Python Unicodedecodeerror - am I Misunderstanding Encode

Python UnicodeDecodeError - Am I misunderstanding encode?

…there's a reason they're called "encodings"…

A little preamble: think of unicode as the norm, or the ideal state. Unicode is just a table of characters. №65 is latin capital A. №937 is greek capital omega. Just that.

In order for a computer to store and-or manipulate Unicode, it has to encode it into bytes. The most straightforward encoding of Unicode is UCS-4; every character occupies 4 bytes, and all ~1000000 characters are available. The 4 bytes contain the number of the character in the Unicode tables as a 4-byte integer. Another very useful encoding is UTF-8, which can encode any Unicode character with one to four bytes. But there also are some limited encodings, like "latin1", which include a very limited range of characters, mostly used by Western countries. Such encodings use only one byte per character.

Basically, Unicode can be encoded with many encodings, and encoded strings can be decoded to Unicode. The thing is, Unicode came quite late, so all of us that grew up using an 8-bit character set learned too late that all this time we worked with encoded strings. The encoding could be ISO8859-1, or windows CP437, or CP850, or, or, or, depending on our system default.

So when, in your source code, you enter the string "add “Monitoring“ to list" (and I think you wanted the string "add “Monitoring” to list", note the second quote), you actually are using a string already encoded according to your system's default codepage (by the byte \x93 I assume you use Windows codepage 1252, “Western”). If you want to get Unicode from that, you need to decode the string from the "cp1252" encoding.

So, what you meant to do, was:

"add \x93Monitoring\x94 to list".decode("cp1252", "ignore")

It's unfortunate that Python 2.x includes an .encode method for strings too; this is a convenience function for "special" encodings, like the "zip" or "rot13" or "base64" ones, which have nothing to do with Unicode.

Anyway, all you have to remember for your to-and-fro Unicode conversions is:

  • a Unicode string gets encoded to a Python 2.x string (actually, a sequence of bytes)
  • a Python 2.x string gets decoded to a Unicode string

In both cases, you need to specify the encoding that will be used.

I'm not very clear, I'm sleepy, but I sure hope I help.

PS A humorous side note: Mayans didn't have Unicode; ancient Romans, ancient Greeks, ancient Egyptians didn't too. They all had their own "encodings", and had little to no respect for other cultures. All these civilizations crumbled to dust. Think about it people! Make your apps Unicode-aware, for the good of mankind. :)

PS2 Please don't spoil the previous message by saying "But the Chinese…". If you feel inclined or obligated to do so, though, delay it by thinking that the Unicode BMP is populated mostly by chinese ideograms, ergo Chinese is the basis of Unicode. I can go on inventing outrageous lies, as long as people develop Unicode-aware applications. Cheers!

Python throws UnicodeEncodeError although I am doing str.decode(). Why?

Python has two types of strings: character-strings (the unicode type) and byte-strings (the str type). The code you have pasted operates on byte-strings. You need a similar function to handle character-strings.

Maybe this:

def uescape(text):
print repr(text)
escaped_chars = []
for c in text:
if (ord(c) < 32) or (ord(c) > 126):
c = '&{};'.format(htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name[ord(c)])
return ''.join(escaped_chars)

I do wonder whether either function is truly necessary for you. If it were me, I would choose UTF-8 as the character encoding for the result document, process the document in character-string form (without worrying about entities), and perform a content.encode('UTF-8') as the final step before delivering it to the client. Depending on the web framework of choice, you may even be able to deliver character-strings directly to the API and have it figure out how to set the encoding.

UnicodeDecodeError when redirecting to file

The whole key to such encoding problems is to understand that there are in principle two distinct concepts of "string": (1) string of characters, and (2) string/array of bytes. This distinction has been mostly ignored for a long time because of the historic ubiquity of encodings with no more than 256 characters (ASCII, Latin-1, Windows-1252, Mac OS Roman,…): these encodings map a set of common characters to numbers between 0 and 255 (i.e. bytes); the relatively limited exchange of files before the advent of the web made this situation of incompatible encodings tolerable, as most programs could ignore the fact that there were multiple encodings as long as they produced text that remained on the same operating system: such programs would simply treat text as bytes (through the encoding used by the operating system). The correct, modern view properly separates these two string concepts, based on the following two points:

  1. Characters are mostly unrelated to computers: one can draw them on a chalk board, etc., like for instance بايثون, 中蟒 and . "Characters" for machines also include "drawing instructions" like for example spaces, carriage return, instructions to set the writing direction (for Arabic, etc.), accents, etc. A very large character list is included in the Unicode standard; it covers most of the known characters.

