After I Upgrade My R Version, How to Easily Reinstall All the Packages That Were Installed in the Old Version

How to update all packages for a new R version quickly and easily?

Don't know if this is quick and easy, but I think the pacman package can be useful.

  1. Under the previous version, use pacman::p_lib() to return a vector of your installed packages, and save them onto disk use saveRDS().

For instance,

mypks <- pacman::p_lib()
saveRDS(mypks, "~/mypks.rds")

  1. Update R.

  2. Import the vector from step 1 using readRDS() and run install.packages() with the object.

For instance,

mypks <- readRDS("~/mypks.rds")

Painless way to install a new version of R?

Just for completeness, there are some ways to prevent you from having this problem. As Dirk said, save your packages in another directory on your computer.


You can change the default .Library value using the function .libPaths too


This will put this path as a first value in the .Library variable, and will make it the default.

If you want to automate this further, you can specify this in the file, which you find in the /etc/ directory of your R build. Then it will load automatically every time R loads, and you don't have to worry about that any more. You can just install and load packages from the specified directory.

Finally, I have some small code included in my allowing me to reinstall all packages when I install a new R version. You just have to list them up before you update to the new R version. I do that using an .RData file containing an updated list with all packages.


## Check necessary packages
load("G:\Setinfo\R\packagelist.RData") # includes a vector "pkgs"
installed <- pkgs %in% installed.packages()[, 'Package']
if (length(pkgs[!installed]) >=1){

I make the packagelist.RData by specifying .Last() in my This updates the package list if I installed some :

.Last <- function(){
pkgs <- installed.packages()[,1]
if (length(pkgs) > length(installed)){

When I install a new R version, I just add the necessary elements to the file and all packages are reinstalled. I have to adjust the anyway (using sum contrasts, adding the extra code for Tinn-R, these things), so it's not really extra work. It just takes extra time installing all packages anew.

This last bit is equivalent to what is given in the original question as a solution. I just don't need to worry about getting the "installed" list first.

Again, this doesn't work flawless if you have packages that are not installed from CRAN. But this code is easily extendible to include those ones too.

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