How to Switch Columns Rows in a Pandas Dataframe

How to switch columns rows in a pandas dataframe

You can use df = df.T to transpose the dataframe. This switches the dataframe round so that the rows become columns.

You could also use pd.DataFrame.transpose().

How to transpose/pivot and group columns to rows in Pandas Dataframe?

Try this:

res = (df.melt(id_vars='Date', var_name='Sales_Type',value_name='Sales')


Date Sales_Type Sales
0 date1 Sales1 1.1
1 date1 Sales2 1.2
2 date1 Sales3 1.3
3 date2 Sales1 2.1
4 date2 Sales2 2.2
5 date2 Sales3 2.3
6 date3 Sales1 3.1
7 date3 Sales2 3.2
8 date3 Sales3 3.3

How to transpose dataframe columns into rows in pandas

use melt:


older versions of Pandas:

pd.melt(df, id_vars=['country','year','perc'])


  country  year perc variable  value
0 IN 2015 hjk data1 75
1 US 2015 KTM data1 100
2 IN 2015 hjk data2 81
3 US 2015 KTM data2 289
4 IN 2015 hjk data3 96
5 US 2015 KTM data3 632

Option #2



  country  year perc level_3    0
0 IN 2015 hjk data1 75
1 IN 2015 hjk data2 81
2 IN 2015 hjk data3 96
3 US 2015 KTM data1 100
4 US 2015 KTM data2 289
5 US 2015 KTM data3 632

move column in pandas dataframe

You can rearrange columns directly by specifying their order:

df = df[['a', 'y', 'b', 'x']]

In the case of larger dataframes where the column titles are dynamic, you can use a list comprehension to select every column not in your target set and then append the target set to the end.

>>> df[[c for c in df if c not in ['b', 'x']] 
+ ['b', 'x']]
a y b x
0 1 -1 2 3
1 2 -2 4 6
2 3 -3 6 9
3 4 -4 8 12

To make it more bullet proof, you can ensure that your target columns are indeed in the dataframe:

cols_at_end = ['b', 'x']
df = df[[c for c in df if c not in cols_at_end]
+ [c for c in cols_at_end if c in df]]

Pandas: How can I move certain columns into rows?

You can form two dataframe using pd.melt first and combine it back to become one dataframe.

df1 = df.melt(id_vars=['uid', 'location'], value_vars=['unit1_price', 'unit2_price', 'unit3_price'],var_name='unit',value_name='price')

df2 = df.melt(id_vars=['uid', 'location'], value_vars=['unit1_vol', 'unit2_vol', 'unit3_vol'],var_name='unit', value_name="volume")

ddf = pd.concat([df1,df2['volume']],axis=1).sort_values(by=['uid','unit'],ignore_index=True)


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