Package Libffi Was Not Found in the Pkg-Config Search Path Redhat6.5

can't install cffi on fedora23 workstation

As pointed out in the comments by Tom, you have to install some dependencies before you can compile cffi. However, libffi-devel alone wasn't enough in my case, redhat-hardened-cc1 as part of redhat-rpm-config was also required. You can install them with

sudo dnf install libffi-devel redhat-rpm-config

Now you can run pip3 install cffi again and it should all compile.

Python setup does not find correctly installed module using pkg-config

To guide Python to the right place, you may need to tinker with PYTHONPATH: (Editing because link is broken).

PYTHONPATH sets the search path for importing python modules:

PYTHONPATH Augment the default search path for module files. The format is
the same as the shell’s PATH: one or more directory pathnames separated by
os.pathsep (e.g. colons on Unix or semicolons on Windows). Non-existent
directories are silently ignored.

In addition to normal directories, individual PYTHONPATH entries may refer
to zipfiles containing pure Python modules (in either source or compiled
form). Extension modules cannot be imported from zipfiles.

The default search path is installation dependent, but generally begins with
prefix/lib/pythonversion (see PYTHONHOME above). It is always appended to

An additional directory will be inserted in the search path in front of
PYTHONPATH as described above under Interface options. The search path can
be manipulated from within a Python program as the variable sys.path.

To set the variable, either specify it when you run your python script:

PYTHONPATH=/blah/whatever/ python somecommand

Or export it to your Bash environment:

export PYTHONPATH=/blah/whatever/

Install pycairo in virtualenv

Good news, everyone!

I just released cairocffi:

It’s a replacement for pycairo that installs with pip in a virtualenv, runs on Python 2 and 3, as well as PyPy.

pip install cairocffi

In your code:

import cairocffi as cairo
# Enjoy the same API as Pycairo.

Feedback welcome. (Although the issue tracker might be a better channel than here.)

Linux glib needs pkg-config and pkg-config needs glib?

As you have already observed, there is indeed a circular dependency between pkg-config and glib. To break it, pkg-config's source code includes a version of glib, which is enough to compile it. This should break the dependency cycle.

Try configuring pkg-config with --with-internal-glib.

Installation of pywinrm module on RHEL 6 with Python 2.6 does not proceed due to cryptography. It points to cffi

Python2.6 is depreciated and no longer maintained. Try upgrading it to latest version

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