Yield in List Comprehensions and Generator Expressions

yield in list comprehensions and generator expressions

Note: this was a bug in the CPython's handling of yield in comprehensions and generator expressions, fixed in Python 3.8, with a deprecation warning in Python 3.7. See the Python bug report and the What's New entries for Python 3.7 and Python 3.8.

Generator expressions, and set and dict comprehensions are compiled to (generator) function objects. In Python 3, list comprehensions get the same treatment; they are all, in essence, a new nested scope.

You can see this if you try to disassemble a generator expression:

>>> dis.dis(compile("(i for i in range(3))", '', 'exec'))
1 0 LOAD_CONST 0 (<code object <genexpr> at 0x10f7530c0, file "", line 1>)
3 LOAD_CONST 1 ('<genexpr>')
9 LOAD_NAME 0 (range)
12 LOAD_CONST 2 (3)
15 CALL_FUNCTION 1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair)
19 CALL_FUNCTION 1 (1 positional, 0 keyword pair)
23 LOAD_CONST 3 (None)
>>> dis.dis(compile("(i for i in range(3))", '', 'exec').co_consts[0])
1 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (.0)
>> 3 FOR_ITER 11 (to 17)
6 STORE_FAST 1 (i)
9 LOAD_FAST 1 (i)
>> 17 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)

The above shows that a generator expression is compiled to a code object, loaded as a function (MAKE_FUNCTION creates the function object from the code object). The .co_consts[0] reference lets us see the code object generated for the expression, and it uses YIELD_VALUE just like a generator function would.

As such, the yield expression works in that context, as the compiler sees these as functions-in-disguise.

This is a bug; yield has no place in these expressions. The Python grammar before Python 3.7 allows it (which is why the code is compilable), but the yield expression specification shows that using yield here should not actually work:

The yield expression is only used when defining a generator function and thus can only be used in the body of a function definition.

This has been confirmed to be a bug in issue 10544. The resolution of the bug is that using yield and yield from will raise a SyntaxError in Python 3.8; in Python 3.7 it raises a DeprecationWarning to ensure code stops using this construct. You'll see the same warning in Python 2.7.15 and up if you use the -3 command line switch enabling Python 3 compatibility warnings.

The 3.7.0b1 warning looks like this; turning warnings into errors gives you a SyntaxError exception, like you would in 3.8:

>>> [(yield i) for i in range(3)]
<stdin>:1: DeprecationWarning: 'yield' inside list comprehension
<generator object <listcomp> at 0x1092ec7c8>
>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.simplefilter('error')
>>> [(yield i) for i in range(3)]
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: 'yield' inside list comprehension

The differences between how yield in a list comprehension and yield in a generator expression operate stem from the differences in how these two expressions are implemented. In Python 3 a list comprehension uses LIST_APPEND calls to add the top of the stack to the list being built, while a generator expression instead yields that value. Adding in (yield <expr>) just adds another YIELD_VALUE opcode to either:

>>> dis.dis(compile("[(yield i) for i in range(3)]", '', 'exec').co_consts[0])
3 LOAD_FAST 0 (.0)
>> 6 FOR_ITER 13 (to 22)
9 STORE_FAST 1 (i)
12 LOAD_FAST 1 (i)
>>> dis.dis(compile("((yield i) for i in range(3))", '', 'exec').co_consts[0])
1 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (.0)
>> 3 FOR_ITER 12 (to 18)
6 STORE_FAST 1 (i)
9 LOAD_FAST 1 (i)
>> 18 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)

The YIELD_VALUE opcode at bytecode indexes 15 and 12 respectively is extra, a cuckoo in the nest. So for the list-comprehension-turned-generator you have 1 yield producing the top of the stack each time (replacing the top of the stack with the yield return value), and for the generator expression variant you yield the top of the stack (the integer) and then yield again, but now the stack contains the return value of the yield and you get None that second time.

For the list comprehension then, the intended list object output is still returned, but Python 3 sees this as a generator so the return value is instead attached to the StopIteration exception as the value attribute:

>>> from itertools import islice
>>> listgen = [(yield i) for i in range(3)]
>>> list(islice(listgen, 3)) # avoid exhausting the generator
[0, 1, 2]
>>> try:
... next(listgen)
... except StopIteration as si:
... print(si.value)
[None, None, None]

Those None objects are the return values from the yield expressions.

And to reiterate this again; this same issue applies to dictionary and set comprehension in Python 2 and Python 3 as well; in Python 2 the yield return values are still added to the intended dictionary or set object, and the return value is 'yielded' last instead of attached to the StopIteration exception:

>>> list({(yield k): (yield v) for k, v in {'foo': 'bar', 'spam': 'eggs'}.items()})
['bar', 'foo', 'eggs', 'spam', {None: None}]
>>> list({(yield i) for i in range(3)})
[0, 1, 2, set([None])]

What are the applications of yield within a comprehension or generator expression?

