Python - Is a Dictionary Slow to Find Frequency of Each Character

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?

Performance comparison

Note: time in the table doesn't include the time it takes to load files.

| approach       | american-english, |      big.txt, | time w.r.t. defaultdict |
| | time, seconds | time, seconds | |
| Counter | 0.451 | 3.367 | 3.6 |
| setdefault | 0.348 | 2.320 | 2.5 |
| list | 0.277 | 1.822 | 2 |
| try/except | 0.158 | 1.068 | 1.2 |
| defaultdict | 0.141 | 0.925 | 1 |
| numpy | 0.012 | 0.076 | 0.082 |
| S.Mark's ext. | 0.003 | 0.019 | 0.021 |
| ext. in Cython | 0.001 | 0.008 | 0.0086 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$3/@7$3;%.2g

The files used: '/usr/share/dict/american-english' and 'big.txt'.

The script that compares 'Counter', 'setdefault', 'list', 'try/except', 'defaultdict', 'numpy', 'cython' -based, and @S.Mark's solutions is at

The fastest solution is Python extension written in Cython:

import cython

def countchars_cython(chars):
for i in range(0x10000): # unicode code points > 0xffff are not supported
L[i] = 0

for c in chars:
L[c] += 1

return {unichr(i): L[i] for i in range(0x10000) if L[i]}

Previous comparison:

* python (dict) : 0.5  seconds
* python (list) : 0.5 (ascii) (0.2 if read whole file in memory)
* perl : 0.5
* python (numpy): 0.07
* c++ : 0.05
* c : 0.008 (ascii)

Input data:

$ tail /usr/share/dict/american-english

$ du -h /usr/share/dict/american-english
912K /usr/share/dict/american-english

python (Counter): 0.5 seconds

#!/usr/bin/env python3.1
import collections, fileinput, textwrap

chars = (ch for word in fileinput.input() for ch in word.rstrip())
# faster (0.4s) but less flexible: chars = open(filename).read()
print(textwrap.fill(str(collections.Counter(chars)), width=79))

Run it:

$ time -p python3.1 /usr/share/dict/american-english
Counter({'e': 87823, 's': 86620, 'i': 66548, 'a': 62778, 'n': 56696, 'r':
56286, 't': 51588, 'o': 48425, 'l': 39914, 'c': 30020, 'd': 28068, 'u': 25810,
"'": 24511, 'g': 22262, 'p': 20917, 'm': 20747, 'h': 18453, 'b': 14137, 'y':
12367, 'f': 10049, 'k': 7800, 'v': 7573, 'w': 6924, 'z': 3088, 'x': 2082, 'M':
1686, 'C': 1549, 'S': 1515, 'q': 1447, 'B': 1387, 'j': 1376, 'A': 1345, 'P':
974, 'L': 912, 'H': 860, 'T': 858, 'G': 811, 'D': 809, 'R': 749, 'K': 656, 'E':
618, 'J': 539, 'N': 531, 'W': 507, 'F': 502, 'O': 354, 'I': 344, 'V': 330, 'Z':
150, 'Y': 140, 'é': 128, 'U': 117, 'Q': 63, 'X': 42, 'è': 29, 'ö': 12, 'ü': 12,
'ó': 10, 'á': 10, 'ä': 7, 'ê': 6, 'â': 6, 'ñ': 6, 'ç': 4, 'å': 3, 'û': 3, 'í':
2, 'ô': 2, 'Å': 1})
real 0.44
user 0.43
sys 0.01

perl: 0.5 seconds

time -p perl -MData::Dumper -F'' -lanwe'$c{$_}++ for (@F);
END{ $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; print Dumper(\%c) }
' /usr/share/dict/american-english


{'S' => 1515,'K' => 656,'' => 29,'d' => 28068,'Y' => 140,'E' => 618,'y' => 12367,'g' => 22262,'e' => 87823,'' => 2,'J' => 539,'' => 241,'' => 3,'' => 6,'' => 4,'' => 128,'D' => 809,'q' => 1447,'b' => 14137,'z' => 3088,'w' => 6924,'Q' => 63,'' => 10,'M' => 1686,'C' => 1549,'' => 10,'L' => 912,'X' => 42,'P' => 974,'' => 12,'\'' => 24511,'' => 6,'a' => 62778,'T' => 858,'N' => 531,'j' => 1376,'Z' => 150,'u' => 25810,'k' => 7800,'t' => 51588,'' => 6,'W' => 507,'v' => 7573,'s' => 86620,'B' => 1387,'H' => 860,'c' => 30020,'' => 12,'I' => 344,'' => 3,'G' => 811,'U' => 117,'F' => 502,'' => 2,'r' => 56286,'x' => 2082,'V' => 330,'h' => 18453,'f' => 10049,'' => 1,'i' => 66548,'A' => 1345,'O' => 354,'n' => 56696,'m' => 20747,'l' => 39914,'' => 7,'p' => 20917,'R' => 749,'o' => 48425}
real 0.51
user 0.49
sys 0.02

python (numpy): 0.07 seconds

Based on Ants Aasma's answer (modified to support unicode):