  2. On the other hand, computers do need to represent abstract characters in some way: for this, they use arrays of bytes (numbers between 0 and 255 included), because their memory comes in byte chunks. The necessary process that converts characters to bytes is called encoding. Thus, a computer requires an encoding in order to represent characters. Any text present on your computer is encoded (until it is displayed), whether it be sent to a terminal (which expects characters encoded in a specific way), or saved in a file. In order to be displayed or properly "understood" (by, say, the Python interpreter), streams of bytes are decoded into characters. A few encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16,…) are defined by Unicode for its list of characters (Unicode thus defines both a list of characters and encodings for these characters—there are still places where one sees the expression "Unicode encoding" as a way to refer to the ubiquitous UTF-8, but this is incorrect terminology, as Unicode provides multiple encodings).

In summary, computers need to internally represent characters with bytes, and they do so through two operations:

Encoding: characters → bytes

Decoding: bytes → characters

Some encodings cannot encode all characters (e.g., ASCII), while (some) Unicode encodings allow you to encode all Unicode characters. The encoding is also not necessarily unique, because some characters can be represented either directly or as a combination (e.g. of a base character and of accents).

Note that the concept of newline adds a layer of complication, since it can be represented by different (control) characters that depend on the operating system (this is the reason for Python's universal newline file reading mode).

Some more information on Unicode, characters and code points, if you are interested:

Now, what I have called "character" above is what Unicode calls a "user-perceived character". A single user-perceived character can sometimes be represented in Unicode by combining character parts (base character, accents,…) found at different indexes in the Unicode list, which are called "code points"—these codes points can be combined together to form a "grapheme cluster".
Unicode thus leads to a third concept of string, made of a sequence of Unicode code points, that sits between byte and character strings, and which is closer to the latter. I will call them "Unicode strings" (like in Python 2).

While Python can print strings of (user-perceived) characters, Python non-byte strings are essentially sequences of Unicode code points, not of user-perceived characters. The code point values are the ones used in Python's \u and \U Unicode string syntax. They should not be confused with the encoding of a character (and do not have to bear any relationship with it: Unicode code points can be encoded in various ways).

This has an important consequence: the length of a Python (Unicode) string is its number of code points, which is not always its number of user-perceived characters: thus s = "\u1100\u1161\u11a8"; print(s, "len", len(s)) (Python 3) gives 각 len 3 despite s having a single user-perceived (Korean) character (because it is represented with 3 code points—even if it does not have to, as print("\uac01") shows). However, in many practical circumstances, the length of a string is its number of user-perceived characters, because many characters are typically stored by Python as a single Unicode code point.

In Python 2, Unicode strings are called… "Unicode strings" (unicode type, literal form u"…"), while byte arrays are "strings" (str type, where the array of bytes can for instance be constructed with string literals "…"). In Python 3, Unicode strings are simply called "strings" (str type, literal form "…"), while byte arrays are "bytes" (bytes type, literal form b"…"). As a consequence, something like "quot;[0] gives a different result in Python 2 ('\xf0', a byte) and Python 3 ("quot;, the first and only character).

With these few key points, you should be able to understand most encoding related questions!

Normally, when you print u"…" to a terminal, you should not get garbage: Python knows the encoding of your terminal. In fact, you can check what encoding the terminal expects:

% python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 15 2013, 15:20:37)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> print sys.stdout.encoding

If your input characters can be encoded with the terminal's encoding, Python will do so and will send the corresponding bytes to your terminal without complaining. The terminal will then do its best to display the characters after decoding the input bytes (at worst the terminal font does not have some of the characters and will print some kind of blank instead).

If your input characters cannot be encoded with the terminal's encoding, then it means that the terminal is not configured for displaying these characters. Python will complain (in Python with a UnicodeEncodeError since the character string cannot be encoded in a way that suits your terminal). The only possible solution is to use a terminal that can display the characters (either by configuring the terminal so that it accepts an encoding that can represent your characters, or by using a different terminal program). This is important when you distribute programs that can be used in different environments: messages that you print should be representable in the user's terminal. Sometimes it is thus best to stick to strings that only contain ASCII characters.

However, when you redirect or pipe the output of your program, then it is generally not possible to know what the input encoding of the receiving program is, and the above code returns some default encoding: None (Python 2.7) or UTF-8 (Python 3):

% python2.7 -c "import sys; print sys.stdout.encoding" | cat
% python3.4 -c "import sys; print(sys.stdout.encoding)" | cat

The encoding of stdin, stdout and stderr can however be set through the PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable, if needed:

% PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 python2.7 -c "import sys; print sys.stdout.encoding" | cat

If the printing to a terminal does not produce what you expect, you can check the UTF-8 encoding that you put manually in is correct; for instance, your first character (\u001A) is not printable, if I'm not mistaken.

