Permission Denied When Executing Python File in Linux

Permission denied when i try to execute a python script from bash?

You need to add execute permissions like so:

chmod u+x

This assumes that the script is owned by you. If it isn't, you might need to change the group/other execute permissions or chown the file as appropriate.

Python gets 'permission denied' to a file in Linux

Whoever is the user running the python script seems to be lacking the permissions to access the directory - see if using chown to set the owner of the directory solves your problem.

For example: 'sudo chown -R someuser /path/to/the/directory'

"-R"option means the owner is set to the directory and all content in it

On CentOS and RHEL like systems you might need to set SE Linux context to allow writing to the specific directory. To temporarily disable SE Linux to check if it's a SE Linux problem, type 'sudo setenforce 0' (applicable only with systems with SE Linux, like RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Oracle Linux, SUSE, OpenSUSE, and others).

python: Permission denied

Just an idea, but have you tried running as sudo? e.g.

sudo python3

If this works it would probably be because you are trying to start preprocesses and that may be the thing upsetting your computer.

Linux-Debian: How to solve “[Errno 13] – Permission denied“ when starting Python-script through rc.local?

So I just had time to test the new solution using an absolute path. And it worked!

Here is the new code:

import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join

dateiPfad = "/test_csv/"

filenames = [f for f in listdir(dateiPfad) if isfile(join(dateiPfad, f))]

i = 0

# Iterates through files found
for file in range(len(filenames)):

i = i + 1

#with open('text'+str(i)+'.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('/test_csv/text'+str(i)+'.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write('Create a new text file!')

Many thanks for your help! :-)

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