#!/usr/bin/env python
import codecs, itertools, operator, sys
import numpy

filename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)>1 else '/usr/share/dict/american-english'

# ucs2 or ucs4 python?
dtype = {2: numpy.uint16, 4: numpy.uint32}[len(buffer(u"u"))]

# count ordinals
text =, encoding='utf-8').read()
a = numpy.frombuffer(text, dtype=dtype)
counts = numpy.bincount(a)

# pretty print
counts = [(unichr(i), v) for i, v in enumerate(counts) if v]
print ' '.join('("%s" %d)' % c for c in counts if c[0] not in ' \t\n')


("Å" 1) ("í" 2) ("ô" 2) ("å" 3) ("û" 3) ("ç" 4) ("â" 6) ("ê" 6) ("ñ" 6) ("ä" 7) ("á" 10) ("ó" 10) ("ö" 12) ("ü" 12) ("è" 29) ("X" 42) ("Q" 63) ("U" 117) ("é" 128) ("Y" 140) ("Z" 150) ("V" 330) ("I" 344) ("O" 354) ("F" 502) ("W" 507) ("N" 531) ("J" 539) ("E" 618) ("K" 656) ("R" 749) ("D" 809) ("G" 811) ("T" 858) ("H" 860) ("L" 912) ("P" 974) ("A" 1345) ("j" 1376) ("B" 1387) ("q" 1447) ("S" 1515) ("C" 1549) ("M" 1686) ("x" 2082) ("z" 3088) ("w" 6924) ("v" 7573) ("k" 7800) ("f" 10049) ("y" 12367) ("b" 14137) ("h" 18453) ("m" 20747) ("p" 20917) ("g" 22262) ("'" 24511) ("u" 25810) ("d" 28068) ("c" 30020) ("l" 39914) ("o" 48425) ("t" 51588) ("r" 56286) ("n" 56696) ("a" 62778) ("i" 66548) ("s" 86620) ("e" 87823)
real 0.07
user 0.06
sys 0.01

c++: 0.05 seconds

// $ g++ *.cc -lboost_program_options 
// $ ./a.out /usr/share/dict/american-english
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib> // exit

#include <boost/program_options/detail/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp>
#include <boost/tr1/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
using namespace std;

// open input file
if (argc != 2) {
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>\n";
wifstream f(argv[argc-1]);

// assume the file has utf-8 encoding
locale utf8_locale(locale(""),
new boost::program_options::detail::utf8_codecvt_facet);

// count characters frequencies
typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<wchar_t, size_t> hashtable_t;
hashtable_t counts;
for (wchar_t ch; f >> ch; )

// print result
wofstream of("output.utf8");
BOOST_FOREACH(hashtable_t::value_type i, counts)
of << "(" << i.first << " " << i.second << ") ";
of << endl;


$ cat output.utf8 
(í 2) (O 354) (P 974) (Q 63) (R 749) (S 1,515) (ñ 6) (T 858) (U 117) (ó 10) (ô 2) (V 330) (W 507) (X 42) (ö 12) (Y 140) (Z 150) (û 3) (ü 12) (a 62,778) (b 14,137) (c 30,020) (d 28,068) (e 87,823) (f 10,049) (g 22,262) (h 18,453) (i 66,548) (j 1,376) (k 7,800) (l 39,914) (m 20,747) (n 56,696) (o 48,425) (p 20,917) (q 1,447) (r 56,286) (s 86,620) (t 51,588) (u 25,810) (Å 1) (' 24,511) (v 7,573) (w 6,924) (x 2,082) (y 12,367) (z 3,088) (A 1,345) (B 1,387) (C 1,549) (á 10) (â 6) (D 809) (E 618) (F 502) (ä 7) (å 3) (G 811) (H 860) (ç 4) (I 344) (J 539) (è 29) (K 656) (é 128) (ê 6) (L 912) (M 1,686) (N 531)

c (ascii): 0.0079 seconds

// $ gcc -O3 cc_ascii.c -o cc_ascii && time -p ./cc_ascii < input.txt
#include <stdio.h>

enum { N = 256 };
size_t counts[N];

int main(void) {
// count characters
int ch = -1;
while((ch = getchar()) != EOF)

// print result
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < N; ++i)
if (counts[i])
printf("('%c' %zu) ", (int)i, counts[i]);
return 0;

