Scrapy - How to Manage Cookies/Sessions

Scrapy - how to manage cookies/sessions

Three years later, I think this is exactly what you were looking for:

Just use something like this in your spider's start_requests method:

for i, url in enumerate(urls):
yield scrapy.Request("", meta={'cookiejar': i},

And remember that for subsequent requests, you need to explicitly reattach the cookiejar each time:

def parse_page(self, response):
# do some processing
return scrapy.Request("",
meta={'cookiejar': response.meta['cookiejar']},

Scrapy to manage session cookies with full webkit javascript execution

Actually, the first approach does work, but with one modification. The path to the cookies needs to be '/' (at least in my application), and not 'None' as in the code above. Ie, the line should be

libsoup.soup_cookie_jar_add_cookie(cookiejar, libsoup.soup_cookie_new(cookiename,cookieval,up.hostname,'/',-1))

Unfortunately this only pushes the question back a bit. Now the cookies are saved properly, but the full page (including the frames) is still not being loaded and rendered with webkit as I had expected, and so the DOM is not complete as I see it in within the browser. If I simply request the frame that I want, then I get the error page instead of the content that is shown in a real browser. I'd love to see how to use webkit to render the whole page, including frames. Or how to achieve the second approach, completing the entire session in webkit.

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