Numpy Is Already Installed with Anaconda But I Get an Importerror (Dll Load Failed: the Specified Module Could Not Be Found)

Error importing numpy from Anaconda, using conda (DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found)

Very clear discussion of what went wrong can be found in the bug-report on GitHub:

Summarized, using PyCharm with an unactivated environment is unsupported. So either use anaconda prompt, activate your environment and launch PyCharm from there, or re-install anaconda/mini-conda with the option "add-to-path" checked

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found in VS code Jupyter notebook with anaconda environment

Posting the answer if anyone is stuck on the same issue. After trying the two above-mentioned steps. I have opened the terminal in VS code and activated my environment

conda activate myenv

Next run

>code .

in the VS code's terminal. If it does not work close VS code and repeat this step.

If the issue still persists then

  1. Open anaconda prompt.
  2. Change the directory to location where jupyter notebook is preset.
  3. execute code .
  4. Try running the import statement now.


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