Live Output from Subprocess Command

live output from subprocess command

TLDR for Python 3:

import subprocess
import sys

with open("test.log", "wb") as f:
process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for c in iter(lambda:, b""):

You have two ways of doing this, either by creating an iterator from the read or readline functions and do:

import subprocess
import sys

# replace "w" with "wb" for Python 3
with open("test.log", "w") as f:
process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# replace "" with b'' for Python 3
for c in iter(lambda:, ""):


import subprocess
import sys

# replace "w" with "wb" for Python 3
with open("test.log", "w") as f:
process = subprocess.Popen(your_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# replace "" with b"" for Python 3
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ""):

Or you can create a reader and a writer file. Pass the writer to the Popen and read from the reader

import io
import time
import subprocess
import sys

filename = "test.log"
with, "wb") as writer,, "rb", 1) as reader:
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=writer)
while process.poll() is None:
# Read the remaining

This way you will have the data written in the test.log as well as on the standard output.

The only advantage of the file approach is that your code doesn't block. So you can do whatever you want in the meantime and read whenever you want from the reader in a non-blocking way. When you use PIPE, read and readline functions will block until either one character is written to the pipe or a line is written to the pipe respectively.

How to get live output with subprocess in Python

There are three layers of buffering here, and you need to limit all three of them to guarantee you get live data:

  1. Use the stdbuf command (on Linux) to wrap the subprocess execution (e.g. run ['stdbuf', '-oL'] + cmd instead of just cmd), or (if you have the ability to do so) alter the program itself to either explicitly change the buffering on stdout (e.g. using setvbuf for C/C++ code to switch stdout globally to line-buffered mode, rather than the default block buffering it uses when outputting to a non-tty) or to insert flush statements after critical output (e.g. fflush(stdout); for C/C++, fileobj.flush() for Python, etc.) the buffering of the program to line-oriented mode (or add fflushs); without that, everything is stuck in user-mode buffers of the sub-process.

  2. Add bufsize=0 to the Popen arguments (probably not needed since you don't send anything to stdin, but harmless) so it unbuffers all piped handles. If the Popen is in text=True mode, switch to bufsize=1 (which is line-buffered, rather than unbuffered).

  3. Add flush=True to the print arguments (if you're connected to a terminal, the line-buffering will flush it for you, so it's only if stdout is piped to a file that this will matter), or explicitly call sys.stdout.flush().

Between the three of these, you should be able to guarantee no data is stuck waiting in user-mode buffers; if at least one line has been output by the sub-process, it will reach you immediately, and any output triggered by it will also appear immediately. Item #1 is the hardest in most cases (when you can't use stdbuf, or the process reconfigures its own buffering internally and undoes the effect of stdbuf, and you can't modify the process executable to fix it); you have complete control over #2 and #3, but #1 may be outside your control.

Live output status from subprocess command Python

From this answer:

The difference between check_output and Popen is that, while popen is a non-blocking function (meaning you can continue the execution of the program without waiting the call to finish), check_output is blocking.

Meaning if you are using subprocess.check_output(), you cannot have a live output.

Try switching to Popen().

Live-output / stream from Python subprocess

Had some problems referencing the selected answer for streaming output from a test runner. The following worked better for me:

import subprocess
from time import sleep

def stream_process(process):
go = process.poll() is None
for line in process.stdout:
return go

process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
while stream_process(process):

Getting realtime output using subprocess

I tried this, and for some reason while the code

for line in p.stdout:

buffers aggressively, the variant

while True:
line = p.stdout.readline()
if not line: break

does not. Apparently this is a known bug: (The issue is now "Closed" as of Aug 29, 2018)

Live output status from subprocess command Error:I/o operation on closed file Python

You get this error due to the stdout file descriptor has already been closed when you want to iterate on it. I have written a working version. This implementation can provide the output of the called command in real-time.


import sys
import subprocess

cmd = 'netstat -nlpt | grep "java" | grep -v tcp6'

result1 = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True

while True:
out =
if out == "" and result1.poll() is not None:
if out != "":


>>> python3
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 239519/java
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 239519/java

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