At, you can find a solution like the following, for Python 2.x:

import codecs
import locale
import sys

# Wrap sys.stdout into a StreamWriter to allow writing unicode.
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(locale.getpreferredencoding())(sys.stdout)

uni = u"\u001A\u0BC3\u1451\U0001D10C"
print uni

For Python 3, you can check one of the questions asked previously on StackOverflow.

Python Unicode Encode Error

Likely, your problem is that you parsed it okay, and now you're trying to print the contents of the XML and you can't because theres some foreign Unicode characters. Try to encode your unicode string as ascii first:

unicodeData.encode('ascii', 'ignore')

the 'ignore' part will tell it to just skip those characters. From the python docs:

>>> # Python 2: u = unichr(40960) + u'abcd' + unichr(1972)
>>> u = chr(40960) + u'abcd' + chr(1972)
>>> u.encode('utf-8')
>>> u.encode('ascii')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\ua000' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
>>> u.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
>>> u.encode('ascii', 'replace')
>>> u.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')

You might want to read this article:, which I found very useful as a basic tutorial on what's going on. After the read, you'll stop feeling like you're just guessing what commands to use (or at least that happened to me).

UnicodeDecodeError during encode?

for fname in files:
filename = unicode(fname)

The second line will complaint if fname is not ASCII. If you want to convert the string to Unicode, instead of unicode(fname) you should do fname.decode('<the encoding here>').

I would suggest the encoding but you don't tell us what does \xab is in your .link file. You can search in google for the encoding anyways so it would stay like this:

for fname in files:
filename = fname.decode('<encoding>')

UPDATE: For example, IF the encoding of your filesystem's names is ISO-8859-1 then \xab char would be "«". To read it into python you should do:

for fname in files:
filename = fname.decode('latin1') #which is synonym to #ISO-8859-1

Hope this helps!

Decoding if it's not unicode

You could just try decoding it with the 'utf-8' codec, and if that does not work, then return the object.

def myfunction(text):
text = unicode(text, 'utf-8')
except TypeError:
return text

# cerón

When you take a unicode object and call its decode method with the 'utf-8' codec, Python first tries to convert the unicode object to a string object, and then it calls the string object's decode('utf-8') method.

Sometimes the conversion from unicode object to string object fails because Python2 uses the ascii codec by default.

So, in general, never try to decode unicode objects. Or, if you must try, trap it in a try..except block. There may be a few codecs for which decoding unicode objects works in Python2 (see below), but they have been removed in Python3.

See this Python bug ticket for an interesting discussion of the issue,
and also Guido van Rossum's blog:

"We are adopting a slightly different
approach to codecs: while in Python 2,
codecs can accept either Unicode or
8-bits as input and produce either as
output, in Py3k, encoding is always a
translation from a Unicode (text)
string to an array of bytes, and
decoding always goes the opposite
This means that we had to
drop a few codecs that don't fit in
this model, for example rot13, base64
and bz2 (those conversions are still
supported, just not through the
encode/decode API)."

Python Encoding issue

Somewhere, perhaps subtly, you are asking Python to turn a stream of bytes into a "string" of characters.

Don't think of a string as "bytes". A string is a list of numbers, each number having an agreed meaning in Unicode. (#65 = Latin Capital A. #19968 = Chinese Character "One"/"First") .

There are many methods of encoding a list of Unicode entities into a stream of bytes. Python is assuming your stream of bytes is the result of a particular such method, called "UTF-8".

However, your stream of bytes has data that does not correspond to that method. Thus the error is raised.

You need to figure out the encoding of the stream of bytes, and tell Python that encoding.

It's important to know if you're using Python 2 or 3, and the code leading up to this exception to see where your bytes came from and what the appropriate way to deal with them is.

If it's from reading a file, you can explicity deal with the bytes read. But you must be sure of the file encoding.

If it's from a string that is part of your source code, then Python is assuming the "wrong thing" about your source files... perhaps $LC_ALL or $LANG needs to be set. This is a good time to firmly understand the concept of encoding, and how text editors choose an encoding to write, and what is standard for your language and operating system.

how to reliably decode various encodings to system default encoding

Use decode to convert bytes to unicode, and encode to convert unicode to bytes:

text.decode(encoding['encoding'], 'ignore').encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'ignore')

Although I would recommend doing your processing on the unicode objects themselves, or UTF-8 encoded strings if you absolutely need to work with bytes. sys.getdefaultencoding() is 'ascii', which provides a very limited character set. See also:

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