Add Objects to Package Namespace

Add objects to package namespace

Along the line of @Hadley's solution, but using the environment of the namespace, how about:

environment(myfun) <- asNamespace('stats')

Change variable in package namespace

The problem seems to have been with the format of the assign statements. Instead of

assign(".myvar", "bar", pos = "package:mypackage")

I used,

assign(".myvar", "bar", pos = asNamespace("mypackage"))

and this resolved the issue.

Will python add name in packages namespace with from * import *?

Yes, the package.__init__ module will have access to the name module:

$ mkdir package
$ touch package/
$ touch package/
$ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Oct 28 2013, 20:45:48)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.11.00)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from package import module
>>> import sys
>>> sys.modules['package']
<module 'package' from 'package/'>
>>> dir(sys.modules['package'])
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', 'module']
>>> sys.modules['package'].module
<module 'package.module' from 'package/'>

The second paragraph you refer to talks about what names are bound by a from foo import bar import statement. bar is bound, foo is not. Or, in terms of the above demonstration:

>>> module
<module 'package.module' from 'package/module.pyc'>
>>> package
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'package' is not defined

The from package import module statement added a module name to the namespace, but package was not bound.

R: How do I add an extra function to a package?

There are two parts to this answer - first a generic answer to your question, and 2nd a specific answer for the particular function that you reference, in which the problem is something slightly different.

1) generic solution to accessing internal functions when you edit a package function

You should already have access to the package namespace, since you loaded it, so it is only the unexported functions that will give you issues.

I usually just prepend the package name with the ::: operator to the non exported functions. I.e., find every instance of a call to some_internal_function(), and replace it with PackageName:::some_internal_function(). If there are several different internal functions called within the function you are editing, you may need to do this a few times for each of the offending function calls.

The help page for ::: does contain these warnings

Beware -- use ':::' at your own risk!


It is typically a design mistake to use ::: in your code since the
corresponding object has probably been kept internal for a good
reason. Consider contacting the package maintainer if you feel the
need to access the object for anything but mere inspection.

But for what you are doing, in terms of temporarily hacking another function from the same package for your own use, these warnings should be safe to ignore (at you own risk, of course - as it says in the manual)

2) In the case of blscrapeR ::bls_map_county()

The offending line in this case is

ggplot2::ggplot() + geom_map(...

in which the package writers have specified the ggplot2 namespace for ggplot(), but forgotten to do so for geom_map() which is also part of ggplot2 (and not an internal function in blscrapeR ).

In this case, just load ggplot2, and you should be good to go.

You may also consider contacting the package maintainer to inform them of this error.

How to distinguish package namespace environment from other environment objects

isNamespace ?

# [1] TRUE
# [1] FALSE

And, for future reference, apropos is often helpful when you've got a question like this.

# [1] "..getNamespace" ".BaseNamespaceEnv" ".getNamespace"
# [4] ".methodsNamespace" "asNamespace" "assignInMyNamespace"
# [7] "assignInNamespace" "attachNamespace" "fixInNamespace"
# [10] "getFromNamespace" "getNamespace" "getNamespaceExports"
# [13] "getNamespaceImports" "getNamespaceInfo" "getNamespaceName"
# [16] "getNamespaceUsers" "getNamespaceVersion" "isBaseNamespace"
# [19] "isNamespace" "loadedNamespaces" "loadingNamespaceInfo"
# [22] "loadNamespace" "namespaceExport" "namespaceImport"
# [25] "namespaceImportClasses" "namespaceImportFrom" "namespaceImportMethods"
# [28] "packageHasNamespace" "parseNamespaceFile" "requireNamespace"
# [31] "setNamespaceInfo" "unloadNamespace"

Show names of everything in a package

ls("package:foreach", all.names=TRUE) only shows what's attached to the search path, which only includes the objects exported from the namespace. Use ls on the results of getNamespace instead:

ls(getNamespace("foreach"), all.names=TRUE)

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