Python Referencing Old Ssl Version

Linking OpenSSL 1.1.0e installed manually to python2.7

OpenSSL 1.0.2 and OpenSSL 1.1.0 are not compatible at the API level. This means that you cannot simply relink Python against the new libssl and libcrypto. Instead you need to rebuild Python with the new libssl and libcrypto, as described in How do I compile Python 3.4 with custom OpenSSL? or Building Python with SSL support in non-standard location.

Building Python with SSL support in non-standard location

You need to edit Modules/Setup.dist to specify the location of OpenSSL if it is not in the standard location. From Getting SSL Support in Python 2.5.1:

If you find yourself on a linux box needing ssl support in python (to
use a client in things like httplib.HTTPSConnection or
imaplib.IMAP4_SSL), then let me save you a couple of hours of hunting
around the web (of course if you have found this then that means
you've done some level hunting already!).

You'll know if you need ssl support compiled into your python
installation if you get the following exception message:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ssl'

In order to make that go away so you can continue happily slinging
python code, you'll need to first make sure you have OpenSSL
installed. By default it is installed from source at: /usr/local/ssl

If that directory doesn't exist, then grab the source package.

Do the standard:

tar zxf openssl-0.9.8g.tar.gz
cd openssl-0.9.8g
make install

Then grab the python sources for 2.5.1 and: tar zxf Python-2.5.1.tgz
&& cd Python-2.5.1

Then you need to edit the Modules/Setup.dist:

204:# Socket module helper for SSL support; you must comment out the other
205:# socket line above, and possibly edit the SSL variable:
207:_ssl _ssl.c \
208: -DUSE_SSL -I$(SSL)/include -I$(SSL)/include/openssl \
209: -L$(SSL)/lib -lssl -lcrypto

If you installed OpenSSL in the default locations you can just
uncomment lines 206-209, then:

make install

Then verify your installation with:

python /usr/local/lib/python2.5/test/
test_rude_shutdown ...
test_basic ...
test_timeout ...

Make sure the changes to Modules/Setup.dist get picked up by cleaning the source root (e.g. make distclean) and run configure and make again.

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