What are the applications of yield within a comprehension or generator


This "feature" was confirmed to be a bug and is in the process of being deprecated for python3.7, and will be removed completely in python3.8, resulting in a SyntaxError if used.

From the docs,

Yield expressions (both yield and yield from clauses) are now
deprecated in comprehensions and generator expressions (aside from the
iterable expression in the leftmost for clause). This ensures that
comprehensions always immediately return a container of the
appropriate type (rather than potentially returning a generator
iterator object), while generator expressions won’t attempt to
interleave their implicit output with the output from any explicit
yield expressions.

In Python 3.7, such expressions emit DeprecationWarning when compiled,
in Python 3.8+ they will emit SyntaxError. (Contributed by Serhiy
Storchaka in bpo-10544.)

Generator expressions vs. list comprehensions

John's answer is good (that list comprehensions are better when you want to iterate over something multiple times). However, it's also worth noting that you should use a list if you want to use any of the list methods. For example, the following code won't work:

def gen():
return (something for something in get_some_stuff())

print gen()[:2] # generators don't support indexing or slicing
print [5,6] + gen() # generators can't be added to lists

Basically, use a generator expression if all you're doing is iterating once. If you want to store and use the generated results, then you're probably better off with a list comprehension.

Since performance is the most common reason to choose one over the other, my advice is to not worry about it and just pick one; if you find that your program is running too slowly, then and only then should you go back and worry about tuning your code.

How exactly does a generator comprehension work?

Do you understand list comprehensions? If so, a generator expression is like a list comprehension, but instead of finding all the items you're interested and packing them into list, it waits, and yields each item out of the expression, one by one.

>>> my_list = [1, 3, 5, 9, 2, 6]
>>> filtered_list = [item for item in my_list if item > 3]
>>> print(filtered_list)
[5, 9, 6]
>>> len(filtered_list)
>>> # compare to generator expression
>>> filtered_gen = (item for item in my_list if item > 3)
>>> print(filtered_gen) # notice it's a generator object
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f2ad75f89e0>
>>> len(filtered_gen) # So technically, it has no length
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: object of type 'generator' has no len()
>>> # We extract each item out individually. We'll do it manually first.
>>> next(filtered_gen)
>>> next(filtered_gen)
>>> next(filtered_gen)
>>> next(filtered_gen) # Should be all out of items and give an error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>> # Yup, the generator is spent. No values for you!
>>> # Let's prove it gives the same results as our list comprehension
>>> filtered_gen = (item for item in my_list if item > 3)
>>> gen_to_list = list(filtered_gen)
>>> print(gen_to_list)
[5, 9, 6]
>>> filtered_list == gen_to_list

Because a generator expression only has to yield one item at a time, it can lead to big savings in memory usage. Generator expressions make the most sense in scenarios where you need to take one item at a time, do a lot of calculations based on that item, and then move on to the next item. If you need more than one value, you can also use a generator expression and grab a few at a time. If you need all the values before your program proceeds, use a list comprehension instead.

List comprehension vs generator expression's weird timeit results?

Expanding on Paulo's answer, generator expressions are often slower than list comprehensions because of the overhead of function calls. In this case, the short-circuiting behavior of in offsets that slowness if the item is found fairly early, but otherwise, the pattern holds.

I ran a simple script through the profiler for a more detailed analysis. Here's the script:


def ge_d():
return 'd' in (y for x in lis for y in x)
def lc_d():
return 'd' in [y for x in lis for y in x]

def ge_11():
return 11 in (y for x in lis for y in x)
def lc_11():
return 11 in [y for x in lis for y in x]

def ge_18():
return 18 in (y for x in lis for y in x)
def lc_18():
return 18 in [y for x in lis for y in x]

for i in xrange(100000):

Here are the relevant results, reordered to make the patterns clearer.

         5400002 function calls in 2.830 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
100000 0.158 0.000 0.251 0.000 fop.py:3(ge_d)
500000 0.092 0.000 0.092 0.000 fop.py:4(<genexpr>)
100000 0.285 0.000 0.285 0.000 fop.py:5(lc_d)

100000 0.356 0.000 0.634 0.000 fop.py:8(ge_11)
1800000 0.278 0.000 0.278 0.000 fop.py:9(<genexpr>)
100000 0.333 0.000 0.333 0.000 fop.py:10(lc_11)

100000 0.435 0.000 0.806 0.000 fop.py:13(ge_18)
2500000 0.371 0.000 0.371 0.000 fop.py:14(<genexpr>)
100000 0.344 0.000 0.344 0.000 fop.py:15(lc_18)

Creating a generator expression is equivalent to creating a generator function and calling it. That accounts for one call to <genexpr>. Then, in the first case, next is called 4 times, until d is reached, for a total of 5 calls (times 100000 iterations = ncalls = 500000). In the second case, it is called 17 times, for a total of 18 calls; and in the third, 24 times, for a total of 25 calls.