Rewrite char frequency of string as comprehension

It is possible, but is inefficient:

text = "asampletextstring"

char_count = { char : text.count(char) for char in text }



{'s': 2, 'x': 1, 'p': 1, 'm': 1, 'e': 2, 'r': 1, 'n': 1, 'g': 1, 'a': 2, 'i': 1, 'l': 1, 't': 3}

You could write a shorter version of your code:

char_count = {}
for char in text:
char_count[char] = char_count.get(char, 0) + 1

counting the frequency of a letter in a string

is it a requirement that it be a list? I feel like a dictionary would be easier to handle

sentence = s.lower()
counts = { letter: sentence.count(letter) for letter in alpha }

this will print like:
{'a': 5, 'b': 2}

Most Frequent Character - User Submitted String without Dictionaries or Counters

Just do it "the old way". Create a list (okay it's a collection, but a very basic one so shouldn't be a problem) of 26 zeroes and increase according to position. Compute max index at the same time.

strin="lazy cat dog whatever"

for c in strin.lower():
pos = ord(c)-ord('a')
if 0<=pos<=25:
if l[pos]>maxvalue:
maxvalue = l[pos]

print("max count {} for letter {}".format(maxvalue,chr(maxindex+ord('a'))))


max count 3 for letter a

How to count the frequency of the two first letters in a word from a dictionary?

The code assumes that the input has one word per line without leading spaces and will count all words that start with two ASCII letters from 'a'..'z'. As the statement in the question is not fully clear, I further assume that the character encoding is ASCII or at least ASCII compatible. (The question states: "there are no accentuated latin characters and they are all accii lowercase")

If you want to include words that consist of only one letter or words that contain ', the calculation of the index values from the characters would be a bit more complicated. In this case I would add a function to calculate the index from the character value.
Also for non-ASCII letters the simple calculation of the array index would not work.

The program reads the input line by line without storing all lines, checks the input as defined above and converts the first two characters from range 'a'..'z' to index values in range 0..'z'-'a' to count the occurrence in a two-dimensional array.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main (void) {
char *line = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
ssize_t read;

/* Counter array, initialized with 0. The highest possible index will
* be 'z'-'a', so the size in each dimension is 1 more */
unsigned long count['z'-'a'+1]['z'-'a'+1] = {0};

FILE *fp = fopen("large", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
return 1;

while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1)
/* ignore short input */
if(read >= 2)
/* ignore other characters */
if((line[0] >= 'a') && (line[0] <= 'z') &&
(line[1] >= 'a') && (line[1] <= 'z'))
/* convert first 2 characters to array index range and count */

if (line)

/* example output */
for(int i = 'a'-'a'; i <= 'z'-'a'; i++)
for(int j = 'a'-'a'; j <= 'z'-'a'; j++)
/* only print combinations that actually occurred */
if(count[i][j] > 0)
printf("%c%c %lu\n", i+'a', j+'a', count[i][j]);

return 0;

The example input


results in

ba 2
fi 1
fo 3

Why is collections.Counter much slower than ''.count?

Counter() allows you to count any hashable objects, not just substrings. Both solutions are O(n)-time. Your measurements show that the overhead of iterating and hashing individual characters by Counter() is greater than running s.count() 4 times.

Counter() can use C helper to count elements but it seems it doesn't special case strings and uses general algorithm applicable for any other iterable i.e., processing a single character involves multiple Python C API calls to advance the iterator, get previous value (a lookup in the hash table), increment counter, set new value (a lookup in the hash table):

    while (1) {
key = PyIter_Next(it);
if (key == NULL)
oldval = PyObject_GetItem(mapping, key);
if (oldval == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_Occurred() || !PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_KeyError))
newval = one;
} else {
newval = PyNumber_Add(oldval, one);
if (newval == NULL)
if (PyObject_SetItem(mapping, key, newval) == -1)

Compare it to FASTSEARCH() overhead for bytestrings:

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (s[i] == p[0]) {
if (count == maxcount)
return maxcount;
return count;

Count word frequency without using count()

Please find below the issues with your current logic:

  • iterate on the return list you get after convert(sentence).

  • if you iterate on the sentence, it will take character count

Please find the code below with the corrections:

dict = {}

def convert(sentence):
return (sentence.split())

sentence = input("write something: ")

for item in convert(sentence):
if item not in dict:
dict[item] = 0
dict[item] += 1

counting duplicate words in python the fastest way

It's because of this:

if words in word_dict.keys():

.keys() returns a list of all the keys. Lists take linear time to scan, so your program was running in quadratic time!

Try this instead:

if words in word_dict:

Also, if you're interested, you can see the Counter implementation for yourself. It's written in regular Python.

Count the number of occurrences of a character in a string

str.count(sub[, start[, end]])

Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in the range [start, end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.

>>> sentence = 'Mary had a little lamb'
>>> sentence.count('a')

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