Unzipping Files in Python

Unzipping files in Python

import zipfile
with zipfile.ZipFile(path_to_zip_file, 'r') as zip_ref:

That's pretty much it!

Unzip all zipped files in a folder to that same folder using Python 2.7.5

Below is the code that worked for me:

import os, zipfile

dir_name = 'C:\\SomeDirectory'
extension = ".zip"

os.chdir(dir_name) # change directory from working dir to dir with files

for item in os.listdir(dir_name): # loop through items in dir
if item.endswith(extension): # check for ".zip" extension
file_name = os.path.abspath(item) # get full path of files
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(file_name) # create zipfile object
zip_ref.extractall(dir_name) # extract file to dir
zip_ref.close() # close file
os.remove(file_name) # delete zipped file

Looking back at the code I had amended, the directory was getting confused with the directory of the script.

The following also works while not ruining the working directory. First remove the line

os.chdir(dir_name) # change directory from working dir to dir with files

Then assign file_name as

file_name = dir_name + "/" + item

Unzipping multiple file without loosing the original creation date

Actually opening multiple zip files manually keeps the dates, at least on macOS.
Search for the files you need to unzip, select -> open.

Downloading and unzipping a .zip file without writing to disk

My suggestion would be to use a StringIO object. They emulate files, but reside in memory. So you could do something like this:

# get_zip_data() gets a zip archive containing 'foo.txt', reading 'hey, foo'

import zipfile
from StringIO import StringIO

zipdata = StringIO()
myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zipdata)
foofile = myzipfile.open('foo.txt')
print foofile.read()

# output: "hey, foo"

Or more simply (apologies to Vishal):

myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(get_zip_data()))
for name in myzipfile.namelist():
[ ... ]

In Python 3 use BytesIO instead of StringIO:

import zipfile
from io import BytesIO

filebytes = BytesIO(get_zip_data())
myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filebytes)
for name in myzipfile.namelist():
[ ... ]

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