150, paste("Mean = ", round(MyMean, 1), "\nMedian = ", 
round(MyMedian, 1), "\nStd.Dev = ", round(MySd, 1), sep = ''), pos = 2)

Change alignment of plot text

Alignment (adjustment / justification) of text is set by the adj argument. To left-align, set adj = 0.

From ?text:

adj: one or two values in [0, 1] which specify the x (and optionally y) adjustment (‘justification’) of the labels, with 0 for left/bottom, 1 for right/top, and 0.5 for centered. On most devices values outside [0, 1] will also work.

adj allows adjustment of the text position with respect to (x, y). Values of 0, 0.5, and 1 specify that (x, y) should align with the left/bottom, middle and right/top of the text, respectively. The default is for centered text, i.e., adj = c(0.5, NA). Accurate vertical centering needs character metric information on individual characters which is only available on some devices. Vertical alignment is done slightly differently for character strings and for expressions: adj = c(0,0) means to left-justify and to align on the baseline for strings but on the bottom of the bounding box for expressions. This also affects vertical centering: for strings the centering excludes any descenders whereas for expressions it includes them. Using NA for strings centers them, including descenders.

plot(1:10, 1:10)
text(x = 6, y = 1, "text", adj = 0)

adj = 0 will left-align the text:

Sample Image

text alignment in plot R

I would use expression only in the expression used, and use the adj parameter to adjust alignment.

text(8,4,c("blah \nblah\n", expression(paste(R^2, "= 0.98"))),col="red", adj = 0)

Additionaly, it seem like you're trying to do some legend. You could use legend to do it:

legend('bottomright', c('blah', 'blah', expression(paste(R^2, "= 0.98"))))

This would be more readable code, and you can adjust settings according to your needs. Check ?legend for more information.

How can I align text to bar plots with position_fill in ggplot2?

Using the comments, especially from Axeman, I realised that I can use position_identity() to get the desired result:

iris %>%
mutate(long_sepal = Sepal.Length > 5.5) %>%
count(Species, long_sepal) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(y_label = if_else(long_sepal, 0.01, 0.99)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Species)) +
geom_col(aes(y = n, fill = long_sepal), position = position_fill()) +
mapping = aes(label = n, y = y_label, group = long_sepal),
hjust = "inward",
position = position_identity()
) +

Created on 2019-03-15 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Align text between two vertical lines in plot

Text Alignment With Respect to Centre

Using the 'HorizontalAlignment' property and setting it to 'center' may help in achieving the alignment in between the sections divided by the vertical lines. Here I initialize each text annotation to variables Text_1 and Text_2 and set their 'HorizontalAlignment' properties respectively.

Code Snippet:

Text_1 = text(mean([0 x(1)]),y(2)*.8,'Label_1','FontSize',10);
Text_2 = text(mean([x(1) x(2)]),y(2)*.8,'Label_2','FontSize',10);


Text Horizontal Alignment

Full Script:

%% create figure
x=[2 5]; %spacer var
figure; hold on;
axis([0 10 0 10])

%create lines based on spacer var
line([x(1) x(1)],ylim)
line([x(2) x(2)],ylim)

%silly formatting
grid on
axis square
xticks(0:10); yticks(0:10);

%generate text between vertical lines
y = ylim; %get ylimits
Text_1 = text(mean([0 x(1)]),y(2)*.8,'Label_1','FontSize',10);
Text_2 = text(mean([x(1) x(2)]),y(2)*.8,'Label_2','FontSize',10);


Ran using MATLAB R2019b

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