Making a Discord Bot Change Playing Status Every 10 Seconds

How do I make my Discord bot change status every 10 seconds?

Edited for users on v12 which now uses bot instead of client

    const activities = [
"with the &help command.",
"with the developers console.",
"with some code.",
"with JavaScript."

bot.on("ready", () => {
// run every 10 seconds
setInterval(() => {
// generate random number between 1 and list length.
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (activities.length - 1) + 1);
const newActivity = activities[randomIndex];

}, 10000);

How to make my discord bot status change every 10 seconds?

Fist you need to create a list of activities. I will call it Activities_List. Note you can call it anything you would like. You can also add as many as you would like.

const activities_list = [
"Activitie One",
"Activitie Two",
"Activitie Three",

Then we would create the timer that changes the activity ever 60 sec. This will also pick one of the activities we have set in the activities list and display it.

client.on('ready', () => {
setInterval(() => {
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (activities_list.length - 1) + 1);
client.user.setActivity(activities_list[index], {type: 'WATCHING'});
}, 60000);

You can always change the 60000 out for 10000 which is ten seconds.

Making a discord bot change playing status every 10 seconds

Threading and asyncio don't play nice together unfortunately. You need to jump through extra hoops to await coroutines inside threads. The simplest solution is to just not use threading.

What you are trying to do is wait a duration and then run a coroutine. This can be done with a background task (example)

async def status_task():
while True:
await test_bot.change_presence(...)
await asyncio.sleep(10)
await test_bot.change_presence(...)
await asyncio.sleep(10)

async def on_ready():

You cannot use time.sleep() as this will block the execution of the bot. asyncio.sleep() though is a coroutine like everything else and as such is non-blocking.

Lastly, the @client.event decorator should only be used on functions the bot recognises as events. Such as on_ready and on_message.

How can I make my Discord bot change its status every 10 seconds or so? (Including things like "Listening to", "Playing" and "Watching")

I guess you have a problem with the quotation in an array, try this:

let randomType = activityTypes[Math.floor((Math.random()*activityTypes.length))]

setInterval(async ()=>{
await client.user.setActivity('Your text here.', { type: randomType })

But keep in mind, 10 seconds will probably hit the discord API rate limit.

How do I make my Discord bot change status auto

I pasted your code and it totally worked as expected, a little thing: The setInterval function waits before executing, means in your case: it waits 10 seconds and only after that it sets the status the first time, so you might want to change your code a little bit so that it already sets a status when starting and not after the first interval is over:

const actvs = [
"with the &help command.",
"with the developers console",
"with some code",
"with JavaScript"

client.on('ready', () => {
client.user.setActivity(actvs[Math.floor(Math.random() * (actvs.length - 1) + 1)]);
setInterval(() => {
client.user.setActivity(actvs[Math.floor(Math.random() * (actvs.length - 1) + 1)]);
}, 10000);

Edit: My Discord.js version is v11.5.1, it is different in v12. Here is a link to the docs for v12

Discord.js Bot Status

Note: This code is for Discord.js V13.3.1

For a rotating status, as you would describe, you would do this by placing some code in the ready event that changes the status after a set period of time. This will require the util package which can be installed using:

  • npm: npm install util
  • yarn: yarn install util

Once you have the package installed, you will create a function called wait. It's a simple way to wait without blocking the rest of the script.

const wait = require('util').promisify(setTimeout);

This function will serve our primary purpose, making the delay between switching the statuses. Then, we will use setInterval to continuously loop between the statuses.

<Client>.on('ready', async () => {
// ...
setInterval(async () => {
client.user.setPresence({ activities: [{ name: `Status1`, type: `PLAYING` }] });
await wait(5000); // Wait 5 seconds
client.user.setPresence({ activities: [{ name: `Status2`, type: `PLAYING` }] });
await wait(5000); // Wait 5 seconds

As you can see, there are two line that repeat themselves. That is: <Client>.user.setPresence(...) and await wait(5000). The wait function will block the status from updating itself too early. You can edit the amount of time set by converting the seconds to milliseconds (5 seconds becomes 5000). The other portion sets the bot's status. The type shows what the bot is doing. The valid values for this are found in the docs. You can simply copy and paste the two lines and add more statuses as needed.

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