Python Rounding Error With Float Numbers

Python rounding error with float numbers

Any number that can't be built from exact powers of two can't be represented exactly as a floating point number; it needs to be approximated. Sometimes the closest approximation will be less than the actual number.

Read What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.

How to fix Python rounding error in Floating Point numbers without using decimal, fractions or any other external libraries?

How to fix Python rounding error in Floating Point numbers without using decimal, fractions or any other external libraries?

Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations

(...)there are many different decimal numbers that share the same
nearest approximate binary fraction. For example, the numbers 0.1 and
0.10000000000000001 and
0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625 are all
approximated by 3602879701896397 / 2 ** 55. Since all of these
decimal values share the same approximation, any one of them could be
displayed while still preserving the invariant eval(repr(x)) == x.(...)this is in the very nature of binary floating-point: this is
not a bug in Python, and it is not a bug in your code either. You’ll
see the same kind of thing in all languages that support your
hardware’s floating-point arithmetic (although some languages may not
display the difference by default, or in all output modes).

emphasis added by me, so I suppose only way to repair float in this case is to not use float at all. Which is generally not feasible without decimal, fractions or any other external libraries.

Python round off error

Aside from @Ashwini Chaudhary answer,

Question :

Why is python adding up the trailing 00000000002 when mathematically it is not supposed to be there

Answer :

Because value in the machine is not exact. It's not a bug in Python or the bug in your code either. You will see this exact same problem in all languages that support binary floating-point arithmetic. However, different languages may display it differently (round-off).

Try this:

0.1 + 0.2

You will get


This is because 0.1 can't be represent in Binary form exactly. In base 2, or Binary, 0.1 is the infinity repeating numbers


So, Python decided to round this off instead.

I suggest you read more here.

Python Float rounding errors

floats are inherently imprecise in pretty much every language

if you need exact precision use the Decimal class

from decimal import Decimal
print Decimal("0.3")

if you just need them to look pretty just use format strings when displaying
eg :


if you want to compare them use some threshold

if num1 - num2 < 1e-3 : print "Equal Enough For Me!"

**see abarnert's comments on thresholding ... this is a very simplified example for a more indepth explanation of epsilon thresholding one article I found is here

Additional Reading: (for a detailed explanation) (basic tutorial for working with floats in general)

python incorrect rounding with floating point numbers

Python 3 rounds according to the IEEE 754 standard, using a round-to-even approach.

If you want to round in a different way then simply implement it by hand:

import math
def my_round(n, ndigits):
part = n * 10 ** ndigits
delta = part - int(part)
# always round "away from 0"
if delta >= 0.5 or -0.5 < delta <= 0:
part = math.ceil(part)
part = math.floor(part)
return part / (10 ** ndigits) if ndigits >= 0 else part * 10 ** abs(ndigits)

Example usage:

In [12]: my_round(0.3125, 3)
Out[12]: 0.313

Note: in python2 rounding is always away from zero, while in python3 it rounds to even. (see, for example, the difference in the documentation for the round function between 2.7 and 3.3).

Rounding Problem with Python

If you need exact arithmetic, you could use the decimal module:

import decimal

# 6.1750
# 6.18

# 18.5250
# 18.53

How to fix the floating point error in python

you can try any of the follow methods which is conventional for you

#for two decimal places use 2f, for 3 use 3f
val = 0.1 + 0.2
print(f"val = {val:.2f}")

#output | val = 0.30

#or else

#output | val = 0.30

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