The genex outperforms the list comprehension in the first case, but the extra calls to next account for most of the difference between the speed of the list comprehension and the speed of the generator expression in the second and third cases.

>>> .634 - .278 - .333
>>> .806 - .371 - .344

I'm not sure what accounts for the remaining time; it seems that generator expressions would be a hair slower even without the additional function calls. I suppose this confirms inspectorG4dget's assertion that "creating a generator comprehension has more native overhead than does a list comprehension." But in any case, this shows pretty clearly that generator expressions are slower mostly because of calls to next.

I'll add that when short-circuiting doesn't help, list comprehensions are still faster, even for very large lists. For example:

>>> counter = itertools.count()
>>> lol = [[counter.next(), counter.next(), counter.next()]
for _ in range(1000000)]
>>> 2999999 in (i for sublist in lol for i in sublist)
>>> 3000000 in (i for sublist in lol for i in sublist)
>>> %timeit 2999999 in [i for sublist in lol for i in sublist]
1 loops, best of 3: 312 ms per loop
>>> %timeit 2999999 in (i for sublist in lol for i in sublist)
1 loops, best of 3: 351 ms per loop
>>> %timeit any([2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol])
10 loops, best of 3: 161 ms per loop
>>> %timeit any(2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol)
10 loops, best of 3: 163 ms per loop
>>> %timeit for i in [2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol]: pass
1 loops, best of 3: 171 ms per loop
>>> %timeit for i in (2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol): pass
1 loops, best of 3: 183 ms per loop

As you can see, when short circuiting is irrelevant, list comprehensions are consistently faster even for a million-item-long list of lists. Obviously for actual uses of in at these scales, generators will be faster because of short-circuiting. But for other kinds of iterative tasks that are truly linear in the number of items, list comprehensions are pretty much always faster. This is especially true if you need to perform multiple tests on a list; you can iterate over an already-built list comprehension very quickly:

>>> incache = [2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol]
>>> get_list = lambda: incache
>>> get_gen = lambda: (2999999 in sublist for sublist in lol)
>>> %timeit for i in get_list(): pass
100 loops, best of 3: 18.6 ms per loop
>>> %timeit for i in get_gen(): pass
1 loops, best of 3: 187 ms per loop

In this case, the list comprehension is an order of magnitude faster!

Of course, this only remains true until you run out of memory. Which brings me to my final point. There are two main reasons to use a generator: to take advantage of short circuiting, and to save memory. For very large seqences/iterables, generators are the obvious way to go, because they save memory. But if short-circuiting is not an option, you pretty much never choose generators over lists for speed. You chose them to save memory, and it's always a trade-off.

Generator expressions vs yield

You are wrong in your thinking. Your generator expression does exactly the same thing as the generator function, with only one difference: you placed the print() call in the wrong place. In evens2 you print before the generator expression has been executed, creating a generator object, while in evens you print inside the generator function itself.

If this is Python 3 (or you used from __future__ import print_function) you could use the print() function inside the generator expression too:

def evens2(stream):
return (print('inside evens2') or n for n in stream if n % 2 == 0)

This is the equivalent of:

def evens(stream):
for n in stream:
if n % 2 == 0:
yield print("Inside evens") or n

print() always returns None, so print(..) or n will return n. Iteration over either will both print and yield all even n values.


>>> def evens2(stream):
... return (print('inside evens2') or n for n in stream if n % 2 == 0)
>>> def evens(stream):
... for n in stream:
... if n % 2 == 0:
... yield print("Inside evens") or n
>>> g1 = evens([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> g2 = evens2([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> g1
<generator object evens at 0x10bbf5938>
>>> g2
<generator object evens2.<locals>.<genexpr> at 0x10bbf5570>
>>> next(g1)
Inside evens
>>> next(g2)
inside evens2
>>> next(g1)
Inside evens
>>> next(g2)
inside evens2

Both calls produce a generator object, and both generator objects print additional information each time you advance them one step with next().

