Python Eval: Is It Still Dangerous If I Disable Builtins and Attribute Access

Is my eval implementation completely safe?

No, your eval() implementation is not safe. Other objects can give access to the __builtins__ mapping too.

See eval is dangerous by Ned Batchelder for some examples.

For example, the following string can cause a segfault:

s = """
(lambda fc=(
lambda n: [
c for c in
if c.__name__ == n

Merely disallowing double underscores is not going to be enough, I fear. Some enterprising soul will find a method of re-combining double underscores in a creative way you didn't anticipate and you'll find yourself hacked anyway.

The ast.literal_eval() method uses AST parsing and custom handling of the parsetree to support built-in types. You could do the same to by adding support for 'safe' callables:

import ast

def literal_eval_with_callables(node_or_string, safe_callables=None):
if safe_callables is None:
safe_callables = {}
if isinstance(node_or_string, str):
node_or_string = ast.parse(node_or_string, mode='eval')
if isinstance(node_or_string, ast.Expression):
node_or_string = node_or_string.body
# Python 3.4 and up
const_test = lambda n: isinstance(n, ast.NameConstant)
const_extract = lambda n: n.value
except AttributeError:
# Everything before
_const_names = {'None': None, 'True': True, 'False': False}
const_test = lambda n: isinstance(n, ast.Name) and in _const_names
const_extract = lambda n: _const_names[]
def _convert(node):
if isinstance(node, (ast.Str, ast.Bytes)):
return node.s
elif isinstance(node, ast.Num):
return node.n
elif isinstance(node, ast.Tuple):
return tuple(map(_convert, node.elts))
elif isinstance(node, ast.List):
return list(map(_convert, node.elts))
elif isinstance(node, ast.Dict):
return dict((_convert(k), _convert(v)) for k, v
in zip(node.keys, node.values))
elif const_test(node):
return const_extract(node)
elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp) and \
isinstance(node.op, (ast.UAdd, ast.USub)) and \
isinstance(node.operand, (ast.Num, ast.UnaryOp, ast.BinOp)):
operand = _convert(node.operand)
if isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd):
return + operand
return - operand
elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp) and \
isinstance(node.op, (ast.Add, ast.Sub)) and \
isinstance(node.right, (ast.Num, ast.UnaryOp, ast.BinOp)) and \
isinstance(node.right.n, complex) and \
isinstance(node.left, (ast.Num, ast.UnaryOp, astBinOp)):
left = _convert(node.left)
right = _convert(node.right)
if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add):
return left + right
return left - right
elif isinstance(node, ast.Call) and \
isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and \ in safe_callables:
return safe_callables[](
*[_convert(n) for n in node.args],
**{kw.arg: _convert(kw.value) for kw in node.keywords})
raise ValueError('malformed string')
return _convert(node_or_string)

The above function adapts the implementation of ast.literal_eval() to add support for specific registered callables. Pass in a dictionary naming Fraction:

>>> import fractions
>>> safe_callables = {'Fraction': fractions.Fraction}
>>> literal_eval_with_callables('Fraction(1, denominator=2)', safe_callables)
Fraction(1, 2)

The above method whitelists rather than blacklists what will be handled. Calling Fraction is allowed, and directly controlled exactly what object will be called, for example.


>>> samples = '''\
... 2, -9, -35
... 4, -13, 3
... -6, 13, 5
... 5, -6, 6
... -2, 5, -3
... 4, 12, 9
... 0.5, 1, 1
... 1, -0.5, -0.5
... 0.25, Fraction(-1, 3), Fraction(1, 9)'''.splitlines()
>>> safe_callables = {'Fraction': fractions.Fraction}
>>> for line in samples:
... print(literal_eval_with_callables(line, safe_callables))
(2, -9, -35)
(4, -13, 3)
(-6, 13, 5)
(5, -6, 6)
(-2, 5, -3)
(4, 12, 9)
(0.5, 1, 1)
(1, -0.5, -0.5)
(0.25, Fraction(-1, 3), Fraction(1, 9))

The above should work on at least Python 3.3 and up, possibly earlier. Python 2 would require some more work to support unicode strings and not break on ast.Bytes.

Is it safe to use Python's eval() in a unit-test for __repr__?

eval is said to be evil because when you eval a string that has been provided by a user, you implicitely allow them to execute arbitrary code.

By here you are using a hard coded string. To be able to execute arbitrary code, an attacker would have to modify the test code or the __repr__ one. In either case that means that they would already have the possibility to execute arbitrary code, regardless of your use of eval.

So my opinion is that there is not security problem with using eval here. At most, you could add a comment for future readers explaining that you have examined that usage and decided that it added no security risk.

Is there a way to secure strings for Python's eval?

Here you have a working "exploit" with your restrictions in place - only contains lower case ascii chars or any of the signs +-*/() .
It relies on a 2nd eval layer.

def mask_code( python_code ):
s="+".join(["chr("+str(ord(i))+")" for i in python_code])
return "eval("+s+")"

masked= mask_code( bad_code )
print masked
print eval(bad_code)



This is a very trivial "exploit". I'm sure there's countless others, even with further character restrictions.
It bears repeating that one should always use a parser or ast.literal_eval(). Only by parsing the tokens can one be sure the string is safe to evaluate. Anything else is betting against the house.

Python: make eval safe

are eval's security issues fixable or
are there just too many tiny details
to get it working right?

Definitely the latter -- a clever hacker will always manage to find a way around your precautions.

If you're satisfied with plain expressions using elementary-type literals only, use ast.literal_eval -- that's what it's for! For anything fancier, I recommend a parsing package, such as ply if you're familiar and comfortable with the classic lexx/yacc approach, or pyparsing for a possibly more Pythonic approach.

How `eval()` is not 'dangerous' in this example

The code is not safe in the slightest. It's relatively easy to get access to the builtins module just by accessing attributes of literals.


result = eval("""[klass for klass in ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()
if klass.__name__ == "BuiltinImporter"][0].load_module("builtins")""",
assert result is __builtins__

Broken down:

  • ''.__class__.__base__ is shorthand for object
  • object.__subclasses__() lists all the subclasses of object in the interpreter (this includes classes used by the import machinery
  • [klass for klass in ... if klass.__name__ == "BuiltinImporter"][0] -- select the BuiltinImporter class.
  • load_module("builtins") use the BuiltinImporter to get access to the builtins module -- the very thing you were trying to restrict access to.

Python eval error

From the builtins docs:

The value of __builtins__ is normally either this module [builtins] or the value of this module's __dict__ attribute

To fix your error:

>>> print(eval('x+1',{'__builtins__': {'x': x}}))

To specify a few built-in methods, provide it to __builtins__

>>> print(eval('min(1,2)',{'__builtins__': {'min': min}}))

However, limiting __builtins__ is still not safe: see

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