Pandas Groupby.Apply Method Duplicates First Group

Pandas GroupBy.apply method duplicates first group

This is by design, as described here and here

The apply function needs to know the shape of the returned data to intelligently figure out how it will be combined. To do this it calls the function (checkit in your case) twice to achieve this.

Depending on your actual use case, you can replace the call to apply with aggregate, transform or filter, as described in detail here. These functions require the return value to be a particular shape, and so don't call the function twice.

However - if the function you are calling does not have side-effects, it most likely does not matter that the function is being called twice on the first value.

why does groupby function returns duplicated data

DataFrame.groupby.apply evaluates the first group twice to determine whether a fast path for calculation can be followed for the remaining groups. This behavior has changed in recent versions of pandas as discussed here

Groupby and take first value without losing any value in a column

I came up with a solution. I'm using groupby and then check for each group if I actually want to deduplicate it or not. It seems highly inefficient but it does the trick. If someone can come up with a better solution, I will gladly accept it.

First, we add columns to count the number of unique IDs per group, and columns containing a boolean indicating if for each row, there is an ID or not.
And lastly, a count of number of IDs per row (useful for sorting the dataframe later).

df["first_id_count"] = df.groupby(["name", "city"])["my_first_id"].transform('nunique')
df["second_id_count"] = df.groupby(["name", "city"])["my_second_id"].transform('nunique')

def check_if_id_is_present(x):
if not(pd.isnull(x)):
return True
return False
return False

df["my_first_id_present"] = df["my_first_id"].apply(check_if_id_is_present)
df["my_second_id_present"] = df["my_second_id"].apply(check_if_id_is_present)

def create_count_ids_per_row(x):
count = 0
if not(pd.isnull(x[0])):
count += 1
if not(pd.isnull(x[1])):
count += 1
return count
return 0

df["ids_count"] = df[["my_first_id", "my_second_id"]].apply(create_count_ids_per_row, axis=1)

Then, we can start the groupby and iterate over each group.

df_final = pd.DataFrame()
ids_to_deduplicate = ["first_id_count", "second_id_count"]
ids_present = ["my_first_id_present", "my_second_id_present"]

for name, group in grouped:
if group["first_id_count"].iloc[0] < 2 and group["second_id_count"].iloc[0] < 2:
# if there are strictly less than 2 unique ids of my_first_id and my_second_id
# then we can safely deduplicate and add to the final dataframe
df_final = pd.concat([df_final, group.groupby(["name", "city"]).first().reset_index()])
# if not, we have to separate the dataframe into 2
# one we want to deduplicate
# one we shouldn't touch
df_duplicate = group.copy()
# first, we sort by the number of ids per row
df_duplicate = df_duplicate.sort_values(by=["ids_count"], ascending=False)
# and reset the index, for ease of use
df_duplicate = df_duplicate.drop("index", axis=1)

# rows we want to deduplicate
rows_to_deduplicate = []
# rows we want to keep
rows_to_keep = []
# create a list with flags for each id column
flags_list = [False]*len(ids_to_deduplicate)
for idx in df_duplicate.index:
flag = False
# first, we check if one of our flags is set to True at the same time as our row in df_duplicate
# in this case, it means that we already have a row with an id, and we have have another row with another id
# so we want to keep this row to not lose any information
for idx_id, my_id in enumerate(ids_to_deduplicate):
if flags_list[idx_id] and df_duplicate.loc[idx, ids_present[idx_id]]:
# we add it to the rows to keep
flag = True
if flag:
# now, we know that we want to deduplicate this row, otherwise we would have flaged this row
for idx_id, my_id in enumerate(ids_to_deduplicate):
if not(flags_list[idx_id]) and df_duplicate.loc[idx, ids_present[idx_id]]:
# we add it to the rows to deduplicate
# we have to add to the flags_list all the according booleans
# there can be several ids on a row so we have to make a for loop
for idx_id_temp, id_to_check in enumerate(ids_to_deduplicate):
if df_duplicate.loc[idx, ids_present[idx_id_temp]]:
flags_list[idx_id_temp] = True

# now we have our 2 separate dataframes
df_duplicate_keep = df_duplicate.loc[rows_to_keep].copy()
df_duplicate_deduplicate = df_duplicate.loc[rows_to_deduplicate].copy()

# we can keep one, and deduplicate the other and concatenate the result
df_final_duplicate = pd.concat([df_duplicate_keep, df_duplicate_deduplicate.groupby(["name", "city"]).first().reset_index()])

# and add the result to our final dataframe
df_final = pd.concat([df_final, df_final_duplicate])

And to clean our mess:

df_final = df_final.drop("ids_count", axis=1)
for col in ids_to_deduplicate:
df_final = df_final.drop(col, axis=1)
for col in ids_present:
df_final = df_final.drop(col, axis=1)

And we have the desired output.

Again, this seems really ugly, so if anyone has a better solution, feel free to share.

why groupby.apply return duplicate level

The first one is the groupby 'date'. The second one is the index 'date'.

changing things around - this time groupby stock:

df       = df.set_index(['date','stock'])
agroupDf = df.groupby(level='stock')


price score
stock date stock
AAPL 2015-05-05 AAPL 9.333143 0
2015-05-06 AAPL 9.680022 1
2015-05-07 AAPL 9.870889 2
GOOG 2015-05-06 GOOG 10.030032 0
2015-05-05 GOOG 10.229084 1
2015-05-07 GOOG 10.571631 2
YHOO 2015-05-07 YHOO 9.996925 0
2015-05-05 YHOO 10.342180 1
2015-05-06 YHOO 10.586120 2

I think you want this:

df       = df.set_index('stock')
agroupDf = df.groupby('date')


price score
date stock
2015-05-05 AAPL 10.414396 0
GOOG 12.608225 1
YHOO 12.830496 2
2015-05-06 AAPL 10.428767 0
GOOG 11.189663 1
YHOO 11.988177 2
2015-05-07 YHOO 11.202677 0
AAPL 11.274440 1
GOOG 11.780654 2

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