As far as Python is concerned, the two generator objects produce more or less the same bytecode:

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(compile('(n for n in stream if n % 2 == 0)', '', 'exec').co_consts[0])
1 0 LOAD_FAST 0 (.0)
>> 3 FOR_ITER 27 (to 33)
6 STORE_FAST 1 (n)
9 LOAD_FAST 1 (n)
12 LOAD_CONST 0 (2)
16 LOAD_CONST 1 (0)
19 COMPARE_OP 2 (==)
25 LOAD_FAST 1 (n)
>> 33 LOAD_CONST 2 (None)
>>> dis.dis(compile('''\
... def evens(stream):
... for n in stream:
... if n % 2 == 0:
... yield n
... ''', '', 'exec').co_consts[0])
2 0 SETUP_LOOP 35 (to 38)
3 LOAD_FAST 0 (stream)
>> 7 FOR_ITER 27 (to 37)
10 STORE_FAST 1 (n)

3 13 LOAD_FAST 1 (n)
16 LOAD_CONST 1 (2)
20 LOAD_CONST 2 (0)
23 COMPARE_OP 2 (==)

4 29 LOAD_FAST 1 (n)
>> 38 LOAD_CONST 0 (None)

Both use FOR_ITER to loop, COMPARE_OP to see if the output of BINARY_MODULO is equal to 0 and both use YIELD_VALUE to yield the value of n.

Differences between generator comprehension expressions

This is what you should be doing:

g = (i for i in range(10))

It's a generator expression. It's equivalent to

def temp(outer):
for i in outer:
yield i
g = temp(range(10))

but if you just wanted an iterable with the elements of range(10), you could have done

g = range(10)

You do not need to wrap any of this in a function.

If you're here to learn what code to write, you can stop reading. The rest of this post is a long and technical explanation of why the other code snippets are broken and should not be used, including an explanation of why your timings are broken too.


g = [(yield i) for i in range(10)]

is a broken construct that should have been taken out years ago. 8 years after the problem was originally reported, the process to remove it is finally beginning. Don't do it.

While it's still in the language, on Python 3, it's equivalent to

def temp(outer):
l = []
for i in outer:
l.append((yield i))
return l
g = temp(range(10))

List comprehensions are supposed to return lists, but because of the yield, this one doesn't. It acts kind of like a generator expression, and it yields the same things as your first snippet, but it builds an unnecessary list and attaches it to the StopIteration raised at the end.

>>> g = [(yield i) for i in range(10)]
>>> [next(g) for i in range(10)]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> next(g)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

This is confusing and a waste of memory. Don't do it. (If you want to know where all those Nones are coming from, read PEP 342.)

On Python 2, g = [(yield i) for i in range(10)] does something entirely different. Python 2 doesn't give list comprehensions their own scope - specifically list comprehensions, not dict or set comprehensions - so the yield is executed by whatever function contains this line. On Python 2, this:

def f():
g = [(yield i) for i in range(10)]

is equivalent to

def f():
temp = []
for i in range(10):
temp.append((yield i))
g = temp

making f a generator-based coroutine, in the pre-async sense. Again, if your goal was to get a generator, you've wasted a bunch of time building a pointless list.


g = [(yield from range(10))]

is silly, but none of the blame is on Python this time.

There is no comprehension or genexp here at all. The brackets are not a list comprehension; all the work is done by yield from, and then you build a 1-element list containing the (useless) return value of yield from. Your f3:

def f3():
g = [(yield from range(10))]

when stripped of the unnecessary list-building, simplifies to

def f3():
yield from range(10)

or, ignoring all the coroutine support stuff yield from does,

def f3():
for i in range(10):
yield i

Your timings are also broken.

In your first timing, f1 and f2 create generator objects that can be used inside those functions, though f2's generator is weird. f3 doesn't do that; f3 is a generator function. f3's body does not run in your timings, and if it did, its g would behave quite unlike the other functions' gs. A timing that would actually be comparable with f1 and f2 would be

def f4():
g = f3()

In your second timing, f2 doesn't actually run, for the same reason f3 was broken in the previous timing. In your second timing, f2 is not iterating over a generator. Instead, the yield from turns f2 into a generator function itself.

from mxnet import nd' results in SyntaxError: 'yield' inside list comprehension

unless you're prepared to put in a fix to MxNet yourself and submit a pull request, your best solution is to switch versions of python. 3.7 is still very recent and shouldn't give you any trouble with any other libraries you may use. I recommend you install 3.7, but keep 3.8 on your computer and use virtualenv to create custom library install environments for each... for example, I just found this link to take you through the steps...

I personally use anaconda and environments through that, which actually has similar steps (using anaconda prompt) no matter which OS you are on. But this can all be done without anaconda and with virtualenv as above.

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