Update Value of a Nested Dictionary of Varying Depth

Update value of a nested dictionary of varying depth

@FM's answer has the right general idea, i.e. a recursive solution, but somewhat peculiar coding and at least one bug. I'd recommend, instead:

Python 2:

import collections

def update(d, u):
for k, v in u.iteritems():
if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping):
d[k] = update(d.get(k, {}), v)
d[k] = v
return d

Python 3:

import collections.abc

def update(d, u):
for k, v in u.items():
if isinstance(v, collections.abc.Mapping):
d[k] = update(d.get(k, {}), v)
d[k] = v
return d

The bug shows up when the "update" has a k, v item where v is a dict and k is not originally a key in the dictionary being updated -- @FM's code "skips" this part of the update (because it performs it on an empty new dict which isn't saved or returned anywhere, just lost when the recursive call returns).

My other changes are minor: there is no reason for the if/else construct when .get does the same job faster and cleaner, and isinstance is best applied to abstract base classes (not concrete ones) for generality.

Update nested dictionary value with same key's value one level up

Looks like you need

>>> d[0]['bb']['z'] = d[0]['z']

If you want to do this for every subkey, then try a dict comprehension

>>> {k:v if not isinstance(v, dict) 
else {subkey: (subval if subkey not in d[0] else d[0][subkey])
for (subkey, subval) in v.items()}
for k,v in d[0].items()}

varying depth nested dict from list of tuples

You can use recursion:

reform_list = [('a','b','c',[1,2,3]),('d','e','f','g',[4,5,6])]
my_map = [2,1,0,3]
def build_dict(mp, val):
if not mp or len(val) - 1 <= mp[0]:
return val[-1]
return {val[mp[0]]:build_dict(mp[1:],val)}

results = [build_dict(my_map, i) for i in reform_list]


[{'c': {'b': {'a': [1, 2, 3]}}}, {'f': {'e': {'d': {'g': [4, 5, 6]}}}}]

Python: Updating a value in a deeply nested dictionary

multi_match = query['query']['function_score']['query']['multi_match']
multi_match['operator'] = 'or'
multi_match.update({'minimum_should_match' : '80%' })

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