Print a List of Space-Separated Elements

printing list of lists in python with space delimited text

You have a list of tuples. Try

for s in surfaceList:
print("The vertex are {0}".format(" ".join(str(x) for x in s)))
  1. The for loop allows you to print every tuple in its own line (there are other ways but I find this one more readable than others).

  2. The .join together with the comprehension (to convert int values inside the tuples to str) formats your tuple such that every value is separated by a space. The {0} inside the format string is a placeholde that designates it will be replaced by the first (index 0) argument of the .format() call.

  3. The .format() concatenates the text (The vertex are...) and the space separated values.

numbers string of list separated with space in Python

You can split on a tab \t to get 2 parts. Then split the second part on a space to get all the numbers.

strings = [
"04/10/2000 02 75 30 54 86",
"04/16/2000 63 63 48 32 12",
"04/15/2000 36 47 68 09 40",
"04/14/2000 06 27 31 36 43",
"04/13/2000 03 08 41 60 87"

numbers = list()
numberlist = list()

for s in strings:
lst = s.rstrip().split("\t")
if len(lst) > 1:
lst = lst[1].split(" ")
for n in lst:



['02', '75', '30', '54', '86', '63', '63', '48', '32', '12', '36', '47', '68', '09', '40', '06', '27', '31', '36', '43', '03', '08', '41', '60', '87']
[['02', '75', '30', '54', '86'], ['63', '63', '48', '32', '12'], ['36', '47', '68', '09', '40'], ['06', '27', '31', '36', '43'], ['03', '08', '41', '60', '87']]

Python demo

Printing the elements of list inline

NOTE: If you just need to "convert" a list of integers into a string of space-separated numbers, you just need to use list.join(" "). I understand you just practice regex and hence is my regex answer below.

You need to pass a RegExp compiled object to the .replaceAll to actually use a regex. Also, you need to use a raw string literal, or you will have to double your backslashes.

You can use

print(list.toString().replaceAll(new RegExp(r'^\[|,|\]'), ''));

Output: 4 1 8 3.

Note your regex is equal to ^\[|[,\]] that matches a [ at the start of string, or a comma or ] anywhere inside a string. You probably wanted to match ] only at the end of string, ^\[|,|]$.

Printing a list of list as columns with an equal amount of space inbetween

Something like this:

sample_list = [['1','22222222222222222','333'],

Alternative 1:

# Store max lengths
l = [len(max(i, key=len)) for i in zip(*sample_list)]

for item in sample_list:
for idx in range(len(l)):
print(item[idx].ljust(l[idx]), end=' ')

Alternative 2 (less readable but no artifacts)

# Store max lengths
l = [len(max(i, key=len)) for i in zip(*sample_list)]

print('\n'.join(' '.join(item[i].ljust(l[i]) for i in range(len(l)))
for item in sample_list))

Alternative 1 (python2):

# Store max lengths
l = [len(max(i, key=len)) for i in zip(*sample_list)]

for item in sample_list:
for idx in range(len(l)):
print item[idx].ljust(l[idx]), "",

1          22222222222222222  333  
111111111 2 3
1 2 3

How do I convert a list into a string with spaces in Python?

" ".join(my_list)

You need to join with a space, not an empty string.

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