Python Binomial Coefficient

Python Binomial Coefficient

This question is old but as it comes up high on search results I will point out that scipy has two functions for computing the binomial coefficients:

  1. scipy.special.binom()
  2. scipy.special.comb()

    import scipy.special

    # the two give the same results
    scipy.special.binom(10, 5)
    # 252.0
    scipy.special.comb(10, 5)
    # 252.0

    scipy.special.binom(300, 150)
    # 9.375970277281882e+88
    scipy.special.comb(300, 150)
    # 9.375970277281882e+88

    # ...but with `exact == True`
    scipy.special.comb(10, 5, exact=True)
    # 252
    scipy.special.comb(300, 150, exact=True)
    # 393759702772827452793193754439064084879232655700081358920472352712975170021839591675861424

Note that scipy.special.comb(exact=True) uses Python integers, and therefore it can handle arbitrarily large results!

Speed-wise, the three versions give somewhat different results:

num = 300

%timeit [[scipy.special.binom(n, k) for k in range(n + 1)] for n in range(num)]
# 52.9 ms ± 107 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

%timeit [[scipy.special.comb(n, k) for k in range(n + 1)] for n in range(num)]
# 183 ms ± 814 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)each)

%timeit [[scipy.special.comb(n, k, exact=True) for k in range(n + 1)] for n in range(num)]
# 180 ms ± 649 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

(and for n = 300, the binomial coefficients are too large to be represented correctly using float64 numbers, as shown above).

printing binomial coefficient using numpy

You may want to use: scipy.special.binom()

or, since Python 3.8: math.comb()


I am not quite sure why you would not want to use SciPy but you are OK with NumPy, as SciPy is a well-established library from essentially the same folks developing NumPy.

Anyway, here a couple of other methods:

  • using math.factorial:
import math

def binom(n, k):
return math.factorial(n) // math.factorial(k) // math.factorial(n - k)
  • using prod() and math.factorial() (theoretically more efficient, but not in practice):
def prod(items, start=1):
for item in items:
start *= item
return start

def binom_simplified(n, k):
if k > n - k:
return prod(range(k + 1, n + 1)) // math.factorial(n - k)
return prod(range(n - k + 1, n + 1)) // math.factorial(k)
  • using
import numpy as np

def binom_np(n, k):
return 1 if k == 0 or k == n else[(n + 1 - i) / i for i in range(1, k + 1)])

Speed-wise, scipy.special.binom() is the fastest by far and large, but if you need the exact value also for very large numbers, you may prefer binom() (somewhat surprisingly even over math.comb()).

%timeit scipy.special.binom(600, 298)
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.56 µs per loop
print(scipy.special.binom(600, 298))
# 1.3332140543730587e+179

%timeit math.comb(600, 298)
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 75.6 µs per loop
print(math.binom(600, 298))
# 133321405437268991724586879878020905773601074858558174180536459530557427686938822154484588609548964189291743543415057988154692680263088796451884071926401665548516571367537285901600

%timeit binom(600, 298)
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 36.5 µs per loop
print(binom(600, 298))
# 133321405437268991724586879878020905773601074858558174180536459530557427686938822154484588609548964189291743543415057988154692680263088796451884071926401665548516571367537285901600

%timeit binom_np(600, 298)
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 45.8 µs per loop
print(binom_np(600, 298))
# 1.3332140543726893e+179

%timeit binom_simplified(600, 298)
# 10000 loops, best of 3: 41.9 µs per loop
print(binom_simplified(600, 298))
# 133321405437268991724586879878020905773601074858558174180536459530557427686938822154484588609548964189291743543415057988154692680263088796451884071926401665548516571367537285901600

How to perform binomial-coefficient and factorial calculation with more precision?

The problem is that you have exact=False in the factorial.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from decimal import *
>>> import scipy.special
>>> from scipy.special import factorial
>>> getcontext().prec = 30
>>> i = 500
>>> sum(np.array([scipy.special.comb(Decimal(i), (r), exact=True)*pow(-1, r)/Decimal(factorial(r, exact=False)) for r in range(i+1)]))
>>> sum(np.array([scipy.special.comb(Decimal(i), (r), exact=True)*pow(-1, r)/Decimal(factorial(r, exact=True)) for r in range(i+1)]))

Python: print out the combinations of heads and tails based on binomial coefficient

Here's a straightforward solution using itertools.combinations:

from itertools import combinations

def coin_flips(n, k):
for c in combinations(range(n), k):
out = ['H'] * n
for i in c: out[i] = 'T'
yield tuple(out)


>>> for c in coin_flips(3, 2):
... print(c)
('T', 'T', 'H')
('T', 'H', 'T')
('H', 'T', 'T')

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