Python Read File as Stream from Hdfs

Python read file as stream from HDFS

You want xreadlines, it reads lines from a file without loading the whole file into memory.


Now I see your question, you just need to get the stdout pipe from your Popen object:

cat = subprocess.Popen(["hadoop", "fs", "-cat", "/path/to/myfile"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in cat.stdout:
print line

Read HDFS file as stream

The problem comes from that fact that I am watching a specific file. I should be watching a folder to catch the new files. Apparently, there is no native mean to watch a file while data is being append.

How to read the file from hdfs

Get PySpark installed.

text = sc.textFile('hdfs:///project1/mr.txt')
first_line = text.first()

PySpark HDFS data streams reading/writing

After some investigation, I found a solution for my problem. The solution involves, creating some JVM objects via spark context and use them for buffered i/o operations:

sc = SparkContext()
hadoop =
hdfs = hadoop.fs.FileSystem.get(sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration())

raw_out = hdfs.create(hadoop.fs.Path('/tmp/combinedFile.parquet')) # FSDataOutputStream
out_stream =

for f in hdfs.listStatus(hadoop.fs.Path('/tmp/dirWithSeparatedFiles/')):

raw_in = # FSDataInputStream
in_stream =

while in_stream.available() > 0:

How to use a file in a hadoop streaming job using python?

hadoop jar contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-1.1.1.jar -file ./ \
-mapper ./ -file ./ -reducer ./ \
-input test/input.txt -output test/output -file '../user_ids'

Does ../user_ids exist on your local file path when you execute the job? If it does then you need to amend your mapper code to account for the fact that this file will be available in the local working directory of the mapper at runtime:

f = open('user_ids','r')

Streaming files from a tar file in hdfs

Try passing the HDFS file handle to the fileobj argument of

tf =

Using files in Hadoop Streaming with Python

I was able to resolve the issue after searching a solution for like 3 days.

The problem is with the newer version of Hadoop (2.2.0 in my case). The mapper code, when reading values from files was giving an exit code of non-zero at some point (maybe because it was reading a huge list of values(784) at a time). There is a setting in the Hadoop 2.2.0, which tells the Hadoop System to give a general error (subprocess failed with code 1). This setting is set to True by default. I just had to set the value of this property to False, and it made my code run without any errors.

Setting is: Just set it to false when streaming. So the streaming command would be somewhat like:

**hadoop jar ... -D ...**

Hope it helps someone, and saves 3 days... ;)

Problem in creating a separate function to read file in Hadoop Streaming

Try this simplified script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

def main():
filename = "my_dict.txt"
listfile = open(filename)
# doesn't create an itermediate list
listDM = set(line.strip() for line in listfile)
# less Pythonic but significantly faster
# still doesn't create an intermediate list
# listDM = set(imap(str.strip, listfile))
for line in sys.stdin:
line = line.strip()
if line in listDM:
print '%s\t%d' % (line, 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

If you use the faster commented out alternative, you need to from itertools import imap.

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