Python: Nameerror: Global Name 'Foobar' Is Not Defined

Python: NameError: global name 'foobar' is not defined

Python doesn't scope code to the local class automatically; you need to tell it to.

pp = self.foobar(arg1, arg2)

python: NameError:global name '...‘ is not defined

You need to call self.a() to invoke a from b. a is not a global function, it is a method on the class.

You may want to read through the Python tutorial on classes some more to get the finer details down.

Python “NameError: Global name ”nameCheck“ is not defined.”

Since the methods are in a class you need to give then the self attribute:

do this:

class game(object):
def play(self):
name = input("What's your name, my friend? ")
check = self.nameCheck(name)

if check == 1:
print ("Hello %r " %(name))
print ("Sorry, I can't print your name because you don't have one!")

def nameCheck(self, name):
if name == "":
print("I can't believe you have no name!")
return 0

print("%s is a nice name!" %name)
return 1
game = Game()

the selfis a placeholder for the instance so you have to create an instance of the object by doing this game = game() then you can call any of the methods for that instance

now you can call the method from anywhere in the class and if you give then variables the self attribute they can also be access anywhere in the class

more on self

NameError: global name is not defined in genexpr in python

Well as explained to the answer linked in the comments by @PadraicCunningham:

The scope of names defined in a class block is limited to the class block; it does not extend to the code blocks of methods – this includes comprehensions and generator expressions since they are implemented using a function scope

That is for python 3 - for python 2 list comprehensions would work - but the comprehension variable would leak into class scope - so this would leak x:

    def _refreshBasic(self,os_sep=os_sep, skips_start=tuple(
[x.replace(os_sep, u'') for x in _silentSkipsStart])):

So I went with:

import os

os_sep = os.sep
class A(object):
_silentSkipsStart = {u'a dir%s' % os_sep}

def _refreshBasic(self,os_sep=os_sep, skips_start=tuple(
x.replace(os_sep, u'') for x in _silentSkipsStart)):

NameError: global name 'getAllElements' is not defined when calling a class function

It's your import and style of call, as Praveen alluded to.

Because you import in this fashion:

from foo import bar

You don't need to (and in fact shouldn't) explicitly declare foo in your call.



So in your case try the call:


But you still need to address the naked call in your recursion:
getAllElements() probably should be self.getAllElements()

Getting NameError: variable not defined when it is defined

In that function. question isn't defined. You do, however, have self.question. question is local to the __init__ function.

Name Error in python

Looks like those are methods in a class. You need the following changes:

def insert_at(self, leaf, value): # add self


self.insert_at(self.root, value) # add self

Inner class usage python. Global name is not defined

class ClassWithEnum(object):
class EnumClass(object):

def doSomethingWithEnum(self, m = EnumClass....):

Python class construction executes as code. The def statement is really a line of code being executed that creates a function. The class keyword introduces a namespace. Putting these two mechanisms together, it means that class EnumClass really creates an object by that name in the current namespace, not much different from what foo = 'bar' does, so within the same namespace you can refer to it by that name, which is what happens in the def statement.

Also compare:

class Foo:
bar = 'baz'
print bar
baz = bar

Every line of code inside a class block is a regular executable line of code.

Once your class definition is done, you're out of the ClassWithEnum namespace and cannot access EnumClass anymore simply by that name; it's now only available as ClassWithEnum.EnumClass; whether from "outside" the class or from within a function (any function, including class methods).

To get access to the class without typing its name from within the method you could do:


Or simply self.EnumClass, since properties are looked up up the chain.

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