Why Is _Init_() Always Called After _New_()

Why is __init__() always called after __new__()?

Use __new__ when you need to control
the creation of a new instance.

__init__ when you need to control initialization of a new instance.

__new__ is the first step of instance creation. It's called first, and is
responsible for returning a new
instance of your class.

In contrast,
__init__ doesn't return anything; it's only responsible for initializing the
instance after it's been created.

In general, you shouldn't need to
override __new__ unless you're
subclassing an immutable type like
str, int, unicode or tuple.

From April 2008 post: When to use __new__ vs. __init__? on mail.python.org.

You should consider that what you are trying to do is usually done with a Factory and that's the best way to do it. Using __new__ is not a good clean solution so please consider the usage of a factory. Here's a good example: ActiveState Fᴀᴄᴛᴏʀʏ ᴘᴀᴛᴛᴇʀɴ Recipe.

`__new__` and `__init__` on class and object

The biggest part of the picture you're probably missing is that __new__ is a staticmethod, special-cased to be one even if you don't use the @staticmethod decorator.

When calling a method through super(), super() performs the same kind of argument binding that would be performed normally for that kind of method (using the descriptor protocol). For a staticmethod like __new__, that means no arguments are automatically bound, so cls has to be passed explicitly. For an instance method like __init__, that means self is bound automatically, which is why you don't have to pass self to super().__init__.

Why is __init__ not called after __new__ SOMETIMES

From the documentation:

If __new__() does not return an instance of cls, then the new instance’s __init__() method will not be invoked.

This is to allow __new__() to return a new instance of a different class, which has its own __init__() to be called instead. You will need to detect if you're creating a new cls, and call the appropriate constructor instead if not.

What can `__init__` do that `__new__` cannot?

Everything you can do in __init__ can also be done in __new__.

Then, why use __init__?

Because you don't have to store instance in variable (obj in your example code), and later bother returning it. You can focus on what you realy want to do – initializing mutable object.

python: error when running __new__? not invoking __init__

__init__() will only be invoked if your __new__() returns something that it can be validly invoked on - namely, an instance of the class.

In your example, you're returning the class itself.

This is one way you can do it:
To create an instance of your class, and return it instead of returning the class itself:

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

class MyConfig(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
instance = super(MyConfig, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
print("Config new")
return instance

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print("Config init")

class MyConfiguration(MyConfig):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MyConfiguration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
print("Configuration init")

if __name__ == '__main__':
c = MyConfiguration()


Config new
Config init
Configuration init

Why does __init__ not get called if __new__ called with no args

The constructor (User()) is responsible for calling the allocator (User.__new__()) and the initializer (User.__init__()) in turn. Since the constructor is never invoked, the initializer is never called.

__new__ and __init__ in Python

how I should structure the class using __init__ and __new__ as they are different and both accepts arbitrary arguments besides default first argument.

Only rarely will you have to worry about __new__. Usually, you'll just define __init__ and let the default __new__ pass the constructor arguments to it.

self keyword is in terms of name can be changed to something else? But I am wondering cls is in terms of name is subject to change to something else as it is just a parameter name?

Both are just parameter names with no special meaning in the language. But their use is a very strong convention in the Python community; most Pythonistas will never change the names self and cls in these contexts and will be confused when someone else does.

Note that your use of def __new__(tuple) re-binds the name tuple inside the constructor function. When actually implementing __new__, you'll want to do it as

def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# do allocation to get an object, say, obj
return obj

Albeit I said I want to return tuple, this code works fine and returned me [1,2,3].

MyClass() will have the value that __new__ returns. There's no implicit type checking in Python; it's the responsibility of the programmer to return the correct type ("we're all consenting adults here"). Being able to return a different type than requested can be useful for implementing factories: you can return a subclass of the type requested.

This also explains the issubclass/isinstance behavior you observe: the subclass relationship follows from your use of class MyClass(tuple), the isinstance reflects that you return the "wrong" type from __new__.

For reference, check out the requirements for __new__ in the Python Language Reference.

Edit: ok, here's an example of potentially useful use of __new__. The class Eel keeps track of how many eels are alive in the process and refuses to allocate if this exceeds some maximum.

class Eel(object):
n_eels = 0

def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls.n_eels == cls.MAX_EELS:
raise HovercraftFull()

obj = super(Eel, cls).__new__(cls)
cls.n_eels += 1
return obj

def __init__(self, voltage):
self.voltage = voltage

def __del__(self):
type(self).n_eels -= 1

def electric(self):
"""Is this an electric eel?"""
return self.voltage > 0

Mind you, there are smarter ways to accomplish this behavior.

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